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The centre of the universe, where we used to skulk, loom and lurk. All at the same time. That place of mystery, mania and MondayNightMayhem.
Its material form has now converted into pure information, and only exists on the net, and in the memories of those who have experienced it, in all its incarnations.
- The zeroeth proto-CLAWroom (1989-1991) was the Gargoyle Rock, the large chunk of granite on the right of Jammie stairs if you are facing Jamie Hall (the left if you're facing the blue yonder, doh). This was the gathering place of the FirstOnes.
- The first CLAWroom (1991) was a room in what is today the Hlanganani Building above MollieBlackburn?. Back then this building housed several student societies. Many a game of Diplomacy was played at lunchtime in this room and many an OldOne cut their gaming teeth here.
- The second CLAWroom (1991 - 1993) was at the top of a lift shaft. Yes, contrary to popular belief, the LiftShaft was the second CLAWroom, not the first. In 1991 Claws was exiled from its first room and sought refuge at the top of the lift shaft in MollieBlackburn?. This became a room of legend and many an orc was slain in this era of Rolemaster and Cyberspace.
- The third CLAWroom (1993 - 2002) was down the colonnade from the Library, next to JammiePlaza?. Sadly, we had to leave the (third) CLAWroom on 15 May 2002. And on the morning of 16 May, we removed our locks. It was briefly taken over by a Student Development (project?), and is now the headquarters of (Orientation people?).
- The CLAWroomInExile (2004- ) known as the CLAWtable? was dependent on a critical mass of CLAWmembers meeting around CafeNescafeCafe? tables in MollieBlackburn?, or the green tables on JammiePlaza?. Often a continuous CLAWs presence is maintained from before 08h00 until as late as 18h00. (By then we are outside of course, as CafeNescafeCafe? closes earlier and earlier. Except in winter, when people tend to run home earlier.)
Shack attack!
Between 2002 and 2004 some attempt was made to summon a brooding shambling CLAWshack on campus to become a new CLAWroom.