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LARP on the 24th of September: "An Attack of the Vapours"

(1 post)
  • Started 13 years ago by confluence
  1. August is over, which means it's time for another LARP. Many of you have already heard of "An Attack of the Vapours", the legendary silly fantasy LARP written by Philip Anastasiadis, Dylan Craig, Kane Croudace and Jessica Tiffin -- and for those of you who haven't, here is a blurb:


    It's official. After trade disagreements, exchange of insults, diplomatic incidents, isolated unrest, heavy fighting, siege engineering, forlorn hopes, treachery, and some fatal absent-mindedness* on the part of the Twelfth Vaporian Guard ("The Well-Intentioned"), Vapour has fallen. Its two deadly enemies, Spasm and Fugue, momentarily forget their own enmity as they smirk at each other over the smoking corpse of their foe. Celebration is in the air, as the leaders of the two victorious states gather to feast, swop war stories and gloat. The sleepy cathedral city of Banter tonight hosts King Quench and Queen Peninsula, soverigns of Spasm, and Count Lustre and Countess Silica of Fugue. They are attended by family, courtiers, functionaries, dignitaries, luminaries, necessaries, and mere hangers-on.

    But wait! Where are the contents of the Vaporian treasury? Who is this heavily disguised individual, and how did they get in? Who is the best thief in the kingdom, and, more importantly, where are they tonight? What is the sinister significance of the polar bear plot?

    As midnight approaches with the inexorability of - well, clockwork - all will be revealed ....

    * "Oops. I think I just let the drawbridge down. Aaaargh!"


    Please email me (adrianna dot pinska at gmail dot com) if you would like to play[1].

    Date: Saturday the 24th of September
    Time: briefings start at 18:00
    Cost: probably R20 (to be confirmed; 1st-time LARPers play free)
    Venue: probably Kramer 2A and 2B (to be confirmed)

    [1] Yes, even if you told me you wanted to play three months ago. Please confirm that you can make it!

    Posted 13 years ago #

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