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Yay for the new Popcap game. It's very cool, very cute. It has exploding furry ball creatures, that squeak and have big bobbly eyes. It also has trophies to collect, which is great.

Waynne's party was great, and the food was so good =) Sooo many chili thingy variants. I hadn't had supper yet, okay?

Magic on Sunday went okay but tooooo looong, as usual =P Waynne came along, but was hungover, so he only stayed for a while before he dropped. I waited until my second loss before I dropped, but that was only at 4pm (after arriving there at 9:30am). Got some cool cards, but not that great =) Ah well, playing was fun at least


Just finished off the Lego Starwars game. It's definitely one of the better platformers I've played in a while, although that might just be the cool factor kicking in =) It's originally a console game, and that shows in the camera angles and controls (no mouse support for example), but it's only really irritating in a few places. Overall, the game is excellent, and so very cute =) So, if you like Lego, or Starwars, or like the thought of tiny plastic Yoda beating up tiny plastic clones with a tiny plastic lightsabre, then this is the game for you =)

Comment: lego overtaking (by GoldenAngel? on 2005-05-17 09:32:57)

i downloaded the new Harry Potter trailer and got the lego version. there is lego everywhere

Comment: LSW Specs (by SynKronos? on 2005-05-18 09:15:01)

Patrick asked re: the specs, so here they are (not that I expect him to read this ever)
Windows XP or 2000 PIII 1GHz or equivalent
256Mb RAM (I'm running 128Mb and it's fine if sliightly laggy in high-effect places) DX9? compatible 32Mb GFx? card with Pixel Shader v1 support (GeForce? 3 or equivalent)
1.5Gb HDD space


At the moment I'm hooking up this site to a payment gateway, and I always feel very nervous when any mistake on my part can end up costing real money to real people, even if they are only Americans. The site sells horrible pottery shit to gullible Americans for ludicrous amounts of money. I think it'll do great :P

Watched Stepford Wives with Jim and Stu on Tuesday. It had quite a few funny bits, but was overall alarming and scary. It portrays everything that I hate about conservative communities.

Chelle's birthday last weekend was awesome :) Loads of fun, great cocktails, cool ppl to talk too :) I had a blast, especially with the ice cream, NAchtmusik? and Cape Velvet :) And so what if I take drinks from whoever's offering them :) They (mostly) tasted all good :P Schpat can keep his 'Perky Nana' tho.


Well, Colleen and I have been going out for 4 years now (barring a few incidents), so we went out last night for sushi at the Cape Town Fish Market in Canal Walk. Man, it was really good :) We had two platters, a large maki one and a medium sashimi and nigiri one, and then I had an eel handroll to finish with :) I'd rate them about on par with Benkei (which I rate as really really good, btw :P), but Benkei have the tiebreaker in that they do all you can eat :P Then we went home and ate some more of the 370g slab of Lindt that my dad brought back from the UK :)

To all drivers - I know that Al (I think it was Al, might have been Julie) have been caught by the one - there are three new permanent speed traps in CT here is the info:

> On the N1 heading out of Town towards the M5 /Paarden Island off ramps just before the foot bridge situated barely visible behind the pillar covers all three lanes. Speed limit is 80kph.

> The second one is also well hidden on the N2/De Waal Drive heading into Town in the vicinity of the Walmer/University estate offramp. Speed limit is 80kph.

> The 3rd one is also well hidden on the De Waal Drive/N2 heading out of town at Hospital Bend as you pass under the bridge. Speed limit is 80kph.

Comment: permanent duration (by d@vid on 2004-12-04 16:41:14)

tim wants to know if by permanent you mean always-on or just a fixed location?

Comment: Re: permanent duration (by SynKronos? on 2004-12-06 15:10:11)

Always on, and at a fixed location. I'm not sure how the running out of film thing works in these new-fangled cameras tho


I just haven't felt like posting in a while

Been up to quite a few things in the interim. We've got a new firewall at work, a Netgear, and it has a firewall list of non-work sites to block, one of which is KoL? :/ This means I'm going thru a CGIProxy?, which is insanely slow and unreliable, but it's better than nothing.

I'm sure almost everyone has heard by now about how I downloaded 97% of the 2.4Gb World of Warcraft beta client (on a torrent stream nogal, so way more than 2.4Gb was transferred), only to be told that the beta was over :( I was a very sad panda on that day.

Actually got around to playing a few games of Doomtown last weekend :) Fun, and I also got around to grabbing some cards to start my Texas Rangers deck :) A non-pull deck, very novel since I only have a Huckster and a Blessed deck.

Been playing a fair amount of Tekken and Soul Calibur on Al's PS2?. Still got a lot to learn in SC2?, as Al took great pleasure in demonstrating :P Heh, I'll get better eventually, better watch out :P

Bejewelled 2 has been released, very cool :) Must still get hold of a crack for that tho. Oh, and I must grab the crack for Insaniquarium from Alex and Chelle sometime.

Played in the Unhinged release tournament last week (a week late). Not really a tournament, since it was just Philip, Waynne and myself :P But great fun, and I got a Johnny, Combo Player, so I'm happy :) Would have preferred a Richard Garfield, PhD?, but hey :P

Lucas' party last weekend (phew, very full weekend that one :P) was cool, just sitting around chatting to ppl :) Good to do every now and then.

Munchkin Bites is very funny :) Enjoyed playing that, even if the evening was a little more tense than it needed to be.

Condolences to both Kait and Jim :( My thoughts are with both of you, hope you're coping

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Page last modified on August 01, 2005, at 07:14 AM