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LARP on the 25th of February: "Betrothals and Betrayals" (the second running!)

(1 post)
  • Started 13 years ago by confluence
  1. Greetings!

    As a result of the great enthusiasm you have displayed (seriously; that's not sarcasm), Beth will run "Betrothals and Betrayals" *a second time* on Saturday the 25th of February.

    Please email me (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) or Beth (darkoutthere at gmail dot com) to sign up (or to switch runnings if you've signed up for the 11th and you really, really prefer the 25th). Please indicate clearly which running you would like to sign up for. If you are able to play in either one, please let us know -- it may become important later.

    Time: briefings start at 18:00
    Venue: TBA
    Cost: TBA
    Costuming: yes, please.

    Here's the blurb again:

    * * *

    Betrothals and Betrayals
    By Donna Giltrap & Debbie Cowens

    Lady Bathurst has invited a number of eligible young ladies and gentleman to stay at Albion Hall, in the hope of finding a suitable match for her only daughter. However, behind the polite conversation and pleasant surroundings lurks many a dark secret and hidden agenda...

    Inspired by the works of Jane Austen and Susanna Clarke

    The Situation

    Lady Bathurst hopes to find an eligible husband for her only daughter Caroline. To this aim she has invited a number of suitable young gentlemen (and some token young ladies to balance to numbers) to Albion Hall. The game starts after dinner when the guests have retired to the drawing room.

    * * *

    Your Guildm*st*

    Posted 13 years ago #

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