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LARP on Saturday the 9th of February: "Celebrity!"

(1 post)
  • Started 12 years ago by confluence
  1. Hello, everyone

    On the 9th, we will be running our first orientation LARP, Patrick Schreiber's "Celebrity!"

    It's an 80s soap opera LARP set at the launch party of a fashion label. There's a blurb below.

    * Venue: Kramer 2A/2B on middle campus
    * Cost: R30 (first-time LARPers play for free)
    * Time: briefings start at 18:00

    "Celebrity!" is a LARP set at a party, and it works better when there are extras wandering around playing random party guests. So if you have played before and kind of remember the LARP but not really, please sign up as an extra! This is also a good time to get all your LARP-curious newbie friends to try out LARPing without too much pressure.

    Email me (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) if you would like to sign up.


    From Fashion Weekly:
    House of Chapples Launches Spring Collection
    By Misty Spikes

    Windsor Chapples has announced that the latest spring fashions from The House of Chapples will launch this Wednesday evening. Serge Styles, head designer at the House of Chapples, has never been at the cutting edge of fashion but his designs are passable and this reporter is interested in seeing what is on offer.

    Despite the possibility of a totally pedestrian performance from Styles the party after the show promises to be the blow-out of the year. With the who’s who of the New York fashion industry in attendance it promises to be a lavish event. Windsor Chapples is handing out invitations as I’m writing this, so do whatever you can to snag one of them if you want to be there.

    For those of you not fortunate enough to crack the nod, never fear, you’ll be able to read all about the Stars, the Styles and the Gossip in my column on Thursday right here in Fashion Weekly.


    Windsor Chapples
    cordially invites you to join him for the launch of
    The House of Chapples Spring Collection.

    Venue: Chapples House, Madison Ave, New York
    Date: 11 February 2009
    Time: 19:00

    The launch will be followed by a cocktail party.
    Please bring this invitation with you as it guarantees entrance.


    Posted 12 years ago #

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