From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: ElfBoy

I am also known as Hodgestar.

It Lives

2008/11/26: ElfBoy was here.

The Strong Force at Work

Gluon will be leaving Al's work sometime in the near future. It'll move to my place for a few days and then probably on to Sharpe's office which will be its new home. While at my place I'm hoping to upgrade a lot of things. The tiki may be replaced with a simpler wiki system and we might add some dedicated blogging software. If you care, post suggestions somewhere I'm likely to see them (here, the cthfuchsia list, wherever).

New Domain Name

I've registered for my site. Whee.

Gluon Webserver Statistics

Those interested can find some stats on CLAW webserver usage at (courtesy of Webalizer).

Table test


Ping, Tiki Up.

Well, the new wiki system is up at last. Still needs lots of tweaking but that will come.


New Weblog and Site

Poing. My new weblog and website (which use PmWiki) should now be accessible to the rest of the world at

House Warming

Dystopia and Hodgestar will be having their house warming this coming Sunday afternoon. The proceedings will begin around 16:00 and continue on into the late evening. We'll be making sushi but otherwise it's a bring your own event. The address is 8A Cloete Rd, University Estate.

Directions: Take the Roodebloem Road off-ramp from the Eastern Boulevard. As you come off the freeway you will arrive at a T-junction. Turn left and travel up Upper Roodebloem Road. Cloete Road is the last left turn before you reach De Waal Drive. Number 8A is on your right shortly before you reach the end of Cloete Road.

Happy New Year!

First post for 2004! Hehe. Happy New Year everyone. The CLAWs party at Conrad's has just reached the silly stage (Duncan's one got really bad. -ToothpasteDealer).
The bed behind me contains Conrad and Amy. Recently Garrick and Brendan were also involved in the debauchery. Hopefully all the ClawMembers? elsewhere are having a great time too. Oh, and we have a pool table. And ducks. Mmmm, ducks.

I have a cool new place in Upper University Estate. House warming probably taking place on the second Saturday in January. Details to follow soon. It'll be a make your own sushi evening.

I'll be back on #claws at around 4:00 (South Africa time).

Keeping the Wiki Useful

The wiki has been around for about ten months now and has grown profusely. As it's grown so has the need for organising the information in it. One way of organising information is pages like the Contents and RoleplayingCampaigns which list other pages in some kind of meaningful way. Another important way is to use meaningful page names. Calling your page Interesting Links and Stuff when it is page for WargamingLinks and not a general links page is not only confusing but degrades the usefulness of the ClawWiki.

If you're going to be creating a large number of pages all related to a particular topic, try to distinguish them from other pages on the ClawWiki but giving them useful names. An example is MyrdemInggala's CurrentAffairs pages which begin with the word CurrentAffairs (CurrentAffairsSetting, CurrentAffairsMaps). If you want to link to a long page name with another word you can use the !Maps construct like this Maps.

Please take the time to consider the effect your page names and arrangement will have on the ClawWiki. Page names should be informative and helpful. Link new pages into the appropriate contents pages. Search the ClawWiki to see if anyone has put up a similar page to the one you're starting.

Some History

ElfBoy was the first WikiWord that came to mind when I set up the ClawWiki.

This wiki started with the ScaQuestionaire. Working on the questionaire with the other SCA members proved to be a lot of fun and quite successful. And so, I decided I would try opening up a bunch of CLAWs? pages.

Since the putting up of the initial pages, lots of people have contributed to the ClawWiki. Although the wiki is still quite small (as far as wikis go) I think it's proved a useful resource for us CLAWmembers. Many thanks to those who wrote the PhpWiki? software.

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Page last modified on November 26, 2008, at 09:58 PM