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BarrenImpressions - Archives - June 2004

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29 June 2004 - 18:38

It's been forever since the last update, so I thought I'd try and get something in before the end of the month.

For those of you who don't know I'm currently in the dreaded Jozi where it's damned freezing, raining and all I wanna do is come back to Cape Town. To top it all off I have the flu (NurmRas I blame you!) which really just adds to enjoying my holiday :p but enough ranting.

On the good side of things I went shopping today with my favourite walking creditcard (aka Mom) and I got boots!!!! :) For anyone who knows me well enough I've been dying to get boots for ages, and ones I like! And I finally found them :) My mom and I compromised on a price and it turned out that they were 30% off anyway. All in all I had a really good shopping day. Finally have more clothes to wear so I don't have to freeze my ass off here much longer. And I saw Shrek 2 :) it's really cool. Look out for all the in-jokes from other movies, some are rather subtle. And stay for the bit in the middle of the end-credits.

So looking back on the days since exams ended. I've been up to? work? and more work I suppose :p Don't think I really have a holiday this year. I even escape up here for a week, but people can get hold of me via e-mail - and they do. Some of that's a good thing (I now have the photos from the IllusionOfFreeWill LARP) but for other things that's bad. Still have to try and apply for funding by the end of next month to be able to do Masters next year.

What else? Went for a joyride in a LandCruiser? on Friday. That was kinda cool. One of my friends was fixing the car and decided to take it for a little test drive. Made for an interesting and entertaining evening. The owner is gonna wonder about the extra mileage, but not mine to worry about. Other than that I haven't done much while I've been up here. Was going to go to The Doors tonight, but due to lifting issues and my darling flu :p doesn't look like it's gonna happen. Oh well, there's always a next time. Looks like I might go out otherwise, but depends what's up with other friends.

Need to get away from the house for a little bit I think. It's having an effect on me.

* Awww, hugs and cuddles for poor cold Erica. It's not all that warm here in Cape Town, by the way. Looking forward to your return, don't forget the Hello Kitty toys :) - Jo

15 June 2004 - 15:55

Giving in and actually updating again. Was going to do it yesterday, but ran out of time. Was going to do it earlier, today but got caught up in other things. So yea, procrastination.

Had a meeting with a 'client' today for Business Strategy. Interesting course. NOT! But anyway we're dealing with a preschool. I don't like children. I really don't like children. None of us in the group do. So it looks like it'll be rather interesting. So that was my morning.

Last day at work for the semester! Yay :) I would say I now get to sit on my lazy ass, sleep late and do nothing. This I wish could be true, but it can't. Get to start doing all the stuff I didn't have time for during the term :p

Crappy cold weather. Freezing here cause I had to dress smartly for the meeting. Smart is not always warm. So I think I'll skip out a little earlier to go get warmed up somewhere.

Well that was a collection of arbitrary thoughts.

On the other side of life. Group of young witches were fooling around last night. What fun. Not a happy ending to that one. Picked it up, but didn't know what it was. Think I didn't really want to know, but I do. Next time I think I'll pay more attention when casting protection almost happens automatically and really easily. But hey, things are sorted. Almost. Nothing I can do so I just leave it to those who can.

11 June 2004 - 16h21

I'm free! Finally. Damned exams are over. And what a load of crap they were. My positive outlook used to be that I only have one set of exams left, however if I stay for Masters I then have three sets left to go. Well that's what I do to myself I suppose. But on the positive outlook I can now sleep late without feeling that I should be working on something. Holidays!

Although now starts the fun battle with my supervisors and organising me a topic for my thesis. That and finally getting together on the group project we've been given an extension for and actually getting it done. Everyone else handed it in a month ago, so we're doing pretty well I suppose.

No longer have an ISP at home :p Connection finally died. If anyone's willing to let me use their ISP over the weekend (all weekend) please let me know. Otherwise I might actually have to land up paying for one! gasp :p

No-one in the labs. This is scary. Although I'm spending a little time browsing a site
that was recommended to me. It's very pretty. Artistic.


Take my hurt

 And pain
 Not away

Wrap me in my torment

   And bleed to feel

Take not my suffering

  From me
But bring me Else
There is more
    And I will
      Have it


03 June 2004 - 13:48

Due to the need to share the recent bout of tests:

23.80952380952381% nerd blood flows through my veins.

I am a Black Talon Werewolf You are a Black Talon, a breed of black werewolf that is usually seen in a pack or 2 or more
they have a muscular frame and are the largest breed of werewolf. You are normally quiet but if provoked will be tempted to bite rather than bark. You prefer the darkness and seclusion of
your den but will venture outside often...

I am Pure Evil

And other than that exams are going crappy. Written two really long and really arb, two more not so arb but much harder ones to go. Looking forward to Wyrd Sisters tomorrow. And the SCA thing on Saturday. Think it's my busiest social weekend this term, right at the point where I shouldn't be going anywhere. Now I just need to find access to some caffeine and all will be well. Didn't sleep last night. Damned full moon. Pretty full moon :)

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