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29 May 2004 - 10:41

So yea... and stuff. Haven't been able to update for awhile, but supposedly I can get here via UCT again and so when I eventually land up going back to work at Hiddingh I should have more than enough time on my hands. Damned exams :(

Spent the whole of studying week procrastinating and finishing off my two major assignments that were due on Friday. Had a really eventful day yesterday, which included Jo and Phleep's place getting broken into :( (if there's anything I can do/give to help guys, please let me know!) and finding out that a friend of mine from school died in a car accident last week. I found out via Australia which was rather interesting. Spent time online multi-tasking about five conversations, which I haven't even needed to do in about eight years. But, other than that enough happened to make it an overall okay day. And when you're contending with that crap, the good was really nice :)

And since I haven't been able to say anything about it yet. The IllusionOfFreeWill LARP was so much fun :) Thankyou to all the GM's and everyone who attended. Really thought I was going to die going in, but found out that I'd actually been given a lot to play with and things turned out pretty much the way I would have liked them to anyway, within the constraints we were given of course. And I promise to attempt an outfit next time such that there will no cleavage complaints, although I still say for the 15th century my cleavage was downright daring!

"No complaints here, the more cleavage the better!" - BabyAcid

Now I go off to study. Ha! What is this studying I talk of? I go off to procrastinate. Although judging that I haven't opened a book or gone to most lectures for my first exam, I think I might actually try. Good luck to all those still in the academic world of studying/exams and to those who aren't, please don't laugh too much :p

17 May 2004 - 01:36

Due to the fact that the only time I really have on my hands to update this is when I'm working at Hiddingh, and Hiddingh has this nice little fact of not being able to change the proxy server settings, I am now taking advantage of my home net connection at a not-so-ungodly hour in the morning.

Last weekend was UCT open day. Easiest R250 I've ever earnt. We got free food and drink and I must've answered about five questions about stats in five hours. Was more like a chill with friends session than anything else. Then I got to spend many more hours working on one of my assignments. Made up for it on Sunday by getting up late and then lying in bed all day reading.

Past week has gone by rather quickly. Not sure why. Think it's cause nothing much has happened. Have been working on various assignments. Went for coffe on Tuesday and discovered the CD I want is sold out. So pissed about that. Had pizza on Wednesday :) Yup, that's pretty much the highlight of my week I think. Not eating half as much junk food as I usually do now that I'm actually living in my flat so I get to appreciate it fully now.

After talking to various people and trying to sort things out it looks like I will be finally getting a phone on loan until one of the various people out there actually get their new contract and passes on their old phone. In the meantime I have my old number back and a SIM card that I try to check once a day. Turns out some guy misscalled my dad, not recognising the number he called them back and he figures that it might be some guy using my stolen phone and by mistake hit speeddial (like I've done to my parents at one in the morning once, oops!). So now I'm trying to figure whether it's worth reporting it to the police or even trying to track my phone down.

There is a huge market out there that noone's bothered to fill yet. You should be able to signup to some service where if your phone gets stolen they either block the phone (they can do that, the phone companies just don't cause they get more calls that way) or they tell you where your phone is (they can do that too, Vodacom supposedly offers it as a kinda kid-tracking system) or even offers to go get your stolen phone back. If I could get my phone back for less than I'd have to pay to replace it, I'd be more than happy!

Apparently they not only can, but do, just only for the super-phones, the ones that are more PDA than phone. Prolly costs you extra per month as well. And the phone companies _do blacklist your phone if you report it stolen, but you can just get the phone modded at any one of a million dodgy places, and it is once again usable. -- SynKronos_

So yea. Nothing much going on right now. Working hectically on academic stuff and looking forward to the upcoming LARP. One of these days I'll actually get more information about what exactly is going on.

Oh yea, FIFA, whoop, yay, etc.

07 May 2004 - 13:39

Just to let everyone know that my cellphone was stolen yesterday, so if you need to get hold of me the best way is probably via email.

Off to lectures :p

02 May 2004 - 10:42

I wish I had the poetry to reflect what's currently happening. I don't. Yesterday was one of the nicest and crappiest days of my life. Not at the same time. Started out really nice, remained really nice for most of the day, got seriously seriously crappy and then evened out to a general kinda shit.

Funny how you measure the passing of time in a day by what you experience, rather than the actual minutes. Somehow the nice part of the day should've been longer. Wish it had been longer. My fault that it wasn't.

Never fight with yourself. Especially when neither of you can win. Thought it might be better to keep on fighting rather than have to lose (or lose), but was shown otherwise. Sometimes if you keep on fighting, the losing only becomes worse. Still lost. You should never have to do something you don't want to do.

And now I turn around and start learning to be myself, on my own.

Going to Phantom tonight. Really looking forward to it. Has great reviews and I really love the music.

Perhaps someone else's lyrics will fill the gap where I would like the poetry to be:


   And yes they'll ask you where you've been    And you'll have to tell them        again and again 
And you probably don't want to hear tomorrow's another day But I promise you you'll see the sun again And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness And I promise you you'll see the sun again
Dido - See The Sun

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