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This will hopefully serve as an index page for the various RoleplayingCampaigns run in and around CLAWs?. If you run or play in a campaign you really enjoy, feel free to put up campaign resources or background for your players or GMs?. If a campaign you run or play in has died its FinalDeath send it to the CampaignGraveyard.
Campaign Classifieds
A number of campaigns were advertised in CLAWmarks32?. Check it out for possible games to join. The plan is to mark the Campaign Classifieds a CLAWmarks regular feature, so advertise upcoming campaigns in the next issue.
Sign ups
(New campaigns looking for players; if you put your idea back in mothballs please remove it from this list)
- Touched By A Devil - Lucifer makes a bargain for your damned soul... can you say no? Not using In Nomine, but this is my campaign idea that I got while watching Prophecy... looking for players
- InSpectres - An InSpectres franchise, sort of run by Nenad
- AcuteIndecision - Two potential vacation games requiring players. (D&D3E? and Vampire 2nd Ed)
(Games now on)
- Monday Night Mayhem - A series of once-offs. Played on Monday nights.
- Rea - - We're psychic eskimos hunting the Zark, read our blog!
- Lexicon of the Rubble - a collaborative writing game being played on this very wiki
- The Away Weekend - A Nobilis play-by-email game. Observers and new players welcome. (Originally intended to be a series of episodes, to be played at Mal's farmhouse of which he is inordinately proud. Please join if you want to get out of town for a change of pace.)
- Angels Deserve To Die - Vampire game run by Garrick, in the Sabbat city of Montreal...
- Living Wage - Ex-Trauma Team International members looking for work in the future. Misadventures with high-powered weaponry. Accountant: Dave 99.
- Invasion: San Francisco - WOD game, Kindred of the East, currently being run by Adeeb.
- Living on a Prayer: Inspired by Neil Gaiman's American Gods, the tale of a few small-time Gods in the big-time US of A. Mismanaged and generally abused by Mike.
- Crane Lands - An L5R? campaign set in the southern costal region of Rokugan. Simon gets to watch as the players peacefully discuss their somewhat divergent views of Bushido.
- Plan B - An abberant super heroes game being organized and mostly run by Garrick. No player limit.
Speak to me!
(Games we haven't heard from recently, are they still going?)
- Nights Templar - The tales of a down-on-their luck PI agency who specialises in cases that are a little...outside the box. A UA campaign run by Mike.