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TheTome: ZenStar

belongs to MoonFlake
ScilabIsCrap - for when i need to transfer work and don't have disk access and they're blocking email access. please don't fuxxor the information stored there.

2o sept 2oo4
~ROFL ~ROFL ~ROFL -> vgcats comic funny the flail.... rofl...
anyway sigh... just finished reading across the nightingale floor by lian hearn.
what a fantastic book. i cannot wait to get the second.
you like japanese stuffs? you like ninja? you like honour? you have honour? you like tales of intrigue? you like clan wars? you like revenge tales? you like reading? you breathe? you have eyes? answer yes to 2 or more of the above and you should get a copy and read it
(only fiffy bux from boggin books in anal spork)

27 august 2oo4
so the tests over on TestOfBoredom have turned up some interesting results... my question is this though:
how many people have actually read any lovecraft? call of cuthulhu (and other supplements of the ilk including the card game) does not count
that's like saying you know what happened in the ~D&D movie 'cos you own the ~DMG as for the goth test...
wtf? i don't use or like linux and don't wear pvc. the only reason i come close to goth is the occasional black fingernails and the penchant for rammstein and ~NIN (reverse the 2nd N plse)
what... am i a geek goth straight outa compton named tommy viccetti??? and homer simpson??? i'm thinking a little bit too much of a mix going on there
miami ghetto gangster cruising along to the phat beats of hierata mich drinking a duff??? well anyway, here i sit listening to the eclectic vibes of mindless self indulgence instead of having a stats lecture...
the fucker cancelled the lecture on the only day where i have to be on campus for something else any other day would have resulted in a free day for me! grrrr
sings television is good but it is not the best, nothing beat the feel of your giant assssss, it's so big, and so round, and so fiiiiiiiirm...' sorry... this cd roxxors!
anyway... my presence on here has been a bit sparce in the last while shrugs
been doing the usual though, nothing majorly exciting on my side of things... MoonFlake has had a second interview for her job (holds thumbs)
Schpat and Waynnnnnennennennennennenne have gotten new jobs (moving on up) ArchAngel has picked up a little more work while on sabatical
damn! almost makes me feel like i should get some sort of wage slave life (i do like the feddy nigga ('cos i'm ready nigga, never spend it on betty nigga)) almost.... ;)
meanwhile back in psuedo-reality... week long holiday in the immediate future...
need to kick back and watch some good old chop soccy action a friend of mine is going over to hong kong soon
maybe i can get hime to send me back some of the good ~HK shit lucky bastard
been reading a little megatokyo (over at ) it's kinda cool 'cept their on strip 600 and i'm not sure if i could be assed to read from 1 - 600 (i've only read +/- 30)
sister's birthday tonight... blegh means missing sushi night :(
why couldn't she have been born at the begining of a month? would make affording presents easier too...
inconciderate i tell you MoonFlake and i managed to complete the all flesh must be eaten module and format it all nice 'n stuff
just waiting for Schpat's final ~OK on it... come to SchpatCon and play...
the playtesters thought it was fun! now i gots ta finish the ~D&D module...
(mostly that means typing it all up and pdf'ing it) shrugs
well, whatever, i'll do that all soon. ~OK... thats enough of an update to hold you over till next time
(ooh... when will that be? i don't know... tomorrow? the day after? next month? never? who can tell?) so until then:

13 april 2004
uct admin = fuckers so the vac has been fun and relaxing
MoonFlake and i have been housitting my parents' place for a little while now (they're in seychelles...sp?)
ok: so last time i had a stats lecture we were told that we had a test "...not this friday but the next friday we meet..." (no date or anything... just figure it out yourself)
since we alternate fridays with mam143 it wasn't that friday, or the next (143 then) and the next was vac, so i assumed the 1st after vac that friday we had our normal tut and thankfully the tutor tells us with exact dates (1st friday we get back)
so now i'm feeling better as i really don't like to leave ~DP tests to vague approximations of dates anyway, i go to varsity today and head off to find out where the test will be
(since we haven't been told time or place yet and our lectures are monday and wednesday... holidays) already a little pissed by their lack of administration and information i discover that the notice board hasn't been updated with dates
(in fact it's been updated once since the first week of varsity and that update was late... i check it every time i go pass just to remind myself what bile tastes like and why i hate the stoopid admin staff) so i ask at the front desk
she doesn't know (of course) but ensures me that if i come back later she will have asked the other secretary who knows... i go off to my lecture...
i go off to my tab tut... the fucking bitch doesn't pitch up... she'd better be dying in a hospital bed or she will be next week i go back to the stats office...
the secretary hasn't asked the other secretary shit... luckily she was close at hand (ie: walking past) the allegedly wiser secretary tells me that the test may be on thursday unless it is a holiday...
of course we were speaking "in brackets" (her words not mine - wtf does that mean?) as she was still organising with the lecturerer (who couldn't organise himself some water while sitting in a full swimming pool, filled with water, while holding a glass of water, while someone tries to give him water, with more damned water!) so the final verdict was: we'll put a notice up later today...
i had no more lectures that day... there is no varsity tomorrow...
the next fucking day is thursday... so the test may or may not be on thursday or friday, possibly in the morning or in the afternoon or maybe lunch or at night, at some venue somewhere...
that's about all they could tell me (and the lecturerer wasn't in of course... he's also the course administrator) i love being treated like a 3-year old who just asked a priest what german shit porn is about
uct admin should be forced to use the same quality of admin they provide to get their paycheques fucking slack-assed donkey rimming cocksucking bunch of idiotic cum guzzling braindead motherfuckers!

in brighter news: SchpatOhEight seems to be having a good time in korea :)
chatted for a short stint on irc with him today looking for an mp3 player? check out his offer
i'm getting gameboy advance withdrawl though.... only a few more days... ;)
enjoy korea schpat! see you soon!

02 april 2004
wow double tuts suck and on a friday... last day before vac too...
damn i'm glad it's vac now on a more sour note:
~FUCK ~LIMP ~BIZKIT !!!! they fucking cancelled again at the last minute.
i will never buy another of their cd's ever again fuck 'em up their stoopid asses!
MoonFlake had gotten me a ticket as a (really really) early birthday present we were so looking forward to it and then...
oh well... can't change the fact now.
rediscovered my gameboy advance recently :) so much fun...
this last week has otherwise been pretty great actually got my essay in on time
watched a cool movie at ThursdayNightMovies (foolproof) napped a lot
had batter fried calamari tentacles for supper last night with sweet peppers stuffed with cheeses (yes.. multiple) and roasted had a great 2 player game of advance wars with brendan on my gameboy advance over the last 2 days
due to a good ~CO (sammy) pick and having had more practice i managed to force his forces back to his base and win the map we played on was really small too wich didn't help as he chose a long range ~CO (grit)
i bet almost everyone reading this is thinking wtf? who cares??? what is advance wars anyway??? well to you i say "nyaaah" ''pulls lower eyelid down with finger while sticking out tongue
those who know the pleasures of advance wars understand me

26 March 2004
i lie here stealthily awaiting the approach of the dreaded stats tut the clicking of what i assume to be crickets is audible in this electronic jungle
hair on the back of my neck begins to tingle soon i know i shall be lost to the bordom wielded by said evil prey
wishing i could get up and walk away i know that the only route to dp is through the prize shall be mine if i can only stay awake without swearing profusely at the tutor
a very difficult task the tutor is the keeper of the tut and the holder of the dp
wielding nothing but raw instinct, a bag of goodies, and a pen i strive to rob her of the dp after defeating the grossly unwieldy thing she keeps (my god i'm sooooo bored)
is it concidered self defence to kill a tutor trying to bore you to death? is it wrong to wish for a rain of fire to fall upon these slugish com labs?
is it wrong to fill the sprinkler systems with gas and to start a small fire in a bin in the corner of the room? even if it is wrong do you think i could get away with it?
sigh double stats tuts suck.
it's been a boring day and i still have to suffer through 6th, 7th, and 8th a boring lecture to be the fetid cherry on top of a rotting double banana split
can't wait for the day to end so i can go hame and do more interesting things like watch tv. hmm... the tutor is late (4 minutes)...
i wonder if i can abandon the tut and claim she never pitched??? blegh
hope your day is more interesting so far... (and i hope my day gets more interesting soon)

25 march 2004
well lots has happened since the wiki went down had a good long weekend with MoonFlake including (but not limited to) fish and chips, cooking, tv, and rest
my monday night game came to and end leaving behind an odd hybrid of post-apocalyptic jungle and techie alien themes. schoo's character left for space to become an eternal soldier for the aliens (he likes guns) tuesday game was fun as usual (toby did a sweet pic of the rooftop garden/shrine)
wednesday game is getting interesting with the alien stuffs and possibility of flip-flopping skills (i managed to fail 4 increases in a row: all i had to do was roll over the number on a d100 and i get an increase: i rolled under all in spite of failling most in game rolls by rolling over everything the whole night. oh! and one of the numbers i needed to roll over was a 15! and i rolled 13! on a d100! luckily i got an extra roll and got an ok increase {making the skill 20 and making it easier to roll under when i need to check for an advance again})
spent an hour or 2 wandering around starke ayers (sp?... whatever) a couple of days ago... they have some great stuff: bonzais (pine and bamboo and more) and cactusses and frogs and stuff...
other than that not too much happening

about the 14th (i think) of march 2004
ok ok ok... i may have been a little hasty last update.
after thinking about it a litlle i discover that maybe my characters are too serious while looking for a light-hearted fun venture recently it seems that the situations have been too "real-life" for my characters and no-one else's
(well, they complain when i try point out things like: don't shoot the man one foot from my face... and yet when i do the same i get told off for it...) so i'm going to stay in al's game and try to adjust my character
so far he has absolutely no combat skills but is a giant of a man... i'm going to make him a coward, scared of fighting and unable to stand the sight of blood
he should be humourous enough to play if this doesn't pan out then i'll take a hiatus and evaluate exactly what the problem is
either way my monday game ends tonight... be prepared for a short session people as it'll mostly be narative closing up the game
i was going to keep it going a little longer but i'm just worn out and cannot dm it any more besides - it's right at the end anyway. should wrap up nicely.
also: i hate mosquitos

11 march 2004
ok that's the last straw i am officially not playing in any roleplaying games (except binky's, see below for details) excepting cons for the next long while
sorry al but i'm pulling out of your game (4 people makes for a better party anyway... easier for all members to come to a consensus)
the dumb, helpless mechanic i rolled to replace my previous character can easily be dropped from the game or npc'ed (he has no skills but cooking and repair) i'm not going to bother defending my character's actions nor bother discussing it
form your own opinions i don't really care anymore as for binky's game: it doesn't really count as a roleplaying game if you get 1/2 an hour of gaming done in a 5 hour session
that is all

02 march 2004
the weekend was a weekend of feeding for MoonFlake and myself saturday saw us at cattle baron in tableview being fed delicious food
sunday saw us getting pizza while playing ninja burger (card game) at roo's ninja burger was fun and MoonFlake schooled everyone else playing...
(ie: roo, garrick, and myself) stars has hit a lull and all i'm doing is slowly trying to get my section of space into some sort of order.
oh... al's saturday WitchCraft game: ~STOP ~SHOOTING ~AT ~ME ~DAMMIT!!!_
my character is the only one that doesn't want to deal with guns so he's armed with swords and everyone else is packing heat... we decide to cleanse the area of some murdering bastards whom we sneak up on while they are all in a small clearing...
all the guns they have are broken with magic and i rush in with swords drawn... now there is only 1 (one) exit from this clearing and its blocked by everyone in the party but me...
the clearing is a few meters across (ie: the size of your average living room) and filled with 6 of them, 1 of me, and 1 hostage... a short battle ensues and people are dealt with using various means (being psychokenesised into the thick foliage above / crushed with stones / cut down with swords)
finally there are only 2 of the enemy left, one stuck in the trees and one unarmed and running screaming away from me with my 2 swords unable to escape the clearing... at about this point 3 of the players decide that they no longer need to conserve ammo (its the apocolypse by the way) and decide that the best way to deal with a scared, unarmed, slightly delerious man who is trapped in a small space is to shoot at him continuously...
now i just attacked him (and missed) with a sword which means i am right behind him when a barrage of lead starts alternately punching into him, zinging past my face, and breaking one of my swords... yeah... it was a bunch of laughs for everyone on the safe side of the firearms... lets see how funny it is when a fire elemental accidently consumes all the ammo in the party and they have to learn to use a knife!
survivor is going great though :) i want rupert to win (commonly known as blackbeard)
but the best person never wins in these games so we'll have to wait and see...

27 feb 2004
maynardville last night was great!!! MoonFlake and i met with schpat, schoo, and amy and the foodening began...
MoonFlake, schpat and i broke off into a smaller attack group and began stalking the tasty snacks. begining with donoughts and ending with canolli we managed to gorge ourselves on all sorts of wonderful foods including (but not limited to):
polish patato pancakes, hunter's stew, frozen bananas dipped in chocolate, nachos, garlic mushrooms, 2 different types of wurst, pancakes, cheese, and more... a really great night out finished off with a cup of coffee in obs.
and then i wake up this morning to remember to do my stars turn no problem... i'll just whip out the laptop and discover that i haven't upgraded the version on the laptop...
no problem i'll just get online and discover i deleted the email with the link and the patch that i found and downloaded isn't the right one... whoops
oh well :) i didn't have 2nd today so i got to sleep in real late :)
Mexicana at Al's tonight :) ~HAPPY ~BIRTHDAY ~AL :)

26 feb 2004
finally sorted out my scilab login damn these pc's are slow
but anyway... i now have 6 megs to store some small stuff up at varsityhopefully maynardville (spelling???) tonight...
should be fun stars is getting all tensiony with ppl begining to get in other peoples ways
this results in either fighting or messages being broadcast to everyone about space invasion. not too much else has been happening though
i need to get a copy of ~MATLAB (ShadowsLight are you listening? i'll ask you when i next see you) and the java sdk and bluebean ide (if you don't know what an ide is then you don't program)
i realise i've been reading about programing too much now... i discovered that i was adding comments to my notes...
explaining lines with //explanation here oh well...
enjoy ThursdayNightMovies those of you that are going i'll be there next time...
haven't been to the fair since school... i think it's time i go again (and weekends are just too crowded)
see ya

ok: the sue me in reponse of the spelling thing was meant in a jocular way :) i kinda liked what was picked out.
anyway varsity has been hot and packed
but 1st week is down and i still stand :) i've managed to scavange all my needed textbooks from MoonFlake and will be trying to teach myself java too
weekend is a little busy... hopefully it'll be fun anyway

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