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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I just haven't felt like posting in a while

Been up to quite a few things in the interim. We've got a new firewall at work, a Netgear, and it has a firewall list of non-work sites to block, one of which is KoL? :/ This means I'm going thru a CGIProxy?, which is insanely slow and unreliable, but it's better than nothing.

I'm sure almost everyone has heard by now about how I downloaded 97% of the 2.4Gb World of Warcraft beta client (on a torrent stream nogal, so way more than 2.4Gb was transferred), only to be told that the beta was over :( I was a very sad panda on that day.

Actually got around to playing a few games of Doomtown last weekend :) Fun, and I also got around to grabbing some cards to start my Texas Rangers deck :) A non-pull deck, very novel since I only have a Huckster and a Blessed deck.

Been playing a fair amount of Tekken and Soul Calibur on Al's PS2?. Still got a lot to learn in SC2?, as Al took great pleasure in demonstrating :P Heh, I'll get better eventually, better watch out :P

Bejewelled 2 has been released, very cool :) Must still get hold of a crack for that tho. Oh, and I must grab the crack for Insaniquarium from Alex and Chelle sometime.

Played in the Unhinged release tournament last week (a week late). Not really a tournament, since it was just Philip, Waynne and myself :P But great fun, and I got a Johnny, Combo Player, so I'm happy :) Would have preferred a Richard Garfield, PhD?, but hey :P

Lucas' party last weekend (phew, very full weekend that one :P) was cool, just sitting around chatting to ppl :) Good to do every now and then.

Munchkin Bites is very funny :) Enjoyed playing that, even if the evening was a little more tense than it needed to be.

Condolences to both Kait and Jim :( My thoughts are with both of you, hope you're coping

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Page last modified on December 01, 2004, at 02:29 PM