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Module on Wednesday the 5th of October: "Four from Edo"

(1 post)
  • Started 13 years ago by confluence
  1. Greetings, CLAWpersons

    Simon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-inspired Dragonfire module, "Four from Edo", will be run at the next weekly gaming evening -- on Wednesday the 5th of October. Here is the blurb:


    Edo, 1681 — Master Sakamuke watched his four students from the edge of the training yard with pride. In the four years since the strange mutagen had transformed them from ordinary field mice, they had grown and learned rapidly. With a twinge of sadness, he realised that their time of training would soon be over. They had learned all that he and Oichi had to teach them. From him they had learned the ways of the sword and the fist and of moving silently. From her, the gentler arts of music and conversation and acting. Now he sensed within them a desire to test their skills against the hard reality of the world beyond the make-shift dojo's sliding doors.


    Please RSVP to me or to Simon (hodgestar at if you would like to play or DM.

    In other news:
    * It's the LARP writers' workshop tomorrow -- if you're keen, it's not too late to decide to show up. Bring snacks, writing implements, and all your pressing LARP-related dilemmas.
    * The LARP on the 15th, "Lenore", is full -- thanks, everyone who signed up.
    * Next LARP: we may try to organise some small LARPs over the vac -- watch this space. If you have a suggestion, mail me.
    * Blah blah, survey, blah: survey URL redacted, 'cause this is a public forum full of spambots

    Posted 13 years ago #

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