From the mailing list:
We will be running a LARP on Saturday the 22nd of February. The LARP is called "A Falling Out" it is also known as "Bunker". Written by Dylan Craig and Jessica Tiffin, set in 1988 this LARP is about a group of people trapped in a Bunker after the start of World War Three.
The full blurb is below.
A Falling Out
The Cold War is over. It’s 1988, and the first nuclear missiles of World War Three were launched six weeks ago. Inside Nevada’s Silver Creek air force base, nine people, the only survivors of a tactical nuclear strike, wait nervously in the bunker complex for word from the outside.
You’re a mismatched group: the attack drills failed, and most of the people who should have been in here were sealed outside by the automatic doors. Communication lines have been severed by a cave-in in part of the complex. The appropriate officers are missing, so the base’s single nuclear missile remains unfired; any orders to fire it obviously haven’t got through. There’s plenty of food, but the nuclear reactor which powers the complex is playing up.
The six weeks have passed slowly and uneventfully. Until yesterday, when the soldier arrived in an army jeep: a messenger from NASCOM (the national strategic command centre), but he has remained unconscious, and his message is unknown. Perhaps when he wakes up, all will become clear...
The genre is post apocalyptic, although it is set in 1988 so bare that in mind when choosing costumes.
The LARP will be R30, and first time LARPers play free.
The LARP will take place in Kramer 2a and 2b.
The LARP will run from 18:00 on Saturday the 22nd.
If you are interested in playing in this LARP please contact either; James de Haast (dehaast.james at or Desilu Crossman (desilucrossman at
Guild Mistress James Andrew de Haast