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31 March 2004 - 11:37

And to find something to write on the last day of the month. I hope everyone has something interesting planned for tomorrow morning :)

Thankyou to Roo for a really cool weekend watching all the Firefly currently in existence. Reminded me just how cool it really is and how much I enjoy it. Yea, fangirl, but not an obsessive fangirl. Thanks too, to everyone who LARPed? on Friday. Incredible costumes and a very funny LARP, especially when I had the time to look at everyone running around doing mad things. I think I like DM'ing, now I just have to find a LARP I've already played so I can DM properly.

That being the normal happy update, I found out some really crappy news and had an introspective weekend and past few days. Unfortunately nothing I can share, although it wouldn't make it any easier if I could. And there I thought my previous "other people" issues were a problem to be solved. Sometimes life just hits you with something to put everything else into perspective. Of course it doesn't make it any easier to accept or deal with, but it does add perspective.

And there are other issues occuring amongst some of the CLAWs population right now. Please understand, I don't want to be involved, although I am indirectly. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to try and solve anything. Other people can say whatever they want. I don't care. But I cannot, will not, handle that on top of everything else right now. And yes, my personal dealings are more serious. Don't ask. It's not my right to tell.

To give some indication of the current state of my mind and my life. Three days ago:

Don't leave me\\ Alone\\ With my thoughts

Tears Selfishly for me My pain
Realise more Know better
But I've never Faced This truth Before

25 March 2004 - 14:15

Oh, so so so sick of work right now. Fair enough, I've been chilling for the past three weeks and it's finally catching up with me. But the assignment is very arb, short and not hard. Therefore no incentive except that it's due tomorrow.

Will continue to slog and wab for at least the next two hours. I have the rest of the evening to stress out properly and then all night if I still haven't managed to come up with four pages worth :p Likelihood...

Finding far more important, personal things to worry about instead. And there I thought I was being a clever girl and staying out of the issues line thereby allowing me all the time and concentration needed to focus on academics. Stupid me. Stay away from issues and they will hunt you down instead. I'm finding that it's better to face them headon. Except that's there's absolutely nothing I can do about it! That's the real problem with issues that belong to other people, but still involve you. Not mine to deal with. Just worry about instead.

One day...

11 March 2004 - 12:59

My body is rejecting me. It wants out. It wants sleep and no alcohol in it and to fly away. Or my body's happy to stay here, but my mind is floating around it somewhere else. I sat in my lecture (for which I was late) wanting to fly. It was cool. No headache though.

Thankyou to Hendri for a very interesting night. Good company of friends. Good music. Good food. Too much alcohol. Not enough sleep. He has far too much energy. And the dog is very cool. I very much enjoyed myself. Thankyou to Marc for looking after me and making sure I got to my bed okay.

I have been in the labs for an hour. It doesn't feel like it.

04 March 2004 - 12:37

First of all happy birthday to Marc's sister.

Other than that, had a crappy exam yesterday. Hate it when you have no incentive to study and then the lecturer asks you everything you thought you didn't need to know. Went through two hours of not knowing what the hell was going on, which means I've probably failed it. But don't think I have to pass it, so pretty sure I don't care.

MST3K? tonight. Looking forward to a non-serious movie. Will hopefully be good. On the topic of movies, I enjoyed Paycheck. Lots of editing errors which detract from the movie, but make it more fun to watch. And a typical/not-completely-typical ending which made it worth it. Now I just have to find time to watch Scary Movie 3.

02 March 2004 - 12:27

warning: rant follows

Everyone else gets the day off from varsity. The bastards. Well almost everyone. I heard the economists and the educationists(?) have to be up here as well. However, to make my day crap they decided we had to come up for lectures. So I arrive for my 10h00 lecture only to have a class, but no lecturer. Therefore a complete waste of time. But that's okay. Now I get to sit here waiting for a seminar in lunch. Which is fine, but the guy didn't pitch last week so they had to postpone it to this week, which means the chances of him pitching again today are really slim. If he doesn't then I'm gonna be pissed because I could've caught the twelve o'clock movie, or at least the two o'clock.

end of rant

But other than that the day seems to be turning out okay.

Maynardville was lots of fun :) Much food, few drinks and lots of nice people. Got a sari for R40 as well which I'm kinda happy about. Now I just have to learn to wear it. Spent a slow day on Sunday at Marc's house, including a swim in his newly refurbished pool, along with watching an really good indoor hockey match. Yesterday started out being really crap for reasons I don't recall, but improved with a nice bitch session. Demised again when I spent two hours in a lecture relearning what I already learnt from Psychology last year, but improved again with an entire evening spent sleeping.

Today will hopefully improve. I get goodies sent down from my parents sometime this afternoon, which I know to include much good Geldhof's chocolate, and we're going to go see Paycheck at eight, which I've been dying to see.

So yea, you never know.

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