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27 February 2004 - 14:27

Once again my day is turning out to be rather arb. I've been elected class representative for the 2004 stats honours class. Bonus. CV will look much cooler now. After all it's not like I have to actually do anything.

I've been dating Marc officially for an entire year today. Now the question begs. We got together during KAOS last year on the day he killed Conard (long story) so why the hell aren't we playing KAOS again at this time of year? I know Ian's probably too busy to run it again and he probably doesn't want to due to all the arguments that he had to go through because he was the last say on all decisions. But there are other people who might be keen to run it and most of us would love to play again. After all it's not limited to CLAWmembers so invite your friends... your worst enemies :) make sure they're on your kill-list (oh-whoops-was-that-real-poison?)

So that's about my most significant thought for the day. Hopefully something more interesting will come along when I leave work and start my weekend. Now that I can actually afford to eat for the rest of the month.


26 February 2004 - 12:25

Finally... my life has cooled down enough that I can actually type something here. Although I've still had to make a conscious effort to do so, rather than being bored out of my skull.

Of course to relieve my boredom SynKronos has insisted that I fill him in on all the details of my argument with my lecturer today. It's his waste of time, not mine, so I really don't mind. Not like I have anything better to do ;) But having ElfBoy in on the action with the maths part of it means I learn something too so not a complete waste of time I suppose.

So yea, nothing much else been happening in my life. Wrote an exam yesterday which went okay. I have another one next week. Work continues as per normal. My anniversary tomorrow (an official 1 year) and my flatmate's today (an official 4 years!).

Had a cool weekend. Chilled. Went out to dinner twice. Planning Maynardville for this weekend so I suspect nothing else will happen. 21st the weekend after and another birthday the following weekend. People should stop getting older damnit. But that's cool - I will soon have money to spend and will be much happier. Probably not soon enough, but I can wait.

17 February 2004 - 13:52

I didn't seem to realise that when I said I wouldn't have much time to update my WikiPage that it would be quite this bad.

I've been back at lectures for two weeks already. That's the way it is. I handed in my second assignment today and thank goodness we have an extension for the one that was due tomorrow or else I would've had to kill someone. I'm already taking it all out on Marc, with much apologies afterwards (sorry Marc!). But I'm much less stressed right now due to the fact that I've started working in the Hiddingh labs once more and therefore have a forced four hours a day in which to do nothing. It's great :) Even with inane questions and changing passwords and stuff.

And before I continue I just need to say congrats to Mikey :) so cute ;) As I said, gimme a week and then I'll stop teasing but for now it's just fun... and cute...

Otherwise just trying to chill out and get some sleep every now and again. Not really working but at least the parties have been worthwhile. Gandalf's was one awesome party, and I even managed to bitch enough to get rid of the crap bartender upstairs. Stupid blonde airhead :p

Won't write too much cause I'm sure I'll get bored on Thursday and Friday again. Three times a week now, baby.

4 February 2004 - 10:46

I'm late for my next lecture so just to write something here...

4 February 2004 - 23:41

Basically running very short of time at varsity to use the internet between lecturers since I'm there from nine until one with two double lectures :p and then I can't wait to get off campus. This might have something to do with the fact that Commerce and Humanities orientation was happening today and the Commerce orientors were shouting and screaming outside Jammie Hall, which was kinda scary. However, we did consider joining one of the groups doing their mandatory tour around campus just to ask them really strange questions. And just to let people know that CLAWs made it into the RAG 1st year guide as an obscure 'secret' society.

Other than that, really glad to be back in Cape Town. And I haven't even registered yet. Although registering involves five of us (those in my class from the Commerce faculty) and we have to go to Bruce's mom to fill out our forms on Friday which is kinda cool. And after that, the hell can officially begin.

there's nothing "kinda" cool about my mother. she pwnz pretty much everyone else i met at varsity. -- NoHolesBarred

But I'm still happy to be back.

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