From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AngelNotesArchivesOne

Since my AngelNotes page was getting very crowded things have moved. This is the Archive up until the end of July 2003. The same disclaimer applies as for the original ;)

Well it would appear that even the weather operates on Cape time these days and winter has chosen to arrive about a month and a half late. Consequently my little fingers are purple and my fleeting typing skills are no more - makes IRC a bitch :( But I did be finding a packet of mushroom cup a soup in my bag, so now I feel a bit more human.

Thanks to Jo and 'Chelle for the much tasty butternut soup supper last night. I have been infected by yet another lurgy (this time brought by the Russian plague monkey that is Natalya - one of the PhD? students in the lab), so the soup was tasty delicious. Yup, my immune system's nefarious plans to get me out of the way of its world domination scheme appear to be on-going.

Planned to come in, help my second year medic (who I'm showing the ropes in tissue culture) defrost some embryonic stem cells, go home, curl up in bed, drink tea, eat left over pizza and sleep (all in an attempt to defeat this new invader). But, alas, these plans were in vain. Because I find myself waiting to attend an (admittedly interesting) seminar at 4. Attending another seminar tomorrow on the affects of religious beliefs on scientific progress - that's if I make it to the afternoon. My head is full of cotton wool. Must dash - have quizland rankings to improve :)


For those of you who haven't read MoonFlakeLogs recently it should be told how 'Chelle, Jo, Kait and I completely roxored the Doxor on Saturday night (26/7). It was so much fun - barring being secondarily macked (happened to be in the general vicinity of poor Kait) by crotch-grabbing bald dude. The firedancers rocked on a whole new level !! And we had front row macking privileges !!! Plus we all apparently paid to star as extras in some film, but it was all good.

Stay tuned - Monday morning still has me in its grasp, so nothing new to report other than the fact that I may be getting sick (I hate my immune system). Also thanks to all who have contributed do far to ArchAngelsProgressiveStory - I think it's going to be big.


Sad, but true, I am back at 'varsity and my glorious holiday is over :(

This week has been hectically busy and work actually seems to be progressing (always a good thing) - although as a result of all of this insanity it's only Wednesday and I'm ready for a weekend (as are all of the other lab rats that I work with). Loosing a month of lab work due to a combination of my wisdom teeth, infection and holiday (only good part of this little combination) has made me feel really guilty. As a result I'm behaving like a conspiracy theorist who believes that they're all out to get me and that no one can be trusted. The longer this goes on of course, the worse it's gonna get. So, I have formulated a plan that involves much enthusiasm on my part, but that will rid me of this irritating additional voice inside my head (there wasn't enough room for all of the others before he arrived anyway).

Plans are afoot for a squash game this afternoon and I fully intend to run around and burn off some of the food that my mother plied me with (I love going back home) and smack the hell out of things to vent my paranoia and anxiety. Watch this space for a success report.

Roleplaying on Monday night was most entertaining - thanks Tai, Dave and Lucas :)

Oh, how could I almost have forgotten to include this snippet of information. My flight back on Saturday (19/7) has rounded off my flying experience. About twenty minutes after take-off, just as the cabin crew started wheeling their drinks trolleys of doom down the aisle, the following announcement was made: "If there is a doctor on board please identfy yourself immediately." Next thing there was a man being lifted into the aisle, two doctors, lots of passengers doing their best not to be obviously staring, oxygen tanks being fetched and medical kits being opened. I still haven't a clue what happened to the guy, but paramedics came to pick him up at Port Elizabeth (the flight was stopping over there anyhow). As a result we were forty minutes late and I must thank MoonFlake for her patience waiting to collect me in CT. The thing with stopping over in PE that amuses me is that they are quite adamant about the fact that passengers travelling to CT are NOT allowed to leave the plane. Not sure what mischief they think we'll get up to in the airport - but I guess the stop over's generally only about 20 minutes, which is just enough time to throw the bags and passengers on the plane.

My fingers have now turned a delightful shade of purple (the lab is a little bit cold) and I'm going to take my leave to warm them up on a nice mug of tea. I'll eventually get 'round to starting ArchAngelsProgressiveStory, I just need to find some time to apply my mind.


Time for a brief update. Firstly, my fingers are freezing !!! This has led to a dramatic and most unfortunate decrease in typing speed and accuracy (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

It makes no sense - about two days ago it was supposedly 30 degrees in CT while I sat freezing my ass off in Natal ! But it looks as though the cold weather is making a plan (cold fronts here we come) and that by Saturday when I return we will be landing in 50km/h winds - fun for the whole family. Unfortunately my flight back involves a stop over in Port Elizabeth where CT bound passengers are forbidden to leave the plane (they're quite serious about it too). This exciting little detour makes the flight about 40 minutes longer and that much more boring. But I have at least organised a lift home from the airport - Thanks MoonFlake you're an angel :)

So all that remains is for me to pack my suitcase and hope that everything I brought with me fits back in and leaves space for the inevitable extras. Then my last day of freedom back home is mine to exploit as I see fit !!

The panda is becoming sleeeepy, so I will bid you all a fond adieu for now.


Greetings, salutations and sundry hellos. Only six days of my freedom left sigh - but I'm gonna make them count :) Watched "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" again last night with the family. I think it's fun - a complete no brainer, but fun. Am missing you guys, but can't have everything until ultimate power is mine.... I suppose. For those who haven't read MoonFlake's Log page - the comment about the goose-stepping cockroaches nearly led to a burst blood vessel on my part. Oooooh - my brother has just delivered tea..... bliss :)

I promise that I will eventually get around to regaling all and sundry with tales of Kim and my daring do in Pretoria and our fun experience of "night life" there. R5 to get into a club - it has my vote.

Have been making use of the wonderfully available internet connection lacking in my CT abode. This has included doing the rounds on irc - and getting booted by Synkronos off the Claws channel :) (See IrcQuotes)

Not much else of interest to the general populous to report, plus I'm too excited about starting my two new pages :)

BTW: Hope that all who wrote exams are relatively satisfied by their results.


I'm on holiday - YAY me !!! Arrived in Natal (where I hail from for those who don't have a clue - Port Shepstone) on Monday and am so enjoying being home. Plus there's the added bonus of having an internet connection that I may use at will - hence me updating this here page.

Holiday officially started on Friday (4 July) when I flew via Durban to Jo'berg to spend the weekend with Kim. I'd like to take this moment to thank Sed and Bronwyn for dragging themselves to the airport at 5:30am. Yes, strange but true, Sed was awake at that time. Don't know how, but I managed to get onto business class on the two hour flight to Durban :) Hee hee. Was a bit odd - me surrounded by about seven businessmen reading the "Financial Mail" or fiddling on their laptops while I sat with my paperback copy of "The Princess Bride". Still not quite sure what one is supposed to want the warm towel on take-off for, but the tablecloth and real mug for my tea were so coool. Weekend in Pretoria was fantastic (I know you probably don't believe me, but it was). Am a bit sleepy at present, so will fill you all in on the juicy details next time ... watch this space.

I have recommended the Wiki to a couple of friends and I thought that you guys would appreciate that it is read and enjoyed. This habit of mine has also resulted in my brother, Eric (NogHumpty), creating his own pages. I claim no responsibility for the content, but it's likely to be worth a read once he gets there, so keep your eye on them.

My wallet and I were very sad to hear that the price of my Harry Potter book had doubled (see 24/06 entry) to R154. Especially considering that I had taken every possible opportunity to gloat. For this I apologise, but it's still a pretty good price !!!

Went to supper this evening and had prawns !!!! Much happiness in the land of the panda. It's all good. As a result of having been fed, this particular panda is now sleepy and freezing (yes, Natal is cold tonight) so will bid you all a fond adieu until next time.


Another Monday rears its ugly head and those of us not on holiday find themselves sitting once again in front of a PC admirably juggling e-mail, the wiki and actual work that got us here in the first place. This morning started as many have with me waking up at 7 only to rest my alarm for 7:30 and then 7:45. Only this time 'round instead of getting up at the third irritating chorus (my phone has trumpets - try and beat that) I found myself convinced that I had and looking at my watch to see how much longer I could stretch this pythonising session on for. Only to find out, much to my system's shock, that it was in fact 8:21. And I stand here before you brothers and sisters as proof that it is possible for a female to be up, dressed and ready to go in under 10 minutes. So in the whirlwind exit from my flat I missed breakfast and was less than organised to have made lunch the night before - hence shopping at the Med Campus cafeteria for lunch (catering by KKS, but a bit better than res). But my hunger has been satiated and my brain is slowly trying to gain mastery over the whole once more (good luck).

Apart from being a VERY sleepy panda, this was an absolutely rocking weekend !! I got to eat pizza on Thursday night and all about knew that this was good and that they had better not get between me and that pizza lest they should be without certain valuable appendages. Then Friday morning was spent being employed as slave labour to fulfil Barbara's nefarious decorating plans. This was followed by a hair appointment with Ryan (who is the only gay haridresser I have actually met) and enough hairspray to have enlarged the hole in the ozone layer by a good margin. But the party was so much fun !!! I didn't forget my speech and there was food and dancing !!! Had to say goodbye to Kim and Bev again on Saturday night, but I'll be seeing them this weekend again :)

Oh, and I managed to double my speeding fine quota from 2 to 4 in the space of about 2-3 hours on Saturday evening. Now, all of the times I have had a fine Kim has been in my car. How does the old saying go ? Two is coincidence, three is chance and four is a pattern. Coincidence ? I think not !!

People have begun to request the use of this PC, so I will have to relinquish control for a short period.


Well, am finally feeling better after my system has been assaulted by antibiotics of extreme slayer proportions (armageddon in a bottle). And I find myself back at 'varsity doing all the stuff that I've been lying in bed worrying about - plus the cool pastimes like updating the wiki.

I am craving pizza - and have been since the 5 June when my wisdom was forcibly removed from my mouth, but alas the world of chewable solid food is not yet mine for the taking sigh. But soon little sprout, soon.

Am dying to play pool and watch movies this evening, but it would appear that the universe has other nefarious plans and I may spend a boring night at home doing work - NEVER !!! I will triumph and make a plan. Also really looking forward to Barbara's 21st on Friday - Bevan (YetiBe) and Kim are coming down and lo' my cellphone bill and my father shall rejoice (I'm happy about it too). On that note - Juan is also back in town to mingle with us commoners for a time :)

ZenStar has outdone himself with his cunning theory of time (see ZenStarRants) and I think that it is more than worthy of a read.

All hail my brother and our friend Simon for it is through him that we have obtained the new Harry Potter book at the mere sum of R77 - much more student friendly than the R239 or thereabouts that the sharks at the book stores are charging. I'm waiting to get my hands on it when I go home (4-19 July) to see whether it is in fact the whole book or just a Chapter 1 "teaser", with the rest in French or Arabic.

NogHumpty interrupts this program to bring you breaking news :
I am sorry to report that the legions of beancounters at central have launched a counter attack. Unbeknownst to Simon and I they did secretly split the transaction in twain, and only revealing this treachery 2 weeks later. Thus doubling the price of the book to R154. This is still far better than the R239 being charged here! I, however liked R77 better. I feel that I may have to sulk now :-( . On the lighter side it is the whole book, in English as well! I sense much sleep depravation in my future. Back to your scheduled program...

Roleplaying was much fun last night, despite having a revolver bullet lodged in my left femur, thus removing over a quarter of my body points. This coupled with the fact that I have recently also lost most of my right calf. But we press on regardless and I'm not dead yet :)


You know, when I do something, I do it properly. Like getting an infection in my gum/jaw following wisdom tooth extraction. It would appear that I have to do everything with a dollop of drama for good measure. Having paid a visit to my surgeon yesterday afternoon, I am now armed with antibiotics which I swear are the largest tablets I have ever seen in my life (roughly the size of horse trancs) and Myprodol(TM) - so at least it's not all bad. Monday night was the most pain I have been in for a very long time. Managed to sleep for about four hours before the "hot razor blades and shards of glass" sensation happening in my jaw put an end to that foolish pastime. Don't you just love the taste of blood in your mouth early in the morning ? I would like to send out much thanks to Dave Turner and Philipa for having leant "Mall Rats" to me on Monday afternoon - a welcome distraction on my PC.

Managed to get my grubby little hands on a copy of "The Princess Bride" - it's on a par with the movie. For those who haven't seen it, ignorance is no excuse - track it down !!!!

Well, must get back to some actual 'varsity work - got my very drafty masters project proposal back covered in much pencil and comment, so I sense a large amount of work in this panda's future. OK, I'll get some work done after I've set up my new page AngelLaughs ....


It's Friday the 13th !!!! I love it.

I survived the experience of having my jaw mutilated and have lost my first set of original parts :( I think that my body is still refusing to be on more than polite speaking terms with me. By Mon/Tues I was starting to feel a bit better, if somewhat bruised, but Wednesday nearly killed me. Too much, too sooooon !!!!! How long are the self dissolving stitches supposed to take to go away ?

So, I innocently phone my supervisor from home yesterday (legitimately sleeping late and battling with my spacebar) to make a time for a meeting that we had arranged. I was so not expecting "I'm seeing one of the honours students at 9 and I'd like you to be there, we can chat after that" that actually happened. So, yes, I dragged my sorry, lazy ass out of bed in the dark this morning, but not before resetting my alarm three times to allow more snuggle in a warm bed time.

Only 5 more hours 'til "Angel" :) I'm so glad that whole Jasmine thing didn't go on for any longer - only so much happy-happy joy-joy I can take.

My very drafty project proposal has been handed over to my supervisor for perusal and I am now contemplating the many benefits of ducking off home to finish the last fifty pages of "Night Watch". That is so the plan :)

Long weekend !!!!! (and it starts with Fri 13, so it's gonna be great !!)


Aaah, Monday morning. Nothing like hurtling at break neck speed upstairs, an apology for being late already moulding itself in your voicebox, only to find that you are in fact early and that the meeting will only be occuring in two hours :) Of course, the reason for being late is that I absolutely HAD to have my cup of tea this morning (and I refuse to drink half milky tea) - but I think resetting my alarm for another 15 minutes might have helped.

Firstly I'd like to send out much respect to Dave Sharpe for doing a bang up job of organising pancakes and chocolate fondue on Friday !!!! Tai, Dave and John exhibited excellent flipping skills, and for once it was the wimmin watching the guys in the kitchen. Jo and her crushed peppermint crisps are legends !

I have come to the conclusion that I hate my spacebar at home. If you don't hit it in the exact 10 nanometer area that actually functions, you end up with 90% of your document underlined in red (don't even get me started on Word). But we struggled on regardless (hell, I typed my thesis using that hellspawn last year) and managed to churn out two pages of a draft masters proposal - yay me.

Well - those papers on my desk won't get read by themselves, so must dash. My mom's coming down tomorrow !!!!!


The jury is in, the verdict has been reached - my three treacherous wisdom teeth have been sentenced to death by scalpel and shiny pliers next week Thursday (5 June). My maxillo-facial surgeon didn't appear to see the humour behind my "I wonder where the fourth one's hiding ?" comment (See AngelRants if you're confused). On the plus side my female parental unit is coming down to baby me for a few days and feed me custard and ice cream - hehehe.

Oh, some twits decided to try to break into my car while I was at roleplaying on Monday evening, so I spent most of the day yesterday as a car free zone while my locks got fixed. But Gabriel's back and he can now be locked and unlocked at will (although the key helps). Nothing stolen though - so the car gods must like me.

The dulcit tones of huge centrifuges spinning poor defenceless little bacteria or cells at thousands of g's makes for quite interesting ambient music.


I'd just like to take a moment to thank MoonFlake for reminding me about the Wiki. Having been secluded on med campus for the last year and a half, I have been intending to make liberal use of UCT bandwidth for a while and somehow keep getting distracted by work (I know, I'm sorry). But no more - I have thrown off the shackles (well, maybe just loosened the bolts - but it's a start).

Am contemplating starting a page on how to successfully stalk your supervisor, as I am becoming quite adept at it. My record so far is a two hour stalking session ending at 6:30pm when she came out of a meeting. Being tired and vulnerable to attack - I chose to toy with my prey first by leaving appropriate phone messages and notes for her to find on her return. These were laced with just the right balance of desperation and guilt (she had forgotten our original meeting scheduled for 5pm that day) - designed to make her come to me.



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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM