TheTome /
ChildrenOfTheCrimsonSandsYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Children of the Crimson Sands.DM: Sean (WombatBoy). Time: At the moment on Wednesday 7th and 8th (1500 to 1700) Venue: One of the meeting rooms...or death. Players: Adan & anybody else willing to play. The Pitch (thank you Gareth and Mike).The characters (this would be you should you choose to join the game) are all playing members of the Tohr-Kreen race, for those of you who are familiar with D&D 2nd ed Darksun the Tohr-Kreen is a more civilised version of the Thri-Kreen, they live North of the Tyr Region and have their own empire. For those of you are unfamiliar with the world of Athas (you suck), it is an arid game setting for D&D where "normal" items such as water and metal are very very rare and there are no deities. Basically it is a nasty game world, fortunately starting characters are also nasty (don't get cocky). Yes it is 3rd ed D&D ,yes i have rules and stuff for this, contact me if you want details on Psychic abilities. I will probably put details about classes and races on this page because it is possible that I will change some of the core rules for characters or classes. Update.Some Other Time. I should start running the game shortly, No i haven't forgotten about it, I AM setting things up. 03-04-2003Getting ready to actually run the game, finding a time looking to be a problem. I am going to race specifics to this page in the coming days probably after Friday. Modifying the D20 system. Changes so far are as follows:
More free on spell-selection. You tell me what you want & how you intend to get it & I give you a spell.
05-03-2004Some batstard is stealing my bandwidth, I hate those bandwidth theives!...ahem.
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