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You know you're bored when... start doing internet tests. And making test-liking Wiki pages. Anyways, I also thought it would be kewl to see how others matched up when taking these tests, for fun.
You may have to wait a while for some of these tests to load, but I figure that if you're bored enough, or just killing time, you won't care that much... :)
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To be honest, these scores don't surprise me in the slightest... We're at the wrong varsity, really, we are. - IllumiNati
ToothpasteDealer= Lovecraft's Heir (115! SUCK IT DOWN BITCHES)
IllumiNati = Miskatonic Student (Score = 84)
OopMan = Miskatonic Student (Also 84! I don't even read much Lovecraft!) <- WTF!
d@vid = Miskatonic Student (85! But "All colleges should have a copy. It's cheap." is the right answer)
Ork_Khrist = Miskatonic Student (88! thats cause I is the DM)
TheosThree = Miskatonic Student (102) p|-|33R!!! - d@vid
DrMikenstein? = Miskatonic Student (92. But I only ever play the damn game at tournaments! And write sarcastically about it!)
ZenStar = Miskatonic Student (85! without having read any of the roleplaying material! am i the only one who has actually read the actual stories???)
SunChaser = Miskatonic Student (82? How in the..? There's no way unless my guesses were good. But the plushies are SO cute :))
InfernalRabbi = Lovecraft's Heir (111! I have also never read any of the Roleplaying books, and I have read the stories!)
GarethMojo = Miskatonic Student (103! My sister owns a Cthulhu plushie...)
PseudoNym = Miskatonic Student (101 although I have made a special effort not to learn the Cthulu mythos. Thanks Austin.)
ArchAngel = Miskatonic Student (97 !! I must be a quick learner from chatting to people and reading a bit.)
SkyLark = Miskatonic Student (99)
PlosiGuant= Miskatonic Student (100)
Wednesday leFey = Miskatonic Student (82)
SynKronos = Miskatonic Student (96 - At least I've read a lot of the books (largely thanks to Alex :P) as well as played the rpg and Mythos)
ShadowsLight = Initiate (52 - Give me Pratchett anyday...)
MrDibble= Lovecraft's Heir (112! Damn You, ToothpasteDealer, Damn you to heck...)
The Marvel Surperhero Test
IllumiNati = Archangel (but of course - IllumiNati)
ArchAngel = Beast
AndieMoore = Cyclops
InfernalRabbi = Dr Strange
BlueHands = Cyclops
GeekDotNeo = Gambit
SworDschool = Punisher (what the fuck??! I'm the nicest guy - SworDschool)
OopMan = Punisher
ZenStar = Banshee
d@vid = Gambit (that Mr Fantastic result never happened, okay? I hate the FF)
Ork_Khrist = Captain America (bugger!)
DrMikenstein? = Daredevil (But not in a Ben Affleck way. I swear)
TheosThree = Beast
SunChaser = Bishop
TalTos = Punisher
AdriaanWessels = Mr. Fantastic
SkyLark = Ghost Rider (Although, if it wasn't today I probably would have answered some questions a bit differently)
Wednesday leFey = The Punisher
ShadowsLight = Ghost Rider (this is me pretty much everyday)
AcuteApathy? = Spiderman
UrsusMeus? = Wolverine (how clich�d)
SynKronos = Iron Man (does whatever an Iron can)
The Marvel Superheroine Test<br>
IllumiNati = Black Cat
ArchAngel = Jean Grey
AndieMoore = Jubilee
InfernalRabbi = Psylocke
BlueHands = Psylocke
OopMan = Elektra
ZenStar = Black Cat
d@vid's sister = Black Cat
SkyLark = Jean Grey
SunChaser = Scarlet Witch
DrMikenstein? = Psylocke
PseudoNym = Mystique
Wednesday leFey = Domino
ShadowsLight = Domino (WTF is Domino???)
AcuteApathy? = Black Widow
UrsusMeus? = Elektra (damn I'm sexy)
SynKronos = Psylocke (I love Psylocke :P)
The Videogame Character Test<br>
IllumiNati = Chun Li
(I'll kick yer ass, with my Spinning Heel Kick! #sigh# I remember loving this game, and shudder at how much money I spent on it at the corner cafe... - IllumiNati)
ArchAngel = Jill Valentine
(at least I'm not alone in this one - ArchAngel)
AndieMoore = Jill Valentine
(Who? - AndieMoore)
Heroine of Resident Evil games - BlueHands
BlueHands = Lara Croft
(I didn't even like playing this game... - BlueHands)
GeekDotNeo = Jill Valentine
(TFG that i'm not alone in dealing with this - GeekDotNeo)
(Always have something to be thankful for! :P - IllumiNati)
SworDschool = Solid Snake
(from Metal Gear Solid, ok disturbing now - SworDschool)
OopMan = Jill Valentine <- Who is this beatch anyway?
(jill valentine is a character from resident evil series) - ZenStar
ZenStar = tommy vercetti
(yeah - vice city action all day, all night - ZenStar)
(#sigh# And I get stuck with meatheads like Ryu, Vega, Balrog and Ken, as opposed to hot, bikini-wearing, coke-snorting women. Damn! Although Cammy's not too bad... - IllumiNati <br>
d@vid = zelda (8-bit?! I do not dress like a hobbit either!)
SkyLark = Lara Croft (wtf?)
SunChaser = Lara Croft
TheosThree = Master Chief (Halo)
Dr Mikenstein = Tommy Vercetti (Well, I do like pasta)
InfernalRabbi = Lara Croft (WTF? HTF?)
PseudoNym = Tommy Vercetti (I think it was the Ray Liotta that did it)
ShadowsLight = Mario
AcuteApathy? = Link
SynKronos = Tommy Vercetti
The Gansta Test
IllumiNati = Straight Outta Compton
SworDschool = Straight Outta Compton you put the izzle in shizzle
d@vid = shadier than slim
(so what does that mean? - d@vid)
(Slim Shady - aka Eminem... you're shadier. Fool, get jiggy wif da ho-mies! :P - IllumiNati)
OopMan = Straight Outta Compton
Bluehands = Straight Outta Compton (hanging out with the guys from the Cape Flats paid off)
SunChaser = Shadier Than Slim
DrMikenstein? = Shadier Than Slim
ZenStar = Straight Outta Compton rollin wit da ~NWA cru, jo!
ArchAngel = Straight Outta Compton
SkyLark = Shadier Than Slim
TheosThree = Cracka-ass White Boy
ShadowsLight = Shadier than Slim
AcuteApathy? = Straight Outta Compton
SynKronos = Cracka-ass White Boy (just the way I like it)
The Movie Villain Test
IllumiNati = Agent Smith
(I did the test 3 times, with some different answers, I swear! - IllumiNati)
ArchAngel = Hannibal Lecter
(yeah now that's what I'm talking about)
(Mental Note: Don't go to ArchAngel for dinner! :P - IllumiNati )
AndieMoore = Tommy ~DeVito?
InfernalRabbi = Agent Smith
Yay! Not alone! - IllumiNati
BlueHands = Hannibal Lector
SworDschool = Jack Torrence from the Shining, fuck, man I'm the same as Adam; then = Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, go figga
GeekDotNeo = Jack Torrence
OopMan = Hannibal Lecter
ZenStar = Jack Torrence here's johnny!
d@vid = Jack Torrence heehee
SkyLark = Jack Torrence
GnomeThing = Hannibal Lecter
SunChaser = Gollum
TheosThree = Jack Torrence
DrMikenstein? = Dr Hannibal Lecter
(I'd love to have you for dinner. Do Fridays work for you? Bring the fava beans, I'll bring the wine. The main course will take care of itself. - DrMikenstein?)
PseudoNym = Agent Smith (Too bad he couldn't destroy the last two Matrix films)
TalTos = Freddy Kruger
Wednesday leFey = Hannibal Lecter
ShadowsLight = Hannibal Lecter
AcuteApathy? = Hannibal Lecter
SynKronos = Agent Smith
The Bitch Test
IllumiNati = A Total Bitch
ArchAngel = A Bitch (sorry boys, you're on your own there - ArchAngel)
InfernalRabbi = A Total Bitch
OopMan = Bitchiest Bitch on the Planet
<- I just couldn't resist... - OopMan
ZenStar = Bitchiest Bitch on the Planet
you thought differently??? dick!
No surpises here! - IllumiNati
d@vid = A Total Bitch (I'm just honest, I swear...)
BlueHands = Bitchiest Bitch on the Planet still trying to figure that one out
SkyLark = A Total Bitch
SunChaser = A Total Bitch
DrMikenstein? = A Total Bitch (Vicious lies, spread by my (many) enemies)
PseudoNym = Bitchiest Bitch in the Planet (I think this is random, I could have chosen much bitchier answers, I was being quite sweet actually)
ShadowsLight = Bitchiest Bitch in the Planet
AcuteApathy? = Total Bitch
SynKronos = Total Bitch (what a lame test)
The "How Perverted Are You?" Test
IllumiNati = Traditionally Perverted
ArchAngel = Inncocently Perverted
InfernalRabbi = Sick As Shit Perverted
OopMan = Sick-as-Shit Perverted <- Whaaaat! I am not! Well, not reeally...
ZenStar = Sick as shit perverted (go figure)
d@vid = Innocently Perverted
BlueHands = Sick-as-Shit Perverted
This isn't going well! - BlueHands
So, SunChaser must have her hands full! :P - IllumiNati
SworDschool = Sick-As-Shit Perverted "what the hell happened in your childhood?'
SkyLark = Innocently Perverted
SunChaser = Traditionally Perverted
TheosThree = Traditionally Perverted
DrMikenstein? = Innocently Perverted
PseudoNym = Sick as Shit Perverted (WTF! This is totally random! Random I tell you!)
AdriaanWessels = Traditionally Perverted
ShadowsLight = Traditionally Perverted
SynKronos = Innocently Perverted
The "How Ashton Kutcher Are You?" Test
IllumiNati = Totally Ashton Aargh! Death! #vomiting noises# - IllumiNati
ArchAngel = Kinda Kutcher
OopMan = Kinda Kutcher <- Thank the Devil for this!
ZenStar = kinda kutcher
i think the "not being gay" prevents me from being any more kutch - ZenStar
You know you want to be Punk'd (In The Ass)! :P - IllumiNati
judging by your score, you already have been! %P - ZenStar
Nice... :) - GloomiNati
d@vid = Totally Ashton (um)
Huzzah! Join the club! I'm not alone #victory dance#! - IllumiNati
BlueHands = Kinda Kutcher - I suck...that part I already knew
SunChaser = Kinda Kutcher (unfortuantely)
DrMikenstein? = Totally Ashton (NOOOOOO! IT LIES! (Bangs head into desk))
Hmmm... I think you may be on to something there. - IllumiNati
I have a theory - get GnomeThing to take this test... - d@vid
SkyLark = Totally Ashton (Erp?)
ShadowsLight = Totally Ashton (wtF?)
IllumiNati = A Cocktail
OopMan = *A Fucking Cocktail!* Of all the fucking things to be...
d@vid = Cocktail (hey, oop, it could be worse - imagine being beer)
BlueHands = A Cocktail (what kind though?)
Ork_Khrist = Vodka (where am most likly to be found? Inside a tasty cocktail... why do you think its called a cocktail )
SunChaser = A Cocktail (let's just go with the flow here shall we...)
TheosThree = Wine
DrMikenstein? = A Cocktail (Like just about every other bloody person...)
ArchAngel = It was broken when I tried :(
ShadowsLight = Broken for me too... but then again, I don't drink...
IllumiNati = The ~SpookyKid?
d@vid = Geek Goth (surprise, but you'd think they'd be able figure out I'm a Not Goth)
BlueHands = Geek Goth
SunChaser = Witchy Celtic Goth
DrMikenstein? = Geek Goth (Roleplaying and my leather jacket doomed me.)
ZenStar = Geek Goth wtf? i don't even like linux or wear pvc pants... (the implication seems to be if you can turn a computer on, you're a geek - d@vid)
InfernalRabbi = Geek Goth (Apparently I know how turn a comuter on)
PseudoNym = Old Original Goth (Hardly, just because I was born before 1980 and actually like The Damned...)
OopMan = Geek Goth Bah :-)
ArchAngel = Rivethead
SkyLark = Spookykid/Babybat (I prefer the sound of Babybat personally)
GnomeThing = PerkyGoth? , take 2: CyberGoth?
TheosThree = Geek Goth
ShadowsLight = Rivethead (WTF??? I'm a geek goth if anything!!! dammit)
AcuteApathy? = Geek Goth
SynKronos = Geek Goth
The "Which Simpsons Character Are You?" Test
IllumiNati] = Bart Simpson
ArchAngel = Lisa Simpson
OopMan = Mr. Burns <- What a surprise!
ZenStar = Homer Simpson
d@vid = Dr Hilbert (eh?)
BlueHands = Marge Simpson Just need a Maggie, then the family's all here
SworDschool = Ozzy Osbourne homer, same thing
SkyLark = Marge Simpson (Sorry I couldn't help there ;)
GnomeThing = Lisa Simpson
SunChaser = Lisa Simpson
TheosThree = Lisa Simpson
DrMikenstein? = Lisa Simpson
PseudoNym = Lisa Simpson
SynKronos = Lisa Simpson
ShadowsLight = Mr Burns (yeah, I saw that one coming)
AcuteApathy? = Lisa Simpson
GloomiNati = Aphrodite/Eros (How fucking ironic... Yet true)
InfernalRabbi = Nemesis
d@vid = Morpheus
PseudoNym = Nemesis
TheosThree = Morpheus
Wednesday leFey = Morpheus
SynKronos = Athena
ShadowsLight = Morpheus (Woot, and that was the answer the first time I took it)
AcuteApathy? = Seems to be down now...
ZenStar = was down for me... must be quivering in fear of my greekness?
GloomiNati = 33.333333333% Nerd
PseudoNym = 21.428571428571427% Nerd
TheosThree = 52.38095238095238% Nerd
SunChaser = 45.23809523809524% Nerd (although I had to guess most of that)
ArchAngel = 35.714285714285715% Nerd (and proud of it - ArchAngel)
ZenStar = *30.95 %* damn diablo 2 for that...
MyrdemInggala = 52.38095238095238% Nerd (Hah! Still tied for first!)
AndieMoore = 57.142857142857146% Nerd (Double Hah to you! Though I'm certain if this is victory or defeat.)
GloomiNati = *Chaos Vortex (53%)*
d@vid = Eye of the Storm (38%) (what a bizarre test)
InfernalRabbi = Chaos Vortex (60%)
PseudoNym = Chaos Vortex (60%)
GnomeThing = Chaos Vortex (60%)
FirstFallen = Chaos Vortex (71%)
TheosThree = Eye of the Storm (41%)
SynKronos = Eye of the Storm (27%)
ShadowsLight = *Chaos Vortex (53%)*
SunChaser = Eye of the Storm (31%)
ZenStar = Chaos Vortex (sixty something (4?))
ArchAngel = *Eye of the Storm (48%)*
The "Which Michael Jackson Are You?" Test
AcuteApathy?] = King of Pop (Who's bad?)
SunChaser = King of Pop
OopMan = The King of Pop
ZenStar = King of Pop oldschool
ArchAngel = King of Pop
The "Which Movie Hero Are You?" Test
AcuteApathy?] = Jack Sparrow
SunChaser = Neo (note that Neo<>Keanu Reeves)
OopMan = Ellen Ripley (Hot fucking damn, yeah!)
ZenStar = the bride hey... just cos i got bitchiest bitch in that other test...
ArchAngel = Jack Sparrow (sweeeeeet)
ShadowsLight = Ellen Ripley
AcuteApathy? = Urban Legend Lieutenant
SunChaser = Urban Legend Lieutenant
d@vid = Urban Legend Lieutenant
OopMan = Gullible Bastard (Not really, I just don't know many urban legends...)
ZenStar = Urban Legend Lieutenant
ArchAngel = Urban Legend Lieutenant
AcuteApathy? = Street-struttin' Pimp
SunChaser = Wannabe Pimp
OopMan = Wannabe Pimp (Damn!)
ZenStar = street-struttin pimp oldschool 80's style
AcuteApathy? = Not a Metrosexual
SunChaser = Sort of a Metrosexual (which is not a bad thing being female and all)
d@vid = Sort of a Metrosexual (wtf? kill me now!)
OopMan = Not a Metrosexual (Pheewww!)
ZenStar = not a metrosexual and not planning to be
AcuteApathy? = A tad gay (I see you big boy, shakin' that ass, shakin' that ass...)
d@vid = A tad gay (must be some metrosexual thing)
OopMan = A tad gay (Maybe not...)
ZenStar = a tad gay but not in a metropolitan way
SunChaser = Anne Heche Lesbian (actually it's kinda true...)
The Ultimate 80's Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Knight Rider (Score: 54)
d@vid = Spoon Gagger (47% - like, there should totally be an "I don't know" option)
ArchAngel = Spoon Gagger (45% - I feel cheated - I totally should score higher)
ZenStar = knight rider-esque (54) no a-team questions????
SynKronos = Spoon Gagger
ShadowsLight = Knight Rider (Bloody American questions!!!)
The "How Paris Hilton Are You?" Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Whorepants Paris (WTF?!)
...AcuteApathy? generates some space between himself and the freak below...
OopMan = Whorepants Paris (S'all right, whore pants are goood...)
The "Which Tennis Hottie Are You?" Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Anna Kournikova
SunChaser = Anna Kournikova
OopMan = Anna Korunikova (Hmmmm...)
SynKronos = Anna Kournikova (I was just answering the questions to get to the picture of Anna... Hmmm...)
As soon as you answer "lazy" to any of the questions you're bound to hit Anna. -
The "How White Trash Are You?" Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Suburban White Trash (Apparently I'm a white trash poser)
d@vid = Suburban White Trash
OopMan = Suburban White Trash
SunChaser = Sburban White Trash
The "How Totally Hip Are You?" Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Trucker Hat Hipster
d@vid = Trucker Hat Hipster (damn right I don't even know it, I don't know what they were on about half the time)
SunChaser = *(106) Trucker Hat Hipster* (like shoowah... or something)
The "What Type of Swashbuckler Are You?" Quiz
AcuteApathy?] = Pirate (Arrrrrrrr!)
d@vid = Pirate (splice the mainsail! hoist the middens!)
OopMan = Pirate (Yargh, avast ye landlubbers, I'll be sending ye to Davy Jone's locker after I've had me grog!)
SunChaser = Pirate
The 100-Question Parody Test
(it's] not really a test)
Cyborg Name Generator
d@vid] = D.A.V.I.D.: Digital Artificial Violence and Infiltration Device | K.W.I.L.L. Kinetic Wireless Infiltration and Learning Lifeform
AcuteApathy? = R.Y.A.N.: Robotic Ytterbium Assassination Neohuman
SunChaser = E.R.I.C.A. Electronic Robotic Infiltration and Calculation Android | S.U.N.C.H.A.S.E.R. Synthetic Upgraded Nocturnal Calculation Humanoid/Android Skilled in Exploration and Repair
ArchAngel = S.H.E.L.A.G.H.: Synthetic Hydraulic Entity Limited to Assassination and Galactic Harm (now that's what I'm talking about - ArchAngel)
OopMan = A.D.A.M.: Android Designed for Assassination and Mathematics
ZenStar = A.L.E.X.: Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Xenocide | Z.E.N.S.T.A.R.: Zeta Electronic Neohuman Skilled in Troubleshooting and Accurate Repair well... i have an mcse.
MyrdemInggala = A.D.R.I.A.N.N.A.: Artificial Digital Repair and Infiltration Android/Networked Nuclear Android
Hitchhiker's Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Genuine People Personalitator
d@vid = Shipboard Computer (Personality Coefficient score is 17)
OopMan = Nutrimatic Beverage Machine (Score of 15)
Star Trek Personality Quiz
d@vid = Engineering ("Are surprised when an attractive crewmate chats you up")
MyrdemInggala = Engineering
OopMan = Security Chief ("Fire phasers in all directions then superhear the hull")
AcuteApathy? = Counsellor
H2G2 Easy Quiz
d@vid = 10 (I reckon there's only one question people might not know)
MyrdemInggala = 10 (I guessed that one correctly)
Marvin's Trivially Easy Quiz
d@vid = 0 (would even MoonFlake score higher?)
SynKronos = 0
More other lots BBC quizzes go:
What? king of Lunatic are you? |
What? animal best portrays your sexual appetite |
Endless? hours of quizes |
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