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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. At the moment I'm hooking up this site to a payment gateway, and I always feel very nervous when any mistake on my part can end up costing real money to real people, even if they are only Americans. The site sells horrible pottery shit to gullible Americans for ludicrous amounts of money. I think it'll do great :P

Watched Stepford Wives with Jim and Stu on Tuesday. It had quite a few funny bits, but was overall alarming and scary. It portrays everything that I hate about conservative communities.

Chelle's birthday last weekend was awesome :) Loads of fun, great cocktails, cool ppl to talk too :) I had a blast, especially with the ice cream, NAchtmusik? and Cape Velvet :) And so what if I take drinks from whoever's offering them :) They (mostly) tasted all good :P Schpat can keep his 'Perky Nana' tho.

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Page last modified on December 09, 2004, at 12:58 PM