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LARP on Saturday the 16th of March: "The Fountain of Youth"

(1 post)
  • Started 12 years ago by confluence
  1. On Saturday the 16th of March we will be running "The Fountain of Youth", a fantasy LARP by Beth Tolson. Here is the blurb:

    "For many years there was constant fighting between the Western and the Eastern Guilds; it seemed that there might never be peace, until a guild from the south started to try and move further to the north and into the other guilds' territory. The Eastern and the Western Guilds put aside their differences and faced the South Guild together. It was not a pleasant time for anyone concerned, but after some unpleasantness the South Guild was in ruins and the few surviving members that there were fled back down to the south. This was nearly twenty years ago now and not a single member of that guild has been seen since.

    The tensions between the two remaining guilds have begun to increase again since they lack a common enemy. There are some fundamental differences that the two guilds cannot see eye-to-eye about, which makes the current situation rather strange.

    Two members of different guilds happened to be traveling together and happened to stumble on something more than a little strange: a small stone fountain deep underground in a strange cave. There are many legends of different fountains. One of the two decided to throw prudence to the wind and drank from this fountain. Shafaqat, an elderly member of the Eastern Guild, is no longer an old man. The two hurried back to their guilds to let them know that they think they have discovered the Fountain of Youth.

    The difficulties come in with the cave's location and nature. The entrance to the cave is in the Western Guild's lands, but it crosses under the border into the Eastern Guild's lands. The leaders of the two guilds discussed the matter and decided that it would be best to meet in person with a small party from each guild to see the fountain and discuss in person what is to be done with it."

    * Venue: to be announced
    * Cost: R30 (first-time LARPers play for free)
    * Time: briefings start at 18:00

    Please contact me (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) if you would like to play. People who were signed up before the LARP was rescheduled get first dibs, but there's plenty of space, so don't be shy.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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