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Once-off tabletop modules at the weekly games evening 1 confluence 10 years
2015 demo day? Summer school? 1 IamJacksUsername 10 years
Is there going to be a Dragonfire 2014? 4 hodgestar 10 years
LARP on the 22nd of February: "A Falling Out" (a.k.a. "Bunker") 2 confluence 11 years
LARP on the 15th of February: "Call of the Beast" 1 confluence 11 years
2012 links on Dragonfire2013 page's footer. 2 hodgestar 11 years
Last-minute Dragonfire module-writing workshop: 18th of May 1 confluence 11 years
LARP on the 18th of May: "Of Earth & Heaven" 1 confluence 11 years
LARP on Saturday the 16th of March: "The Fountain of Youth" 1 confluence 12 years
LARP RESCHEDULED: "The Fountain of Youth" 1 confluence 12 years
LARP on Saturday the 9th of February: "Celebrity!" 1 confluence 12 years
Looking for RPG group near CBD 4 ironiclogic 12 years
LARP on the 26th of December: "Grove of Fallen Leaves" 1 confluence 12 years
LARP playtest on the 21st of July: "Colony" 1 confluence 12 years
RPG books for sale (and for free) 5 confluence 12 years
GURPS players 1 jeicher 12 years
D&D 3.5 campaign, need some more ppl 1 wavecycle 12 years
This Wednesday: V:tES, "The Curse of the Jet Abacus" and anything else you bring 1 confluence 12 years
LARP on the 17th of March: "High Seas" 1 confluence 13 years
Call for old CLAWs modules 1 confluence 13 years
LARP in May: "The Last Days of Winter" 1 confluence 13 years
LARP on the 25th of February: "Betrothals and Betrayals" (the second running!) 1 confluence 13 years
Orientation LARPs: "Hungover in the Hyades" and "Betrothals and Betrayals" 1 confluence 13 years
Module on Wednesday the 5th of October: "Four from Edo" 1 confluence 13 years
LARP on Saturday the 15th of October: "Lenore" 1 confluence 13 years
Module on Wednesday the 7th of September: "The Curse of the Jet Abacus" 1 confluence 13 years
LARP on the 24th of September: "An Attack of the Vapours" 1 confluence 13 years
LARP playtest on the 30th of July: "The Nineteen-Year Winter" 1 confluence 13 years
The Dead Ones - Vampire: The Requiem 1 SnowPrak 13 years
LARP on the 25th of June: "The Fountain of Youth" 1 confluence 13 years


Main Theme Topics Posts
Tabletop RPGs – Traditional pencil & paper RPGs -37 278
LARPs – Live Action Roleplaying Games 33 76
Events – Organised Gatherings of Folk 24 86
Wargames and Boardgames – Tiny painted people with weapons, and related pursuits 7 79
Card Games – Collectible and non- 5 28
Media – CLAWmarks, posters, macaroni art 10 33
About this forum – Discussing the CLAWs Forum - Suggestions, Complaints, etc. 9 120
CLAWs Tech – Technical dicussion related to the wiki, mailing lists, IRC, etc. 11 46
Cthfuchsia – Anything else 12 92
The PBF game – The as-yet-unnamed play-by-forum game 3 68