Hi, everyone
As some of you may have noticed, this Wednesday falls in the middle of the vac. There will be no official games evening, which means no CLAWs boardgames. We do, however, have the venue booked anyway.
- Some people will be coming to play V:tES (Vampire: the Eternal Struggle, an awesome CCG about vampires) -- there will be decks available if you would like to try it out.
- If there's enough interest, I will run my inconveniently long Dragonfire module, "The Curse of the Jet Abacus" (blurb here: http://locustforge.za.net/wiki/Modules/CurseOfTheJetAbacus). I won't even pretend that we can finish this in one evening, so I'm aiming to run half this week and half next week. Preference will be given to people who sign up beforehand (by emailing me -- adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) -- but please only sign up if you're pretty sure you can commit to both sessions!
- Will you be there with your boardgame / card game / other cool thing? Please email the list (claws underscore uct at googlegroups dot com) and say what you're bringing. :)
Your guildm*st*