From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: d@vid

mundane name variant: DavidSeaward
email: cell: 084 MARINER (+27 (84) 627 4637)
blog: DefyInscription

work (direct): +27 (21) 700 6467 (09h00-17h00)

favourite colour: cthfuchsia (see also fuchsia)
web: (yuck) CalvinBall? status: alternate win condition
protocols: DefyCapitalisation, DefyDivagation (kinda outta date)

2005/08/23 - what the blerry hell? no time for blogging or nuffing; I've got a backlog on blog reading; now I don't even have a virtual life

just a link creation: SAWUonE

public service announcement

got your new gmail account and worried it's so shiny you'll forget to check your student mail? read how to set an autoforward on your UCT account, and you'll never need to check it again!

(note: uses UCT mail account management rather than regular UCT webmail)

(note: applies to non-gmail accounts too, I guess)

goddammit, I have the means but not the opportunity, in the meanwhile, link of the deadline is tomorrow, why don't I pay attention to my Google Alerts?: Disney Seeks Hitchhiker Fans

(and see for the latest greatest trailer)

laugh of the moment: ("well, you could pick up a copy of CLAWmarks 32?...")

link of the century: (until the next h2g2 picture update) Vogon Pictures!!one!!gruntbuggly!!!!

"one day": clean page, fix the recent blog template, discover the recent blog comments box, and fix it so that minor changes don't appear in recent changes {angry} - but it's likely we'll change the wiki engine before that

one relatively unminor change: mage duel LARP

obligatory of the moment: Don't Stop Belieeeeeevin' how can LARPing and the White Stripes be on opposite ends of the cool spectrum? and who the hell are Journey anyway?

plans for 2005:

working at: Open Box Software
09h00 - 17h00 msn messenger: (until campey gets me onto jabber) still gonna: plan Flower War and other funky roleplaying stuff
not gonna: be onna committee

vac work notice: I am connected to gmail and MSN from 09h00-17h00 every weekday, so expect almost-instant reply gratification (for short replies)

much minuting: done... highlights: submissions! (CLAWmarks32?) whine about the tiki! (via Suggestions or roleplaying and LARPing workshops! KAOS league! and, thanks to our CLAWthing, the rumours are true

damn the fold: Firefox versus Mozilla: a word of caution - admirably NPOV - although I luvs my Firefox

link of the moment: Daedalus Halloween it was dead, so now it must be undead!

research of the moment: it almost seemed that Man... or Astro-Man? didn't exist, but it turns out that the punctuationally pedantic wikipedians (I love them so), do list them in wikipedia:Surf_rock? but they are as yet undocumented - however, there is both documentation and a picture of a wikipedia:Shrunken_head?!

still to archive of the moment: TikiWiki docs (pity they're incomplete)

comment of the moment: yay Tiki! please allow for a period of assimilation (I don't know what the fuchsia a structure is but it sounds cool) before I determine the One True Way to use it ;-)

link of the previous moment: Google News Alerts (via N!kke's Index, happy birthday google!)

anything-but-peanut gallery

defy this

holy cow - half of this is now automatable by Tiki! defy that :P


My Life With Master

complete!!!1! now's as good a time as any to post the sessions - after lunch today, probably

Unknown Armies

(what? everyone else is playing it)


(gasp! after I swore off it forever)

^ games I'm actually playing

v games I could swear I'm playing, except I'm not

The Universalis Arena 3

The new wiki-based game of Universalis (not as much dedication required ;) * based on TWiki?, which has 733333+ powerz

Myriadith Campaigns


Inside Tropolis Sorcerer mini-campaign based on the Inside minisupplement (to be run in second semester - pfft! to be run next year is what I mean)

CLAWs events


Flower War: ))Mini-Campaign(( LARP

The LARP Where You All Go To A Restaurant

Mage Duel

Children of the New Moon

Sunspots on the Brain

Comment: What changed, d@ve? (by OOPMan on 2005-08-24 09:04:15)

You know d@ve, I can never figure out what's been changed when you update your page...

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM