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TheTome: LothedInFebruary

I'm archiving proactively now... I wonder how many pages I can fill before someone tells me to take stuff off the Wiki?

28 February 2003 - 2:59pm

Well, I've been working hard, solidly for the last three days, still busy, actually, just taking five... or ten. The oddest thing is that I've been having fun! I've been designing packaging for reinforcd hosing. It's been soo cool. I've been packaging deprived. Sad little design monkey that I am. I have to work hard on everything I get since my continued employment and chance of a future raise depends on it. The more I impress people, the higher my raise. So far, so good.
Going to be house sitting for Roddy (friend of Grant's and a co-worker) from Saturday to Friday, which is going to be a bit weird and chaotic. Three dogs and three cats, all mad.
Anyway, weekend looks good, Mark's in Gauteng for the night so we're going to go find a party. Tommorow I'm going shopping, again. Need new shoes, however it's also the Ghallager estate fashion sale which I've always wanted to go to - maybe I'll go this evening, depending on how late drinks at work lasts. Don't have any real plans for the rest of the weekend. I've finally started the paint job repairs I've been needing to make on my car - sanding down chips, rust-proofing them and the painting them up again - it's slow going though. I'd just had enough of eating food that tasted like enamel - I've been storing the touch-up paint in the fridge. Blurgh
Oh, and mum, I'll put through the car payments for Feb and March this weekend...

25 February 2003 - 11:14pm

It's payday. The first real payday I've had in a while. Admittedly I've been paid, but for a while, every Friday was payday (making it rather hard to control spending because, well, not matter what you'll have money the next friday), then every second monday was payday (payroll got lazy) and finally I'm back to monthly paydays. Monthly certainly has it's pluses, there's that brief moment where you account balance is high enought that you reckon if you withdrew it all in R10 notes you could fill a shallow bath with them and roll in it for a little. Then it all goes. You pay the rent, the credit card, the insurance, the cellphone etc. and "poof" it's all gone. Well, mostly and it then takes a bit of fancy planning to be able to eat, travel and maintain a social life. <sigh> Actually, it's currently not as bad as that... I don't have to worry about that rent bit - I do however have to curb my desire for more "shinies" on the grounds that I need to save up rent and deposit for April.
I'm currently bored. Incase that wasn't overwhelmingly obviouse. So's my bro infact, bored enough that he sms'ed me to tell me he'd missed his train and was actually going to use the time to study! Yeegads. I should also be doing something productive, if not actually taking a few more stabs at the design I'm busy with at the mo, then at least designing more desktop wallpapers to show how brilliantly talented I am. HAHahaha? he. Arg.
My up: I've finally caught up with the last four episodes of Angel.
 My down: I've been suffering mild hayfever for almost a week.

21 February 2003 - 12:13pm

It’s Friday, but somehow I can’t sum up that “whee! Weekend!” feeling. This could be because Discovery Health’s Interim results are due in sometime today/this weekend and when that happens everything, social life included, will need to be dropped like a ton of soggy marshmallows (weighs the same as a ton of brick, just more slippery).
The sad thing is all I really want to do tonight is eat supper, watch X-files and go to bed to sleep-in to some unnamed hour totally uninterrupted by barking dogs, radio alarms, restless housemates, random gunshots and my own somewhat disturbed dreams. Utter decadent bliss.
BTW the Wiki’s taking forever to load – don’t know if it’s me or something else – had to post yesterday’s entry and today’s together since I just couldn’t sit around a wait for the damn thing to save yesterday afternoon.

20 February 2003 - 4:44pm

I feel the, admittedly somewhat petty, need to point out that Mojo plagiarized his Aura of the Engineer idea from me. It's actually a +4 merit I designed in the WoD? system with an accompanying -3 flaw, Aura of the Technoprat, in which electronic equipment and especially computers actively malfunction around one.
Developed many years ago from spending quite a bit of time around Ryan Olsen (Engineer) and Nenad (Technoprat) – oh, and my dad too, years of frustration with my computer and it’s sudden ability to function at his mere entrance. Otherwise all is as the bro mentioned. Nenad used to have a bizarre tendency of causing streetlights to blink off just by walking under them – Ryan had the reverse…
Odd question: Does anyone know where the quote: “Quick, do deformed rabbit! It’s my favourite!”, comes from? Answers to: The prize: The satisfaction of knowing more than me. Heh.
Oh, and I got to role-play, but my Haiku didn't cause quite as much chaos as expected - guess everyone else knows that my characters a little on the intellectually challenged side too...

19 February 2003 - 12:26pm

Well, I've started a spanky new job - incase you'd wondered why I've been so quiet. Chalk it up to a combo of lots of work, not enough time, a computer screen that can be seen by everyone across the studio and the fact that they only set my email up on Friday.
My head's a little on the caved in side. I'm all twichy since my near future includes pulling an all-nighter to the detriment of the Wednesday night L5R?. To which my character is central at the mo. And I've got to be able to read my haiku! The Haiku which will destroy my characters life, which I've written because well, she's stupid and it's more fun this way! I have issues.
Nearly found a place to stay, lost it though. Long nasty story I don't feel like delving into for the umpteenth time. Andy and I are trying to do a mini-Tuesday movies, but so far it's just come down to Tuesday pool. At which, I'll take this time to remind everyone, I suck.
Anyway, since I'm feeling a bit low on the desire to communicate I'll leave this and go see what's been up on the Wiki in my absence.

06 February 2003 - 4:25pm

Arg, blood loss has really kicked me! Damn, I'm tired! In my addled exhaustion yesterday I came up with a plan to get fit(ish).
My new job is closer to where I am now. It also starts half an hour later. Instead of using this blissful opportunity to sleep later I've decided to give the truly yuppie past-time of 'the morning jog' a bash. So armed with takkies and a can of pepper-spray I intend to launch myself around the neighbourhood at some ungodly hour of the morning (sortly after 6am...) I suspect this will be a short lived deviation from (my) normalacy...
Oh and next time I'm supposed to drink even more water!

05 February 2003 - 3:32pm

I feel bloated! How in heaven's name is the average human supposed to consume 2 litres of water per day. And that's considered healthy! Arg.
The reason I've been drinking substaintially more water than usual is explained by the fact that it's been the requisite 8 weeks or so since I last gave blood and I'm off to the Blood bank after work to deposit my latest installment. It'll be my third! I find that drinking lots before hand helps. And eating I guess, but I've never been the sort to skip a meal...
Donating blood's great! I get to feel and proud and social minded, have cool needle-scars without the whole expensive drughabit and blame things on 'blood-loss' for days! And as long as the nurse is decent it really doesn't hurt much either. Also, I've got really good blood pressure so I don't do that whole fainting whoozy thing.
My car is back, shiny and blue and mostly undented (there's always the odd one when your car is made of reconstipated cola-cans) and it goes whoosh when I drive at 140 along the freeway! Yay me! Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Off to role-play with blood-loss! Yay!

04 February 2003 - 2:49pm

The boss is back. Mine that is. And thank goodness. The work is not longer piling up in fantasical and impossible to ignore stacks, but rather has gone back to a smooth steady flow in which I do not feel entirely guilty for slacking off somewhat now and then.
My weekend was busy, but unexciting so I'll spare you the details (I basically did everything I'd had planned on Fri). No Belinda moving and a certain amount of 'getting things done' mixed in with a certain amount of 'utterly ignoring things that need to get done'.
I took my car in to the panel beater's yesterday and am now anxiously awaiting it's return. See prior mentions of evil medium blue poles! But in celebration of my car's return I have decided that this weekend is "Love My Car" weekend in which I will finally get all those little things that need to be done to my shiny-blue-tin-can-on-wheels done. Give the floors a clean, rub down the chips in the paint and then re-paint them etc, etc. This is partially motivated by the fact that I realised that the last time my car was cleaned was the last time it went into the panel beaters! Not my fault, I was rear-ended by a local celebrity while stopped at a red light! I've just been too lazy and busy. I think my leave and accompanying visit to CT broke my JHB vibe and it's been taking me a while to get back into the swing of things. Arg.
I miss Tuesday movies...

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