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TheTome: YetiBe

YetiBe's Main Page

This is YetiBe’s main page. Here you’ll find a brief summary of me, links to my wiki pages, or those I find interesting and the odd bit of inane banter that I didn’t want to put into my blog. Please feel free to comment away.

First an introduction:


YetiBe is Bevan Timm. I was a ClawMember? for three and a half years from mid 1999 to the end of 2002. During this time I studied Electrical Engineering and as is evident by the dates managed to get through in the minimum time and did not succumb completely to the lure of the claw room.

At the moment I am an Engineer In Training (EIT) on Finsch Mine about 160km the wrong side of Kimberley in the Northern Cape. I define the wrong side of Kimberley as the side furthest from Joburg, Pretoria, Durban and Bloem… i.e. where my parents live and where Kim, my girlfriend and fellow ClawMember?, has lived over the past year and a some since we started working. In case anyone is interested, yes we do have Geologists and Technicians In Training.

I am currently in the process of convincing myself to start studying for an exam known as the GCC that I will write next year June. I have been trying to do this since the beginning of last year without much success but the time is drawing near and I am started to stress. For those not familiar with the exam it is divided into two parts, plant and law… and it is scary. The exam has been running for 50 years and there are only 3000 odd people who have passed it. I don’t know how many have attempted but last November it had a pass rate of only 3%!

I have just got back to LA – Lime Acres, don’t get excited - and am going to get my phone reconnected so I should be making the occasional appearance on #claws in the near future.

My Blog

My Blog: Yeti Be - The Lost Journals

My Pages

Thus far my pages include:

This one, although its ownership is a little confused... (see banter)


Other pages that I enjoy or have contributed to:


Well, that’s it but I’m sure the list will grow… sometime.

Inane Banter


Erm, I've just noticed that this page was 'created by SynKronos' I am assuming that means he moved it over to the new format... for which I am grateful.

Now here's the question, how do I claim it back? :-D

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Page last modified on October 05, 2011, at 01:00 PM