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LARP playtest on the 21st of July: "Colony"

(1 post)
  • Started 12 years ago by confluence
  1. Hello, everyone

    On Saturday the 21st of July, I will be playtesting my Dragonfire LARP, "Colony". It's a near-future science fiction horror LARP. Here is a draft blurb:


    The Glimmer colony was supposed to bring hope to a polluted, overcrowded Earth. Three hundred brave volunteers were sent in cryosleep to a new planet, to set up a terraforming project and open a gate back home—but something has gone terribly wrong. The Dromedaris has disintegrated while entering the planet's atmosphere, scattering its cargo over kilometres of rain-blasted grassland.

    The skeleton crew has established contact with a handful of colonists—together, they have done their best to salvage resources and continue their work, despite the catastrophic setback. A scientific base has been set up in the remains of a habitation module. Now, a week after the crash, it has received a brief, disturbing communication from the captain: the crew has been forced to destroy and evacuate the command module following hostile action by an unspecified enemy.

    The survivors are on their way—and something is following them.


    Mail me (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) if you would like to be in the playtest! Preference will be given to experienced LARPers, committee members and people who won't be able to make it to Dragonfire.

    The venue will be announced later. It will probably be on campus. The cost will probably be R20, and briefing will start at the usual time, 18:00.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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