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TheTome: IrcQuotes

10 October 2005

  <confluence> Telnet?  IRC commands?
    Real haxX0rs phone the ISP and scream
    "pssSSSSSsssSSSHHHhhssssSSSSSsssshhh" down the line.
    Having a *computer* is a luxury for pussies.

17 August 2005

  * Klepht pokes Klepht
  * Klepht slaps Klepht around a bit with a large trout
  * Klepht pokes Klepht with a sticky, erect dead-donkey's 
    phallus resembling George Bush (at least he died happy)
  * Klepht slaps Klepht around a bit with a large trout
  * Klepht uses The Almighty Slap of Doom! on Klepht
  * Klepht laughs evilly...MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  <Hodgestar> Klepht: Are you using MIRC?
  <Klepht> ya
  <Klepht> y
  <Klepht> ?
  <Klepht> ?
  -- Hodgestar has kicked Klepht from #claws [[then this 
     won't hurt too much :]]

14 June 2005

  <firstfallen> i think that mark has a gay man inside him
  <firstfallen> umm, you know what i mean

13 Aug 2004

 <GoldenAngel> im back...what did i miss/
 <GoldenAngel> ?
 <bAbYaCiD> Jesus Came Golden Angel
 <bAbYaCiD> i cant believe you missed it
 <Laylah> it was hectic
 <GoldenAngel> wow
 <Laylah> so, this is hell
 <GoldenAngel> was it whitelike evry2 elses?
 <bAbYaCiD> yes, yes it was!
 <Laylah> the Heavens opened
 <bAbYaCiD> dont know about hell....that would at least be exciting... ..more
 like purgatory....endless waiting for nothing to happen...
 <Gnome> oh well
 <bAbYaCiD> '''snigger'''
 <Synkronos> Jesus There was no such nickname
 <Synkronos> End of WHOWAS
 <bAbYaCiD> LOL
 >nickserv< info Jesus
 *NickServ- Nickname Jesus may not be registered or used.
 <Synkronos> ZOMG!!! And here we were, all unsuspecting
 <Gnome> [[DNS]] Looking up cherubim...
 <Gnome> [[DNS]] Lookup failed. No such host is known.
 <Laylah> LOL
 <Synkronos> So does that mean garrick just revealed himself to us?
 <Synkronos> LOL Mark!!
 <Gnome> same thing with Seraphim
 <bAbYaCiD> yes, but Gods says that i can only do it for a minute....
 <Synkronos> So no heavenly hosts at all?
 <Synkronos> That sucks :/

26th May 2004

 <schpat> BVRP Mobile !PhoneTools v1.01 by CORE
 <ShadowsLight> I will get you a URL, schpat
 <ShadowsLight> [[]] 
 <ShadowsLight> oh and Schpat... say NO to the install file
 <ShadowsLight> and keep saying no
 <ShadowsLight> you will eventually get the file without having to install it
 <Hodgestar> Just say no to crack?
 <ShadowsLight> indeed
 <ShadowsLight> especially plumber's crack... that crack is the worst
 <ShadowsLight> although... I must say... I have never been able to say no to
 Super Model crack... that crack is fine
 <schpat> too late, I already said yes
 <schpat> now what do I do?
 <Arad> hehe - why am i not surprised that yoy said YES to crack schpat ? ;)
 schpat [[]] has quit IRC (Client closed

21st May 2004

 <Hodgestar> ShadowsLight: Have you figured out which one was the Power Ranger
 <ShadowsLight> nope... I'll imbd now
 <moonflake> which movie is this?
 <ShadowsLight> Darkwolf
 <ShadowsLight> it's really crap... bu the MST3K'ing we did to it last night
 made it a lot of fun to watch
 <ShadowsLight> ok... the power ranger was the girl being photographed by the
 dodgy photographer when the blonde and the boyfriend arrive at the loft
 <Hodgestar> Ah. The other half of the HWLA?
 <ShadowsLight> indeed
 <Hodgestar> Maybe that should be HLWA.
 <ShadowsLight> hot lesbian werewolf action?
 <moonflake> is there any other kind?
 <ShadowsLight> well... hwla could be hot wet lesbian action
 <Hodgestar> My problem with HWLA is that Werewolf can't be used an adjective
 so Hot Werewolf Lesbian Action is grammatically incorrect.
 <moonflake> right, so in the entire statement of 'hot werewolf lesbian
 action', the only thing that gives you pause is the must be a
 clawmember :)

21st May 2004

<firstfallen> hmm, my hand smells of fishcake

18th May 2004

note: talking about Troy, starring Orlando Bloom (OB) and, apparently, Strong Bad

 <Hodgestar> Any, I thought OB and SB did a pretty good job.  All the acting
 was decent.
 <Hodgestar> s/Any/Anyway/
 <firstfallen> SB?
 <Hodgestar> Sean Bean.
 <firstfallen> strong bad was in it?
 <firstfallen> cool!
 <moonflake> rofl
 <firstfallen> oh, not as cool
 <Synkronos> Stwong Badd
 <firstfallen> lol!!!!!!!!!!!
 <moonflake> omg jo i almost sprayed coke all over my keyboard!!!!!!!1
 <firstfallen> stwonnnnggggg baaaaaadddd
 <firstfallen> hehehehehe
 <firstfallen> i aim to please :P
 <Hodgestar> As you can see, Troy was a bit of a fellowship reunion thing. :)
 <Synkronos> Well, that's what it is here
 <moonflake> yeah, i totally didn't recognise sean bean until the credits
 <Synkronos> Double
 <Synkronos> Who's SB in LotR?
 <moonflake> boromir
 <Synkronos> I don't remember seeing any mexicans...
 <Synkronos> Oh, right
 <firstfallen> hehe, achilles: man, i'm so awesome, you couldn't kill me if
 you tried, but why  would you? i'm awesome!"
 <firstfallen> or paris "yeh, alllll the ladies loove me"
 <Synkronos> But does he use his powers for good, or for awesome?
 <firstfallen> pffffffffft
 <moonflake> rofl
 <firstfallen> hey, not allowed laughing out loud in the office
 <Synkronos> lol :P
 <moonflake> 'come on get in the horse, men, come on get in the horse, men
 <firstfallen> '''choke'''
 <firstfallen> everyone who's anyone is in here
 <firstfallen> we've got a keg
 <firstfallen> of ouzo
 <moonflake> rofl
 <moonflake> '''cries'''

22nd April 2004

 <firstfallen> well, carrot escaped, now i have hummus in my crotch
 <firstfallen> it's all wrinkly too :)

16th April 2004

 <kwill> hey jason, what is !SynAck?
 <Synkronos> Sorry?
 <Synkronos> Why don't you ask !SynAck?
 <moonflake> cos he looks like your bot :)
 <kwill> oh, I thought it was a bot or someatt :P

25th March, 2004

 <Groundy> now i'd understand if he was trying to phone my ass
 <firstfallen> ewwww
 <firstfallen> umm, nurm, is that your ass ringing? got your phone set to
 vibrate? why are you  smiling like that!?!?!
 <Groundy> because then i would be in denial,

20th February 2004

 <firstfallen> what kind of a pimp ''are'' you?
 <ShadowsLight> I'm a stealth pimp... you never see me coming, and never hear
 me going....
 <ShadowsLight> um... that sounded a lot LESS dodgy in my head

18th february, 2004

 <firstfallen> it's really huge, bruce. it's taking ages to come
 <Wither> fridge quote.
 <firstfallen> oh ha ha
 <firstfallen> "things bruce hasn't heard in a while"?

10 Feb 2004


 def: n. pl. schpatrices ''1. Tricks performed by schpat. 2. Tricks
 performed by means of schpat.''

25 jan 2004

 <Arad> a nun in the making.....
 <Arad> get them when they're small

7 January 2004

 <Zenstar> (if you got the good linux(
 <Zenstar> - ( + )
 <Vultar> lol
 <Vultar> that looks like an ass    ( | ) ( * ) ( + )
 <Zenstar> yeah... with a - sticking out
 <Vultar> I'd get that surgically removed if I was you
 <Vultar> - \  ( + )
 <Zenstar> it's ok... it's not my ass... i'm just borrowing it
 <Vultar> better tape it back on then..
 <Vultar> -&( + )
 <Vultar> no tape
 <Vultar> had to use string
 <Zenstar> -=( + )
 <Vultar> much neater

10 December

 (14:04) <Gnome> lo all
 (14:06) <Gnome> I've just discovered the single most vicious brand of toilet
 paper known to man
 (14:06) <Groundy> Gnome: cardboard ?
 (14:07) <Gnome> no, but just as vicious
 (14:08) <Arad> you better be careful ;)
 (14:11) <Gnome> actually indupitably worse
 (14:12) <Gnome> will remember to use it when next I need to strip paint
 (14:13) <Gnome> sadly it's a bit late for that, my ass feels like dermott got
 hold of it
 (14:14) <Gnome> and threw a wild village people party with my ass as the main
 (14:14) <Arad> LOL !!!!
 (14:14) <Arad> was he wearing his leather shorts ?
 (14:19) <Gnome> the furry foxskin ones?

26 November

 <moonflake> soo....what's everyone else up to?
 <CLAWsoup> RecentEdits has been updated.
 <moonflake> thanks, CLAWsoup
 <OOPMan> trying to find cracks is sometimes such a pain!

19 November

 <moonflake> don't be sad
 <GEEKdotNEO> i'm not
 <GEEKdotNEO> really
 <GEEKdotNEO> '''sniff'''
 <moonflake> clawsoup will keep you company
 <CLAWsoup> moonflake: 'will' is not a command.

28 October

 moonflake is now known as moonflake|tea
 moonflake|tea is now known as moonflake
 <Gnome> mm, damn you're tight!
 <Gnome> s/tight/right/
 <Gnome> lol
 <moonflake> rofl
 <Gnome> I have this muffin sitting here and no tea to go with it
 <ShadowsLight> man... I just can't stay up like I used to
 ShadowsLight has quit IRC (Read error: Broken pipe)

17 October

 <Wither> can't really think straight anymore
 <ShadowsLight> "<Wither> can't really think straight anymore"  It's good to
 see you coming out of the closet, Bruce... we always knew it about you, we
 were just waiting for you to realise it
 <duncs> hahahahaha
 <duncs> WWKD
 <Wither> pfft
 <duncs> uhm, reuel. apologise for that one. it was a bit too lame
 <ShadowsLight> K?
 <Wither> i can't even rejoin
 <duncs> rejoin what?
 <Wither> i mean, i'm too buggered to slap roo with a witticism
 <ShadowsLight> Yeah... buggered... man, you just walk into them sometimes...
(backwards, it seems)

6 October

 what happens when you pull my finger -> ExplodingOrk

6 October

 <moonflake> SOMETHINGZILLA, THRID AND mike walk into a bar...
 <Vultar> Barman says why the long faces...

30 September

 an operation was preformed on vultar by Ork_Khrist (doctor) MoonFlake (nurse)

and ZenStar (mad assistant). read the logs here -> VultarRessurection

28 September

 <firstfallen> i am an ass connoiseuer

24 September

 <GEEKdotNEO> i've been taekwondo'ed the last couple of days - all my muscles
 ache from the exercise, and i'm all bruised and battered
 <+GEEKdotNEO> and NO jo
 <+GEEKdotNEO> NOT as in covered in batter
 <+GEEKdotNEO> although i could lick myself to sleep if that was the case
 GEEKdotNEO waves his hands frantically
 <+GEEKdotNEO> no, no! i mean, like, shoulders and stuff

24 September

 <GEEKdotNEO> so, gimme your number f007
 <GEEKdotNEO> no wait
 <GEEKdotNEO> f00l
 <GEEKdotNEO> :D

23 September

 <Bast> how is everybody?
 <ShadowsLight> not too shabby
 <bAbYaCiD> a little worse for wear considering the tounge lashing my penis
 took from synkronos last night

22 september

 <ork_khrist> I like to think of my hands as interactive wonderbras

19 september

 <bAbYaCiD> spell check...mercenaries??

14 September

 <Faeez> hello
 <firstfallen> hi
 <Faeez> how r u?
 <Faeez> asl pls?
 <firstfallen> 40/male/in your ass
 <Faeez> gtg
 <Faeez> bye
and here's a better response:
 <Nightwolf> Hey hey
 <Nightwolf> asl
 <firstfallen> 40/male/in your ass :P
 <Nightwolf> just the way I like it.
 <Nightwolf> yum
 <Nightwolf> ;)

10 September

 <moonflake> um, running out of milk and coffee
 <moonflake> may be able to squeeze two cups out ,tho

4 September

 <+Wither> fuck, my worm's broken

29 August

 <duncs> sex

18 August

 <bAbYaCiD> The History of Magic is a very cool read
 <bAbYaCiD> origanlly written in 1870 in french, translated into english in
 <Wither> non-fiction?
 <bAbYaCiD> of course
 <bAbYaCiD> did you know that if some text are to be believed then through
 either devine planning or strange and twisted coinsidence jesus ended up
 getting nailed to wood that came from the tree of knowledge/life
 <bAbYaCiD> and no "knowledge/life" is not a mistake
 <ShadowsLight> Yeah... that sounds plausible
 <Wither> if some texts are to believed, each city in the world is ruled by a
 vampire "prince", maintaining some semblance of decorum between various
 warring vampire "clans"

13 August

 {17:27} * GEEKdotNEO (GEEKdotNEO@sg.193.287.4362) has joined #CLAWs
 {17:27} <GEEKdotNEO> hi everybody
 {17:27} * Synkronos sets mode: +o GEEKdotNEO
 {17:27} <@GEEKdotNEO> hmmph
 {17:27} * Synkronos sets mode: -o Synkronos
 {17:27} <Synkronos> Oh ffs!!!
 {17:27} * GEEKdotNEO sets mode: +o Synkronos
 {17:28} <@Synkronos> I didn't realize you could botch a 'voice someone' roll

29 July


27 July

 <dorsan> snifffffffff
 <dorsan>            ~* BeaRS N' RoSeS *~         
 <dorsan>  {-.''.-}          {-.''.-}         {-._.-} 
 <dorsan>   ( Y ) -* , 1 *- ( Y ) -*    *- ( Y ) 
 moonflake hands dorsan a tissue
 <dorsan>  ()-*-()         ()-*-()        ()-*-() 
 <dorsan>  ('')-('')         ('')-('')        ('')-('') 
 <dorsan>    TeDDY BeaR HUGS........BYeeeee!!!!   
 <moonflake> i just decapitated your bears
 <moonflake> it was an accident
 <moonflake> i swear

16 July

 <duncs> I met an impressionable young polish girl
 <moonflake> ada?
 <duncs> no man
 <duncs> a NICE one
 <moonflake> sorry, reflex
 <moonflake> ooooh, careful, simon is here ...
 <moonflake> :)
 <duncs> no he isn't
 <duncs> he's outside
 <duncs> AAARGH
 <moonflake> lol
 <duncs> lol
 <confluence> Hey!
 <duncs> lol
 <moonflake> roflmao
 confluence kicks duncs in the shin.

14 July

 {16:05} <@duncs> I also got the oral hygenist to explain gingivitis to me.
 {16:05} <@Synkronos> Ooo, pass on the info?
 {16:06} <@duncs> okay
 {16:07} <@duncs> well the plaque gets cemented on by your saliva, turns into
 {16:07} <@moonflake> roflmao
 {16:07} <@Synkronos> Calculus???
 {16:07} <@duncs> ja
 {16:07} <@moonflake> yes, really
 {16:07} <@Synkronos> weird!
 {16:07} <@moonflake> if only newton had known
 {16:07} <@Synkronos> They shouldn't reuse words, they should make new ones
 {16:07} <@duncs> so your bum reacts and swells, and bacteria + food +
 calculus is underneath, making it nasty
 {16:07} <@duncs> so then the gums recede, giving up
 {16:07} <@moonflake> i'm sure you mean gum
 {16:07} <@Synkronos> lol!!!!!! Bum ey?????????
 {16:07} <@duncs> lol
 {16:07} <@duncs> heh
 {16:08} <@moonflake> omg i think i'm gonna wet myself
 {16:08} <@duncs> b below g
 {16:08} <@moonflake> i'm crying so hard i can barely see the screen
 {16:08} <@duncs> ANYway
 {16:08} <@duncs> so 
 {16:08} <@duncs> your gum recedes and it looks like your teeth are getting
 {16:08} <@Synkronos> Yar, I just collapsed as well
 {12:18} <@Nome> last time I went to the hygienist she didn't check my bum. I
 feel cheated!

12 July 2003

 {19:51} * Arad (parry@sg-196.196.30498) has joined #CLAWs
 {19:52} <Arad> Hey there
 {19:52} * Arad was kicked by Synkronos (You in MY domain now. Suckit!)
 {19:52} * Arad (parry@sg-196.196.30498) has joined #CLAWs
 {19:52} <Arad> It's Shelagh
 {19:52} <@Synkronos> Eh?
 {19:53} <@Synkronos> *checks the nick of the wanker in the other channel
 {19:53} <@Synkronos> I am soooooooo sorry!! *blushes


 (can't remember the date...too many bloody logs to wade through)
 <Alley> !tank 
 <Alley> oops 
 <Alley> !rank
 moonflake blows you all away with the tank
 <Riq> '''copy paste'''...moonflake blows you all....'''keep'''
 <Riq> hehe

17 June 2003

 {02:42} <OOPMan> I'm gonna maybe play an ass next
 {02:42} <Synkronos> You played one before?
 {02:42} <OOPMan> nope

Add new quotes at the top please :P

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Page last modified on February 11, 2009, at 02:32 PM