TheTome /
GeekDotNeoYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. GeekDotNeo = geek.neo / ghekho Links to UserPageGeekDotNeo. This strange creature was a CLAWmember in '99. His UCT career ended just before the first semester exams, and mainly because Law is just the wrong subject for someone like him. Unless the idea is "Know your enemy". More like "Know your enema". He has a tendency to get himself into lots of trouble (the NAMPAK incident springs to mind)... but Dark Forces ride on his shoulders, and generally keep him safe. Suffers severely from "Techno-stress". This is defined in (Laudon / Laudon 1999) as: Figures. Currently working as jlkf asui klqwejuc ERROR: cannot display text due to security restrictions. Please clear your cache and reboot. Has succeeded in the theft of one (1) sign, with the following printed on it: |