From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: LothedInJoburg

Journal of LothrielPixie

For my archives go to LothedInJanuary, LothedInFebruary, LothedInMarch, LothedInApril&May, LothedInJune&July, LothedInSpring and LothedInSummer. Yeah, there's a lot of them...

31 March 2004 - 11:31am

I had much to say, but I can't... I've almost hit the size limit for this page... again. This is my last post to LothedInJoburg as well, from Friday I will no longer be a denizen of Jozi. However, watch this space, for soon a new Lothed blog will arise.

Scary but true, England is actually dry. I've been dehydrated since the day I got here. It's all the damn central heating everywhere. -- GnomeThing

29 March 2004 - 11:00am

Well, today is the start of my last (half) week at Global. I have the familiar, but nonetheless scary, knowledge that my last pay-cheque really was my last pay-cheque. I don't know where and when I'm going to start earning again. The likelihood is in a little pub in England (said in an appropriately brit accent). Fortunately, I should have enough to cash to keep me going for a little while once I sell my car.
I had my farewell party on Friday, Grant kindly donated his house as the venue. It was smallish but nice - and my punch made umm.. it's usual impacts - that stuff is hangover in a bucket. Ironically, almost everyone who came I was due to see again some time. Most of them the next day at Zeps. If anything, Zeps was more of a 'farewell party' than the party itself. It kind of sad to think of all the things I'm seeing for the last time - well, the last time in a looong while. Leaving Capetown wasn't quite as final as this is. I knew I would be back, even if it was for a short while. I know I'll be back to Johannesburg too, but I just don't know when or how. Although, it does increasingly appear that when I do move back to South Africa there is a good probability that it will be to Jozi. I like this city and the climate suites me a lot better than Cape Town. No matter how much I miss the mountain, I miss hayfever less.
As I've mentioned before climate is the one thing about the UK that I am uncertain how well I'll cope with. I've developed a great fondness for cereal in the morning - something I can't indulge in in Cape Town as the milk aggravates my allergies. I suspect the UK will be much like CT for sinus irritation factor. I get no hayfever here, and I'm pretty bad in Cape Town -ToothpasteDealer. I've also acclimatised for a much drier climate. I like it that biscuits don't become soggy mush within two days if left unsealed. I can live with the need to moisturise my arse in winter - trust me a dry butt is nooo fun at all. <sigh>
Erm... okaaaaaaaaaaay, timeout, too much information! -- SynKronos
Guess I'm just kind of melancholy about it. I'm really looking forward to the UK, but the reality of everything I'm leaving behind has a weight of it's own. Ah, well, I'm still young, gotta keep moving.

25 March 2004 - 8:53am

Okay, this isn't aimed specifically at you d@vid (although you were guilty! Dhum, dhum, Dhum!), but it's something that I've noticed a number of people doing.
*Comment etiquette:* I enjoy getting comments. I don't care how you choose to layout your comments. However, please, ALWAYS click on the 'This is a minor change.' box. I, personally, like to know when the author of a page has last updated it. When someone chooses to comment and does not mark it as a minor change a new 'mark-up' (hope that's the right term) is created and that new version is listed in RecentChanges - with, of course, the commentor being listed as the latest author. While I like reading comments on what I've written, most of the time I care very little about people's comments on other bloggers' pages. If I'm that interested in comments, I can go and look up additions to pages on RecentEdits?.
And well, I love dodgy tjips - dripping with salt and vinegar... mmm. Cancer can have my intestine, dodgy tjips will always have my heart. (It's the cholesterol that'll get me first, you see...)
*I just thought I'd let you know that your loach is alive, well and living it up in University Estate. - ElfBoy
Cool! Damn, that fish must be at least five or six years old! (which is pretty impressive for a tropical fish) I must try come visit it (and you) when I'm down in April. - LothrielPixie
**d@vid Mar 25 2004:* roger roger, /me so looks forward to TikiWiki with integrated comments (and even real blogs I think), until then each wikiblog is a law unto itself! strange and desperate men wander them, always seeking the elusive grail, armed only with their wits and the trusty edit button... weeoowweeeooowweeeoooow, dhum, dhum, dhum

24 March 2004 - 2:05pm

One of the current banes in my life is the fact that the local petrol station round the corner closed down about a month before Christmas. Now, it wasn’t exactly an establishment of style and class, and it’s ‘café’ section was really not much bigger than a pantry closet. It was one of those stations built slightly before the late 90’s drive to amalgamate the ‘corner store’ with the ‘petrol station’ in an effort to boost profit and convenience. It hailed from those days that if you managed to get a packet of smokes, an ice cream and a cool drink from a petrol station you counted yourself fortunate, and them as ‘well supplied’.
However, our petrol station was a miracle of hygiene, class and variety of selection when compared to the dodgy corner-café that lurks but 20 meters away from it and was summarily shunned while the petrol station was still in existence. Now all we are left with is that very dark, cockroach-infested den of something not-quite-resembling iniquity (but it’s very close…). They have almost no stock – mostly odd packets of chips who’s manufacturers you’ve never heard of and packets of cheap biscuits – they also have a umm... I hesitate to use the word ‘kitchen’… but a corner in which they sell ‘hot food’. I have resorted to occasionally buying some of ‘randburg’s greasiest’ chips from this establishment since it’s hard to get food poisoning off chips and they have a brief but close affair with hot oil. Everything else (that doesn’t come extemely well sealed) is pretty much off limits.
Tragically, this is not helping me cure my afternoon sugar cravings.

23 March 2004 - sometime in the morning...

Having the wiki down is always annoying. Furthermore, in that situation I’d usually type up the entries I’m inspired to in word and then post them anyway when things got back up. However, I was just too damn lazy last week to bother.
My life is absolutely hectic at the moment. Not only have I done very little about sorting out my work situation – writing up my CV, taking a few more stabs at learning Adobe Illustrator (one of the main-stay programs that UK designers work in - we use Macromedia Freehand) etc. finding something to put my luggage in, packing up my room in JHB – but I have also managed to book solid every single night I have left until the day I leave for Durbs. I’ve left myself Saturday day and Thursday day to pack my car. Fortunately, Annick wants to take my mattress off me which was my biggest issue.
This long weekend past was a godsend, it actually allowed me to do so much more of the things that I want to do, and see a bit more of people before I leave. Nikki and I have sorted things out and I saw her on Saturday. Watched a friend of mine, Vittorio, at the Cool Runnings comedy evening on Sunday – him being a comedian and all. It was quite a bit of fun, MC’d by a guy who was comedic doppelganger of Eddie Izzard (different material, identical delivery). In fact I’ve done so much that I think I need another holiday. Back here at work all that’s keeping me sane is the fact that I’ve only go seven (well, six and a half) working days left. Although I suspect they’re going to be nightmares from start to finish.
Having said that I’d better get back to things, since the fact that it’s a four day week just means I have to cram the usual 5 days worth of work into a shorter period.
Oh, and Duncan, I am so not betting on getting into 'voice-talent' in the UK, but I'd never forgive myself if I didn't try. And besides, I have less of a South African accent than you! ;)

10 March 2004 - 4:09pm

_Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for six days.
 Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him on the seventh day, having a rest.
 He inquired of God, "Where have you been?"
 God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look Michael! Look what I have made."
 Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"
 "It's a planet", replied God, "and I've put LIFE on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."
 "Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused.
 God explained, pointing to different parts of Earth.
 "For example, Northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth while Southern Europe is going to be poor; the Middle East over there will be a hot spot. Over there I've placed a continent of white people and over there is a continent of black people." God continued, pointing to different countries.
 "And over there, I call this place America. North America will be rich, powerful and cold, while South America will be poor, hot and friendly.
 And the little spot in the middle is Central America which is a hot spot.Can you see the balance?"
 "Yes" said the Archangel, impressed by Gods work, then he pointed to a small part of land at the tip of a large land mass and asked, "What's that one?"
 "Ah" said God, "That's Cape Town, the most glorious place on Earth!
 There are beautiful mountains, vineyards, rivers, streams and an exquisite coast line. The people are good looking, intelligent and humorous and they're going to be found travelling the world. They'll be extremely sociable, hard-working, and high-achieving, and they will be known throughout the world as the best example of the human species.
 Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then declared, "But you said there will be BALANCE!?"
 God replied wisely,
 "That's why I made Joburg."_
I'm not asking for forgiveness for my CapeTonians comment - this joke was clearly written by a ~CapeTonian who'd smoked far too much at the time. " example of the species" *Bwahahaha!* No, I just like insulting everyone.

08 March 2004 - 11:47am

You know I mentioned in my last post how nice it was to have some female friends; girls to go out and party with. How I thought I may be over the whole ‘don’t get along with girls since they’re too full of shit’ thing. Well, yeah, so much for that.
Saturday night was a really good reminder of why I used to go mad hanging around too many females. They bicker, they argue and they’re too damn sensitive. Arg! My one friend, Nikki, had somehow come to the closet conspiracy that my house-mate and I have formed too close a bond and we’ve decided we no-longer need her as a friend, and so we tolerate her politely. So on Saturday night as I drove them home from a disastrous night out (one hour and forty-five min. of standing in a queue outside Kilimanjaro and they still weren’t letting anyone other than those who’d pre-bought VIP tickets into the club – the night didn’t get a lot better after we left there…), I happened to defend Nats in a discussion we were having. A quarter of an hour later when we were almost home, Nikki decided to elevate another discussion into an attack on my character. Suffice to say it went down-hill from there culminating in a screaming match of note.
It then took three hours of somewhat calmer discussion to iron most of it out between Nikki and I. (I’d sent Nats to bed, since she was drunk and probably the reason it had ended in a screaming match, since she was defending me so loudly that I hadn’t been able to get any justifications out of Nikki for the aspersions she was casting on me.)
Over the space of yesterday and today, I’m half wondering if the effort to mend the insult was worth it and if I shouldn’t have just left it, since through our discussion I have realized that Nikki and I live our lives by completely different codes. So different that I know that the grievances that were aired on Saturday night are very likely to occur again, since that’s just what we each deeply believe is ‘the right way to live’.
Arg, all in all I’m just reminded that the average female is just too sensitive and insecure, and therefore doesn't seem to appreciate my sense of un-biased directness – especially when I’m using it to remind them of their flaws. Sigh. I’m just too blunt for my own good and most women don't seem to get that I say these things without pre-meditation or malice. I am reminded of the Depeche Mode song, "Policy of Truth".

03 March 2004 - 3:48pm

Yesterday, as Carl, Nick and myself headed into the ex-Randburg Waterfront (now known as The Brightwater Common) in search of something that resembled lunch – well, not actually, more like in search of somewhere which wasn’t the office, we had an extremely short but odd conversation concerning how my head is wired. It went something to this effect:
_Me: “Yes, but I’m not an average girl.”
 Nick: “Bob, don’t take this the wrong way, but, face it, you’re a guy.”
 Me: “Yep. Guess so.”
 Nick: “An attractive guy, but still a guy.”_
There was a bit more random statement, me mumbling about knowing that my brain’s not wired like the average female – take, for instance, my complete inability to multi-task. Nick mumbling about the fact that he doesn’t think I’m really female (in the head-case way, not the trans-sexual way) is the only way he copes with my ‘quirky personality’ on a daily basis.
Actually, I don’t think I have ‘gendered’ brain. I can think like a girl, and sometimes ‘think like a guy’ – although I believe this just has more to do with the fact that I’m an intelligent and relatively logical person. I used to get along with guys better than girls, but I suspect that has a lot to do with being in an all-girl's school for soooo many years and just getting sick of dealing with the female mentality every single day with no escape. Over the last few years I’ve been getting on better and better with other women to the point that in Joburg at least, I have more close female friends than male, which is a first for me since I left school. I guess I’ve realized that going out partying with boys is just not quite the same as going out with girls – for instance you can point out the cute lad you’re perving to you male friends – unless they’re gay, but well, they’re not, so sucks to me.
Yeah, umm, .]] I love it.

02 March 2004 - 11:35am

Yesterday, I tendered my resignation. It was really just a formality since everyone here knows when I’m leaving and why, hence handing it in a little (a day) late wasn’t really much of a problem.
When I handed it to the Financial Director, since she’s the one who really runs the admin-side of things – not the MD, she asked if I wasn’t scared about the huge move I’m about to make. My reply was a resounding, “No.” and then I laughed and explained that I’ve done it before, with the CT to JHB move and that moving to the UK was actually a lot less scary for me than that was.
I’m actually too excited to be scared. I guess I’m a little concerned on some levels, but I’ve got my survival skills together over this last year and I’m pretty certain that bar say, at customs I’m mistaken for an infamous assassin who frequently runs under the assumed name, Robyn Lisa Saul, and I get falsely accused of murders I’ve never committed, I can handle most things that get thrown at me. Well, except maybe the weather – I’m not certain on my ability to handle that, native Capetonian or not.
I have every faith in my ability to bullshit my way into some sort of job or another. One of my goals is to try to get into Anime dubbing – ironic since I hate the sound of my own voice, but then again, I also prefer my anime subtitled. Don't bet on it. You have a South African accent -ToothpasteDealer Frankly, I’ll take any opportunity if it sounds like fun. I also reckon I know enough people that I won’t be short of people to go party with. Wheee! I’m sooooo excited!
Arg, Ross just told me he’s coming up to Joburg and 'do I want to meet for drinks?' – except I’m busy every night this week! Will have to wrangle something… My life's a bit of a mad-house these days, but in a good way. Best of all I don't think it's going to stop any time soon. I think this is going to be a really great year in my life.

27 February 2004 - 12:09pm

Well, the deed is done, the die is cast, at least one little piece of my future has solidified from probability to certainty. I forked out the five and a half grand that my open return ticket to the UK costs. I will be winging my way out of JHB International on the evening of Monday the 26th of April to reach the chill shores of the United Kingdom sometime much later on the 27th of April.
Today I am about to book my ‘connecting flight’ to Joburg – Natalie’s persuaded me to come up to Joburg a couple of days early for a last party (or two) with the girls. I’m going to aim to fly up on the Saturday, but if the tickets on that day are sold out on the cheaper seats I’ll just have to delay it to the Sunday – I’m pretty certain that by the time I leave Cape Town I will have run out of what money I have that isn’t needed to pay my last few cellphone installments or tied-up in the Forex I’ll need to do anything in the UK. So perhaps skipping a party on Saturday won't be the end of the world...
I still haven’t sorted where I’m staying and what, but I’ve got one offer of a place already, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem – well, except I have no idea where Alex (Stephenson) is based at the mo, which may be a bit of prob. I’ll just have to get my ducks in a row and sort all this stuff out – which is a lot easier now that I have a departure/arrival date fixed!

25 February 2004 - 9:05am

Mushroom, mushroom!
It's kinda weird - and one of those little things I really like about Jo'burg - that we get mushrooms here all the time. They seem to thrive in the warmish wet atmosphere of the Joburg summer and after a few solid days of rain they crop up all over the place. It's too cute! Natalie's 'tiny-excuse-for-a' garden plays host to puffball mushrooms, and Neek's walls and the rest of the garden are infested with those farmer ants which grow their own fungus-food - so, after it rains, the piles of sand they push out of the nests sprout a forest of little white mushrooms. When I was working for Dimension Data I used to take walks out on to the cricket field they had as the centre of the complex to look at the fairy-rings of a few big fat white toadstools that grew there after wet weather. I love fungi. I think it's a hang-over from my childhood, too much time spent dreaming about faeries and magic and princes and castles and adoring the art of Brian Froud. Seeing mushrooms (and toadstools) brings me back that sense of wonder and excitement that I used to feel as a small child. Plus the way that they just suddenly appear, overnight (as if by magic), makes them all the more special. I looove fungi!

24 February 2004 - 10:15am

It's amazing how time flies when you're not paying attention. It's only two months till I forsake SA for an undecided period of time and I've done so very little. Makes me feel kinda sick when I think about it. The furthest I've got to is getting quotes for my ticket - which since I want to stop over in JHB - is going to land up costing me about 6k - which I fortunately do have, but it's a real whack of my savings. Nothing for it I guess...
I still need to sort my portfolio, pack up my life, design a pdf of my CV, sell my car, visit my friends across the country a la road-trip style, get through another Discovery Launch, finish my costume for Russell's next two-day LARP, email aformentioned CV to recruitment agencies and organise yet more farewell parties. At least I've dodged registering for tax for another year
Oh good, it's not just me who does this kind of thing :P -- SynKronos
and hence don't have to sort that out - I can only hope that no-one notices since, well, I should have done so this time last year, but I didn't... Ah, well, I'll probably be gone for at least three years, so they'll have quite a wait on their hands.
I think I've suddenly lost my ability to cook. Made a large stir-fry last night and, well, it was arb. Although my excuse is that we were out of chicken stock so I had to use this 'garlic and herb' stock. Yeah, Monday is cooking night. Oh, and the Macaroni Cheese was really bland too. Sigh.

20 February 2004 - 8:56am

15/20 for smile test - I was more interested in why I got some of them wrong...
Re: Macaroni Cheese - I won't trust Natalie's piece-of-crap microwave with anything more complex than re-heating leftovers and defrosting bread.
Last night was the first Thursday Night Movie and Munchkin evening of ~CLAWs In Exile (JHB Chapter). Although admittedly I'm not officially ~CLAWs and YetiBe is only visiting the fair city of Jozi before he returns to Boxburg, Kimberly. I got introduced to the joys of Munchkin by Andy and ~YetiBe and we got through one game of standard Munchkin and one game of Star Munchkin in an hour. Whoot! Buckets of fun! I even won my second game - ~YetiBe and Andy tried to skrew each other over during a combat that ~YetiBe was helping me in and landed up giving me four levels and eight treasures! (Of which I'd negotiated to give Yeti only two right at the start...) I also made them watch the Impostor DVD that I borrowed from Russell - pretty good for a patently B-grade movie.
Dammit, endorphines have worn off - can I go back to bed now?

17 February 2004 - 12:17pm

Well, the Japanese is going slowly, but then I've been partying it up a little too much to have enough spare concentration to do anything in the office. Well, anything other than work - and that hasn't been all plain sailing either. But some of the grammatical order is starting to make sense to me, and I guess that's the best place to start, really. It's actually really exciting when I have enough energy to spare on being enthusiastic.
I actaully got a rose on Valentines! From my petrol station for filling up... <grin>
I have also discovered that some recipes for Macaroni Cheese are not quite simple 'mix, pour, bang in oven' procedure I'd assume they'd be - I spent about three hours yesterday mixing rouxs, frying, chopping, boiling and baking. However, seeing as it's about lunch time I think I go find the fridge and discover if my effort was in vain or if I've made a decent Macaroni Cheese (it certainly smelled good last night).
What?? 3 hours!! Not even I take that long on a macaroni. What were you doing with it? And what did you put in it? -- SynKronos
Well, bacon & mushrooms & cheese & macaroni & eggs & flour & paprika & salt & pepper & milk & more cheese. Had to chop things up, fry the mushrooms and bacon - which I did seperately. Make the damn cheese roux, which kept getting interrupted. I probably put it in the oven for about an hour, too - since I like my sauce 'dead'. Frankly, I have no clue why I took that long, somehow I just did. Think it may have had something to do with the only sleeping for about 4.5hrs on Sunday night... Mild case of insomnia...
That's why I do roux in the microwave :P So easy, so quick, tastes just the same, honest :) Very very easy to get it lumpy tho :/ Gotta be super careful. Lack of sleep is a good excuse tho :P Everything seems to go in slow-mo -- SynKronos

11 February 2004 - 11:34am

I've only had a quick moment to look at that japanese link, but thanks, it looks a hell of a lot better than the rest of the sites I've found up till now.
Well, it's official, I have now paid to exercise. My free gym voucher ran out on Monday, so yesterday afternoon I went in and paid to use the gym for two months. I was somewhat relieved that the price they charged me was less than the 'month-to-month' price I'd been quoted before. It took a while to get sorted out since the moronic sales consultant didn't know how to 'work' the receipt book and kept putting the card between the wrong pages so I had to write the whole thing out twice. So now, for the first time in my life I am a gym member. The horror of it is that I hadn't gone for a swim for the last three days, and I was starting to feel more and more crappy as each day went past - I went back this morning and now I feel all spiffy again.
I find it amusing how some people react when I talk about getting up early to go to gym. There's often that slight, "Are you okay in the head?" reaction. Which I, ironically, recognise as something I've expressed to others in the past. I get a bit of a kick out of the whole 'role-reversal' thing. I don't bother to try and convince them of the sanity of it though, I've been where they are and I'm not certain that I am not just a little crazy. However, if so, I'm crazy and feeling a lot better healthwise. Even in the little ways it's funny how much one can change as life goes on. (Besides, I've seen that gym on a weekday afternoon, I'll get up early to avoid that, trust me.)
Current music: Born to get busy -Cypress Hill medium: my mp3 collection


07 February 2004 - 2:51am

I'm writing this just because, well, it's Saturday, and that's novel for me. Earning more money, working more overtime. Will be back here tomorrow - seven day week, whoo hoo.
Kill Bill was very cool. I'm quite looking forward to Vol. 2. It was far from Tarantino's best work, but it was buckets of fun (and blood) and very very manga. Cheese at it's best. I've had quite a japanese themed week - L5R? on Wednesday, Lost in Translation on Thurs and now Kill Bill on friday. Plus, I've been trying to teach myself a bit more Japanese, but I'm terrible with languages. Lost in Translation was an excellent movie, utterly lacking in cheese in contrast to KB, but I simply couldn't relate to the characters and what they were feeling so much of the film's more empathic content was lost on me. They're in Japan and feeling unhappily alientated! Japan! I'd kill to be taken on holiday to Japan and left to roam it on my own devices.
To top it off I've got Russel's birthday party tonight so I guess I'll be made to discuss L5R? with people. Think I'll rather hide in a corner and get Richard to check that my pronounciation of "Watakushi-wa Robyn Saul desu" is correct - 'cos it ain't like it's spelled.

06 February 2004 - 10:04am

It's Friday. It's morning. I haven't had nearly enough sleep. Story of my life at the mo. Maybe I don't need as much sleep anymore. That would be novel. Woke up at 3h40, roamed the house and re-set my alarm for 7h00. Woke up at 6h14, woke my house-mate (making her only an hour late), packed my bag for gym and went. Still haven't decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Jenifer Lopez does not look good as a blond. MTV is evil.
Have nothing to do at the moment. Should do that admin I've been evading... I've volunteered to come into the office tommorow. We've got some projects we need to do overtime on. I'm all to happy to work since it means more money for me. I should get a raise since, in four days (tuesday), I'll have officially have been working for Global for a year, but since everyone knows I'm leaving I'm not going to get one. Swak. I'll just have to milk all the overtime that comes my way.
I'm going to watch Kill Bill tonight. Yay.

03 February 2004 - 6:52pm

Clients, client everywhere! Arg and no work to do - only waiting! Oh, well, at least they're paying me to wait. Not much. But considering I'm already mostly broke and we're only in the first week of Feb - this is not a good thing and every little bit counts - not that I'll see it for a month or so... Guess I need to find some nice men to wine and dine me. Bwahahahaha Fat chance of that. ;) Dammit, I want to go swimming. In fact, I wanted to go swimming and then go for drinks with Richard and Neeks, but that isn't happening either since if I was I'd need to pretty much be in Rosebank NOW.
I'm soo bored. I've replied to most of the emails I have to reply to. Well, the ones I want to. I've done all the test on the Spark - twice. I've reorganised most of my mp3 collection. Guess I ought to do productive things like archive my computer. Bugger that! I'm in full slacker swing. I shall refuse the lure of IRC since a) I'd have to find a way to get it to work from a mac, b) our office copy of winproxy is unlicensed and therefore only lets 4 people on the net at a time and if people found my hogging one of those slots I'd be lynched and c) I'm already a rotten little slacker as it is and any more excused would be a baaaad idea. Oh! Guess, I better use this time researching what the hell I'm going to do to get a job in the UK.
And I like Joburg! It has less aloof, snot-nosed CapeTonians in it (and better parties). Although I don't apply that to you guys, just most of the rest of the damn city.

02 February 2004

You know I just realised that I missed my blog's birthday. I've officially been writing crap on the wiki for more than a year now. Guess I'll just have to keep writing crap.
Anyhooo, I went to the reopening of Zeplins on Friday. And to all my fellow Gauteng exiles who didn't go: Suck it down! OMG, was that a party. The venue is huuuuge - it makes the Doors look like a house-party. We got there to discover that there was no queue, nay rather there was a horde, loads of people cramming their way to the door. We managed to force our way in a little quicker than some and I was faced with a scene I've only ever expected to encounter in the movies. Lights, action, people - all dressed in their gothic/alternative/punk/grunge finest - everywhere. There were four dancefloors (each well separated and in a different room/floor - Retro, Alternative/Metal, EBM/Industrial and Goth), a live band venue and lots of tables, benches, chairs for people to sit and chill in. I was absolutely blown away! I wandered around exploring for about half an hour and the stupid grin on my face took at least another hour to disappear. Whooot!
Hehehe! GarethMojo still hasn't forgiven me for phoning him when I got there and rubbing his face in what he was missing. I am such a cow. The biggest concern is that they'll ever be able to fill that place again - there must have been about 2000 people there - and as mentioned it's HUGE.

Suck it down Capetonians, you say? That may well be the case, but at least we get to live in Cape Town, which I think is worth quite a lot. Oh, and why not join us on IRC? It's not thaat time consuming :P -- SynKronos

Looking forward to taking the Thurteem contigent there for a party over ICON, just gotta wait another six months -- SchpatOhEight

Well, now you can head back to Contents, or for some deranged, but humorous, frothings you can read GarethMojo.

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