From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AngelNotesArchivesFour

And so 2004 begins - bringing with it more archives and news. As always the same disclaimer as the original page applies :)

w00t Friday !!! The physiology students I was tutoring yesterday are about as enthusiastic as wet cabbage (generally speaking). But I'll get them to chat eventually... Went for a session of Body Stress Release for my back yesterday morning and am feeling a lot better - still somewhat achy, but that's what the follow-up session's for. For those uninformed among you - it's a technique that was developed in SA that is based on the idea that your body acts as a biofeedback mechanism, allowing them to deal with the problem specifically and allow the body to release the pent up tension/stress. For more info check out there website at: Body Stress Release.

Was] up bright and early this morning to facilitate for second year students - pretty good group. Now lab work beckons, but I'm always cheered by the prospect of "Angel" and gratuitous pervage later ;) Happy birthday to Al as well !! Ok, experimentation beckons...


Wednesday already - I swear I only now realise what my parents used to complain about time flying for when I was small. It seemed like forever until my next birthday/holiday/christmas, but now I just don't know where the time goes... but enough of this ponderance.

The experiments proceed well and my first years are really sweet (so far). Roleplaying on Monday night was tres cool (despite my continued run of bad rolling). The only bump in the road this week has been the fun experience that is backache (TM) over the last two days - hence me arriving late at varsity yesterday (Tuesday) and today. But I finally swallowed my foolish theory of not taking meds and chased it down with some myprodol. That combined with some hot packs has seen the need for medication drop today and only a niggling ache remaining. But I have an appointment to get it sorted out tomorrow morning - hopefully all will then be well. It feels like my stress has migrated down from my shoulders to take up residence down my spine - just think it's out of kilter at present. And if any of my family are reading this - don't panic.

The unfortunate fact that it's Maynardville carnival time again has come to my attention (firstly by word of mouth, but from tonight by word of loud speakers). Yup - I can see and hear it all from my room and balcony. I've never actually been to one, but can hear everything. Well, my book beckons, so I'll be off. Byeeeee.


Had an absolutely fantabulous weekend :) "Angel" was pretty darn cool and then it was off to ZenStar's to watch tv with him and MoonFlake. Watched that cheerleading movie "Bring it on" again - I dig that film. Plenty of arse wiggling plus Eliza Dushku and don't forget spirit fingers (TM). The m-net pr0n was arbitrary and then it was off home for some quality time with my book :) Went shopping for general stuff and a birthday present on Saturday. My little spree included the purchase of "American Outlaws" and "Road to El Dorado" on DVD. My collection grows slowly. Then whoosh - it was off to a birthday braai at Robert, Louise and Antoine's place for Robert's birthday. Had an absolutely great night - despite my distinct lack of pool playing ability (seems to be becoming an unfortunate trend). Sang along raucously to a number of good old tunes and all about saw that this was good (hey, even the neighbours didn't complain). Was going to go into the lab this weekend, but decided to have time to myself, so put it off until today. Finished off my book on Sunday ("Sabriel" by Garth Nix) - absolutely awesome. Also spoke to the parental units and sibling and then settled down to watch the best of m-net's Sunday night movies. The James Bond was as I remember it - shiny in parts, but in general pretty disappointing. Then watched a british film called "Maybe Baby" - awesome viewing !!!! Great cast including Hugh Laurie, Rowan Atkinson and Emma Thompson and written and directed by Ben Elton. Definitely recommended watching. Also caught "The Last Boy Scout" on e-tv. Enjoyed it the second time round as well - Bruce Willis has such a cool "not as early as hoped" hours of this morning. But it was well worth it - feeling much more relaxed !!

Have set up experiments for the next few days and taking advantage of a scrap of free time to complete this update. Well, that's all for now folks. Catch you on the flip side.


TNM was cool last night - a really good movie (although the word "entertaining" can't be used). A very well executed study of boredom and loneliness. I believe that MoonFlake and ShadowsLight have done a fantastic job of describing it in more detail, so I won't add to the word count on that subject. Friday is upon us :) Currently sitting at the lab PC trying to fill my time up before 4:30 when I can go and watch "Angel". After a brief conversation with FirstFallen on irc I have decided that I am an equal opportunity souled vampire perv... and perfectly content as such (mmm Angel, mmm Spike). Well, nothing else to report. After 6pm my weekend stretches out before me like a plain expanse of stretchy stuff. Will have to come into the lab at some point and my book is in desperate need of reading (and finishing - at that point where I have to force myself to put it down in favour of sleep).

Watch this space, I'm sure something will happen over then next few days and I may even remember to write it down ;)


Yoga yesterday was good - always (being twice so far...) leave feeling relaxed and bouncy. Was lucky enough to be invited for supper at Norm and Caroline's afterwards - good food ;) Week has been nothing much newsworthy. Was having an off day - until I went onto Irc that was - thanks guys for cheering me up !! Have also discovered that I have been promoted to the land of a couch for TNM tonight - go me !!! While it is at the loss of FirstFallen and SynKronos's company - my back appreciates your sacrifice guys :) Oh, and I managed to get 14/20 for the "Spot the fake smile" test - not too bad methinks (link from HardBoiled's blog).

Ok, have a journal club paper to read through, so must be off. Later.


17:52 pm

Ok, well Monday is pretty much over and it feels like it should be Wed/Thurs already. Presentation this morning went alright - just a lab meeting, but no matter how many I do they're still a nerve-wracking experience. Taking baby steps towards getting my experiments working and my project in full swing. Two of the baby steps have been successfully completed and I am feeling mildly pleased with myself. Although it would have been nice if my supervisor shared my enthusiasm - or at least acknowledged that I'm finally making progress. But oh well - not that big a deal. The first year medics are so cute - had Sed's sister Zulfa in one of the groups I took today (much to her horror I'm sure). But she has escaped having me as her tutor/demonstrator for this semester. But after all of this I am now tired. So I'm about to go home and relax for an hour or so before roleplaying tonight. Am crossing fingers that it won't be cancelled again (me developing a withdrawal twitch ? NEVER blinks innocently ).

Ok, bye bye now.

0:31 am

Wow - the weekend is over already... it kinda disappeared in a haze of parties, sleep and varsity.

ThursdayNightMovies was fun - finally got to watch "High Fidelity" in its entirity (been trying for a while). Munchkin was amusing - with my honour being called into question a number of times (Yanka is to thank for that). Friday was greatly appreciated when it finally arrived and "Angel" was highly entertaining - mexican wrestling and diablo robotica (didn't you know the devil made a robot ??) !!! :) Missed the Friday 13th movies, but had a great evening - watched "Robin Hood" (Disney classic version), "Crow II" (finally - not as bad as I thought it would be) and "Mrs Doubtfire". Decided not to set an alarm and hence slept really late into Saturday. So had to rush off to 'varsity, back home and to the CLAW o-week party. Had a great time !!!! Pool, dancing and catching up - the very short version of events. Left at about 4am and was curled up with my book in bed by 6am. Then woke up slightly less late (but only just) on Sunday and it was off to 'varsity again. Watched "Die Hard: With a Vengeance" - great film !! And now I am supposedly preparing for a presentation I have to give tomorrow at 9am.

Well - work and sleep are beginning to have a squabble, so must go. Until we meet again little sprouts.


Happy Valentine's Day Everybody !!!


Ok, so the way my days are going at present I just don't have time to do justice to updates from 'varsity anymore. Which explains why I find myself here and typing away merrily at the wee hours of the morning. Just got back from playing in Schpat's O-week "Celebrity" LARP. First time LARPing, and I've got to say that I had a great time (so yes, will more than likely do it again) !! Thanks to Schpat and all the other people involved :) Week has been madly busy and I haven't yet managed to finish marking the honours' tests and tuts that are piling up on my desk, so that's probably going to be tomorrows mission (in between lab work and journal club). Thanks to MoonFlake for collecting my copy of CLAWmarks for me - yes, you (being the committee mainly) will be pleased to know that I am an official CLAWmember once again this year. Waiting for an hour to get my parking disc was as always a frustrating experience, but you've got to do it some time (preferably before they clamp your wheels - plus it makes it more fun to point and laugh at others when they do). Although parking on med campus at the moment is a fun experience - I swear that every single first year is taking advantage of the lack of fine reprieve this month. Hehe - some of the zany lab rats that I work with have decided that I should curb my smoking habit, so we've introduced a very amusing merit/demerit system. I'll keep you posted on how they're doing with their vices too...... :)

Well, that's my news at the moment. I am now contemplating taking a nice long bath and curling up with either my really good CLAWmarks?/the new FHM. So many choices - so much sleep needed before tomorrow....


Only one phrase springs to mind about today: "Help ! I'm melting....." (said in appropriate wicked witch voice, naturally). Managed to sort out my brief blonde moment when it came to keyboard purchasing and I am pleased - new keyboard is sooooo comfy to type on :) (although getting used to different key spacing... the backspace key is my friend). Got roped into more marking for the honours course today - so will diappear behind a pile of papers soon, no doubt. /* Image of piles of paper forming, getting higher and higher in front of a Shelagh getting smaller and smaller in her desk. - InfernalRabbi */ Life progresses well in the lab and will be taking a brief trip up to campus tomorrow to actually once again become a registered ClawMember? and to acquire the all important parking disc (TM). Not that it'll make much of a difference on med campus, what with them deciding to dig up most of the parking area just as all of the students are arriving... but enough complaining, I have a rants page for such. Roleplaying was cancelled tonight :( And since I usually right-off my Monday nights workwise I wasn't about to break the tradition (such an event is reserved for true panic and HUGE workload), so ended up watching the Grammys - pretty cool in general, although some artists should just stay in the studio. Nothing awful, but that's just my opinion.

That's me for now.


Well, rest of the week passed pretty quickly, what with general lab stuff and helping out marking honours tests. Right so I have finally met Stove - nuff said by all others....
Friday was much appreciated when it eventually rolled around and Angel was pretty cool :) Then proceeded to park off and watch what m-net had to offer. Movie was pretty cool and Jerry Springer was as amusing as usual. The prOn was somewhat interesting. There was a she-male (it may not have had the accessories, but that definitely used to be a guy !!) in the one story..... need I say more. My lack of sleep caught up on me and I have slept late both weekend days - all good :) Saturday night was cool - finally got to watch "Love Actually" which is a great film. Then went to the German Beer hall at the waterfront - they have a rocking live band (every week apparently) and we got to get jiggy with it on the dancefloor and seriously lower the average age of people there. Had a quick trip to Canal Walk on Sunday and while I was there decided to replace my keyboard (enough of this damned spacebar), but as I got home a few minutes ago I realised that I stupidly forgot to check the plug and, lo and behold, it ain't a PS2?, so looks like I'll be paying them another visit tomorrow. Oops. Watched "Wrong Turn" with Roo, Chelle and Alex - not a bad movie in general, it at least had me involved in the story most of the time.

Well, that's me for now :)


I am so broken and it's only Tuesday.

But before I get to the reason, a brief weekend update is in order. Coming into the lab Saturday morning actually turned out to be a whole lot less painful than originally anticipated. But after that I decided it was nap time and that the spendage of my birthday gift vouchery goodness was going to have to wait. Nap was glorious and I was then revived enough to make it to Ross, Jim and Dave's housewarming. The nextdoor neighbour's kitten that seemed to have adopted the flat and party was so cool. Was mildly surprised when, while playing with it, it ducked behind me and I was then greeted with the sensation of small sharp pointy claws in my leg and back as it decided that I was the fastest way up the tree it wanted to scale. We all eventually had to give up on trying to keep it out of the flat and last I saw it it was happily sharing Jean's chips for supper. Company and chatting was good. Then it was off to MoonFlake's for boardgamey goodness :) Seemed that I was the odd-one-out in the all couples evening, but "Pass the Pigs" (came third) and Cluedo roXXored !!! Man I love that board game. Sunday involved glorious sleep and general relaxation.

So why, you might ask yourself, should I be broken by Tuesday after an apparently restful weekend ? Well the honours students arrived yesterday and I spent the whole morning helping out and taking some of them on a tour of med campus (including Groote Schuur - need I say more). Then I helped tutor them in the afternoon (until 5:30ish) and only walked out the building at 7:30. All pretty fun, but I need another weekend. Roleplaying last night was also pretty fun - although was once more overly tired and unfortunately we finished early (feel better soon Tai).

Ok - must dash. Got to supervise honours students to make sure they don't blow up the lab :)


Well - second week back at 'varsity is over - and I've had a pretty kick-ass week. Barring of course the highly aggravating outbreak of the Mydoom virus on first the med campus server and then it seemed to spread like wildfire through the UCT networks - fun, fun, fun....
Monday roleplaying was, as-per-usual, highly enjoyable and hopefully I'll be more awake and mentally alert for next session to fully exploit the fun that is to be had in my new character. Our fearless DM (in the person of Tai) has yet to name said new campaign, so watch this space and I'll hopefully get around to writing up some logs (and I may even consider paragraphs this time just for you ShadowsLight:) ). ThursdayNightMovies was very cool - and I finally got to watch V (hey, I was like 5 when it was out here). Good to see MoonFlake back in town and I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick 'Chelle. Get better soon :) * hugs * Watched "Home Alone" tonight (Friday) - hehehe still funny. Have to be getting off to bed soon as I have agreed to go into 'varsity tomorrow to tutor someone - couldn't really in good consience say no to my supervisor (I really had nothing solid planned for the morning). Plus as Hugh (one of my fellow lab rats) put it: "It would be like saying no to God !" It would appear that my mahjong download is complete - w00t. I love puzzle games !!!!!!

Ok, bye bye now.


Time for a teeny tiny update before I head off to sleepy-bys. Weekend hads been all around great. Angel on Friday was as per usual awesome (fan girl alert). Subjected myself to "Rollerball" again - hey the couch was comfortable !! It definitely looses any shred of its tenuous hold on a plotline from the ghastly and gratuitous handcam night vision bit.
Saturday: Vodka and boardgames evening (minus the games) at Lucas's was fun - relaxed and chilled.

Sunday: "Spiderman" was cool after a break and caught the tail end of "Sister Act II" (refer to IrcQuotes).

That's all from me. My warm bath and comfy bed beckon. So, ciao.....


Hehehehehehe - damn that site is hysterical !! I couldn't resist taking the Pirate Personality Profile Test and it would appear that MoonFlake has some competition (although profile is ever-so-slightly different).

The Cap'n

Some men and women are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any scallawag who stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man - or woman - you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. You are Charlie's Angels without so much "Charlie" and decidedly light on the "Angel." Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone - Man, Woman or Individual of Transgender or indecipherable Sexual Identification - to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.

Oh, and ThursdayNightMovies was fun and my PC is back and up and running !!


w00t we're now entering the year of the golden monkey, and as a monkey (by chinese birth sign anyway) I am convinced that this is going to be a kickass year.


Short update + notice to CLAWmarks editors:

I have finished (and submitted) the CLAWmarks article that I promised - you can now desist from harassing me via cunning use of SMS ;)

Later that very day....

Gabriel has a voice again !!! No more cheesy unaccompanied karaoke in morning rush hour. I am pleased and all about knew that this was so.


Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone * blush * :) Well, I have returned to the fairest Cape and am making full use of these few precious moments when my supervisor is not yet in her office to update this here page. But first things first ....

I'm working on the damn CLAWmarks article, so don't get your panties all up in a bunch :)

Had an absolutely fantastic holiday and it's very much a bitter-sweet feeling to be back. Helped to move furniture, make decorations and set up and decorate for the wedding of two of my really good friends back home over the last few days of my vac. It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding and many compliments were given to the band of "worker elves". Well, at least I know that if science ever fails me I'll be able to go into party planning and decorating with some small level of success ;) Thanks to ZenStar for picking me up from the airport - it was much appreciated. Had to leave half of my books, pictures and sundry stuff that I had acquired over the vac at home because there was just no way that my suitcase was getting any more full (or heavy for that matter). But plans are afoot as you read to rectify the situation. Popped in at roleplaying last night - and a good time was had by all. Thanks boys :) That just about sums up my goings on at present.

So let me go and work on that article.........


Happy Birthday!!! - copious hugs and kisses from MoonFlake and ZenStar - wish you were here :)

Well, only one more week of this glorious de-stressing holiday left, but all is well in the land of me.

I used some of my yuletide monetary acquisitions to purchase the "Pirates of the Caribbean" DVD. Man I love that movie !!!! And the special features are definitely worth the time spent to watch them. Following on from that: I discovered that Orlando Bloom has the same birthday as me - finally someone vaguely well known born on the same day - thought it was going to be left up to me to bring attention to it. I'd like to take this moment to wish Oliver Platt a happy birthday - in my opinion one of the most underated/undercredited actors in the world (Agreed - ShadowsLight).

(Oh... and here are a few other famous people born on your birthday... Nicole Eggert (Baywatch girl), Anna Marie Goddard (Dutch-born Playboy Playmate), Patrick Dempsey (old school 80's teen comedy star... very cool), Penelope Ann Miller (beautiful redhead with a string of hits in the early 90's... Year of the Comet , Other People's Money and Kindergarten Cop for example), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Seinfeld regular), Graham 'Suggs' ~McPherson? (Lead singer of "Madness"), Trevor Rabin (SA born guitarist for "Yes"; he wrote "Owner of a Lonely Heart"), Richard Moll (played Bailiff "Bull" Shannon on "Night Court"... might be before your time but is was a cool show), Carol Cleveland (She typically played in the "Monty Python's Flying Circus" sketches when a beautiful woman was called for as opposed to the typical female role which had the male members in drag), William B. Davis (X-Files' cigarette-smoking man... spooky) and Nick Clooney (Father to the more popular George... ok, that one was scraping the barrel a bit ;-) - ShadowsLight )

P.S. Trevor Rabin was also a founding member of the south african band Rabbitt, and he now makes a living doing hollywood soundtracks, for movies such as Twister, Eraser and Con Air. - MoonFlake

Managed to make it up to Durban for a couple of days last week - so got to see Kim, Richard and some of the other reprobates I know. That was awesome. Unfortunately while everyone was at work on Friday (9 Jan) I was left to my own devices and ended up having a great time in this awesome little second hand book store near Musgrave Centre. As a result of all of my enthusiastic shopping this holiday I have to make a plan to get the books to CT, because there's no way that I'm paying for excess baggage weight. But that is a minor annoyance. Friday night saw Kim, Richard, Eric (NogHumpty) and myself playing a highly creative and hysterical couple of rounds of adventure golf at the Pavillion. So much fun !!!! Bevan (YetiBe) is coming down this weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to see Kim and Bev before our paths diverge again for a time.

Had a facial and back massage today..... divine.

Well, that's all the news that I can remember at present. Ciao.


As per usual I'm running out of time to do all of the things that I had planned for the holiday - but it's been all good so who can complain. Not I.

Only seven more sleeps 'til my birthday !!!!! * bounce bounce *


As the more observant among you may have noticed this page is looking surprisingly empty. It seemed like a good idea to clean up for the New Year. Those among you who are upset because you haven't had a chance to catch up with my usual brand of insanity can get your fix at my Archives pages.

The last few weeks have been MAD !!! More family gatherings and good food than you can shake a stick at. Christmas was all good - although I must say that the gift of a packet of Fattis and Monis pasta from one relative was quite surprising !! Dragged my long-suffering mother clothing shopping a couple of days later so that I could spend some of my vouchers :) Hehe - new clothes make me happy. My brother has been stalking me with our digital camera - you think he'd know better after 22 years. Oh that reminds me - it's my birthday soon w00t ! New Years was really laid back - my bro and I went to a friends place for a braai. Hehe - so laid back in fact that we almost had to wake up two of our friends at midnight for the countdown. But the year has been good to me so far (and judging from other entries others are pleased as well) and I have a great feeling about 2004. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all and I'll see you in just over two weeks. Still haven't managed to see my friends up in Durban (notably Kim) because they've all been galavanting about the countryside - bad timing really. But we shall overcome these mild obstacles. New books to read. So little time. Byeeee.

Here endeth the news.



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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM