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22 April 2004 - 12:42

First of all, happy 21st Conrad :) Hope you enjoyed your early morning wakeup call...

Not sure what's going on in my life right now. Just getting through some work that needs to be done, generally spending time with people, and stuff. Weekend looks to be pretty hectic, pedro's at Sean's on Friday, 21st on Saturday, friend from Jo'burg's coming down for the weekend and sushi on Sunday if all of this hasn't killed me and my assignment's done. No, I think I'll plan to be dead on Monday instead. Or just get sick. Whatever's easier.

And I now officially own boots again :) yay! Went to the Edgars sale and got really nice boots on sale, on sale. Didn't think I'd find anything I'd like, let alone anything that I'd spend less on than I would on a CD. So that's a little bit of happiness...

If I'm in a bit of a strange mood currently, just ignore me. It will probably go away. Don't bother asking why. Truth is I don't know. Just am. Is it right to be happy when everyone around is not? Right now it doesn't seem so. Think I'm just picking up too much from those I've been spending time with. Not their fault, just tired and sick and I want to make it better somehow and I can't.

Ever found yourself thinking about the way you think you think? At least I haven't found myself thinking about thinking about the way I think I think. Damn, I think I just have. Sometimes I prefer to think about nothing. It's easier and less confusing.

More insight of confused thoughts:

Fall SlowlyInto? the darkness That calls you


Climb againInto the world That needs you


Stuck in thoughts And thoughtsAnd dreams

Wondering About the thinking Of thinking

Struggling Tangled web

No way found


And finally... It isn't. It's not. It'sn't?

15 April 2004 - 12:30

Wow. Didn't think it had been this long since I last updated.

Went to Hermanus for the first time last weekend. Was lots and lots of fun. Thankyou Amy :) and Marc and Conrad. Forgotten how much I miss the beach.

Am now technically a First Aid Level 1, just need to write the test at some point. If anyone's choking to death, come to me. Love to test out things I've never actually had to do before :) There's always gotta be a first. And I'm not liable for any damages that may occur! Or I probably should be, but I state now that I'm not. Just in case.

Other than that most of the vac was a blur. No work done. Much sleep. Issues list slowly decreasing, just intensifying. Weekend was fun at Marc's house...interesting photos of me, Amy and Bronwen in the pool. Thanks for the loan of the t-shirt Marc :)

More indications of my thoughts:

To be mine This futureForever your past

Tears rememberedIn this silence Rain Cleanse Torment
Stop Forever this pain

The world Will Wait


01 April 2004 - 14:39

Re-itteration due to updates and stuff being moved around, I am not getting involved in anyone else's issues right now. Not even to comment. Thankyou.

Was gonna go about this whole assuming IRC has gone down, or UCT internet has dropped, I can still edit the wiki however because it's on a local server, etc. But it looks like it's back so no serious issue there.

Otherwise hanging around as per usual, waiting for work to end. Having a nice, long, very interesting conversation on IRC. Really like getting to know new people properly. Just waiting for this day to end, then for lunchtime tomorrow when I no longer have to worry about varsity for the next week :) Much relaxing time. Little bit of working time. Spending time with Marc for a change time, even though he's going to be doing work through most of it. And otherwise maybe some spontaneous crap as I feel like it.

Need something to keep my mind from spending too much time with itself.

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