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TheTome.VultarRessurection History

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Changed lines 3-212 from:
* moonflake pokes Vultar...quit camping\\
<moonflake> you missed your cue\\
* Zenstar gets a stick and pokes vultar with it\\
<Zenstar> i think he's dead\\
<ork_khrist> vultar??\\
<ork_khrist> buddy?\\
* ork_khrist preforms cpr\\
<Zenstar> stop kissing the corpse\\
<moonflake> lol\\
<ork_khrist> stick his fingers in a plug socket\\
<ork_khrist> CLEAR!\\
<moonflake> still flatlined, doctor!\\
<moonflake> '''charging'''\\
<ork_khrist> Clear!\\
<ork_khrist> hehehe\\
* moonflake checks the monitors again\\
<moonflake> still flatlined!\\
<moonflake> '''charging'''\\
<ork_khrist> get me tha monkey heart\\
* moonflake takes the monkey heart off ice\\
<moonflake> there you go, doctor\\
<ork_khrist> julie left a butchers kife some here\\
<ork_khrist> hehehe stand aside frankinstien!\\
<moonflake> and frankenstein too!\\
<ork_khrist> hmmm yaw\\
<ork_khrist> looky here a unused brain!\\
<ork_khrist> save that for later!\\
* Zenstar steals an organ while no-one is looking\\
* moonflake slices down the chest and inserts the ribspreader\\
<Zenstar> black market goods\\
<moonflake> '''crank'''\\
<moonflake> '''crank'''\\
<moonflake> '''crank'''\\
<Zenstar> '''snap'''\\
<ork_khrist> as we thought no organs at all\\
<moonflake> oi, no unprofessional help!\\
<Zenstar> i didn't touch him\\
<moonflake> you're just making a mess!\\
* Zenstar sidles away\\
<moonflake> he's all yours, doc\\
<ork_khrist> stick it back with glue\\
<moonflake> don't just stick it...\\
* Zenstar accidently spills some coke in there\\
<ork_khrist> staples\\
<Zenstar> oops\\
* moonflake watches as the coke begins to boil and spit\\
<ork_khrist> hmmm nurse mop the brow\\
* moonflake mops the doc's brow\\
* Zenstar gets a dishcloth and starts rubbing vult's lungs\\
<Zenstar> damn...gonna stain\\
<moonflake> '''squeak'''\\
* ork_khrist steals the lungs\\
* Zenstar hides the dishcloth under the liver\\
<ork_khrist> I will need thouse\\
<moonflake> yes, you will\\
* Zenstar nicks the spleen\\
<ork_khrist> and the liver you think\\
<moonflake> oh my god!\\
<moonflake> doctor!\\
<moonflake> this is unprecedented!\\
<ork_khrist> what?\\
<moonflake> there are...\\
<moonflake> '''gasp'''\\
<ork_khrist> ok wash my hands before....\\
<moonflake> '''hushed tones''' female parts\\
<moonflake> dum dum DUM!\\
<ork_khrist> wow havent seen thouse in a while\\
* Zenstar wonders if he can wear stu like a monkey suit ?\\
<moonflake> we knew it! all this time!\\
<ork_khrist> keep zen away\\
<Zenstar> don't close the wound... just put a zip there\\
<ork_khrist> never know what he will do\\
<moonflake> that long hair, those slim hips,....should have been a dead giveaway\\
* Zenstar ashes into the chest cavity\\
<ork_khrist> ugly for a girl though\\
* ork_khrist lights up 2\\
* Zenstar steals a kidney\\
<ork_khrist> how many asses does the monkey have\\
* Zenstar steals another kidney\\
* moonflake pads the hole with cotton wool..he'll never notice\\
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could splic ethem to stu\\
* Zenstar reads the future in vult's intestines\\
<Zenstar> '''poke'''\\
<ork_khrist> lean years ahead\\
<Zenstar> '''squidge'''\\
<Zenstar> '''shuffle'''\\
<moonflake> wow, i see a long dark tunnel.. and much pain and suffering\\
* Zenstar makes a lasso with the kidneys and tries to catch the doc\\
<ork_khrist> lets see how long his entrails are!\\
<Zenstar> intestines even\\
<moonflake> but we don't have a tennis court!\\
* ork_khrist dodges\\
* Zenstar catches a vase\\
<moonflake> how can we use the standard measure for intestine length if we don't have a tennis court?\\
<ork_khrist> no molesting the doctor\\
* Zenstar jams the vase and intestines back into the body\\
<ork_khrist> hmmm\\
<moonflake> yes, but intestines in vase first, or he'll never be allowed into the afterlife\\
* moonflake gets some straw and stuffs that in too\\
<ork_khrist> and the brain!\\
<Zenstar> heh... i got him by the long and squidgys\\
* moonflake gets the rusty coathanger\\
<moonflake> there you go, doctor!\\
* Zenstar gets the bandages\\
<ork_khrist> bwahhahahaha\\
<ork_khrist> mad doctoring is fun!\\
* Zenstar trips on some bandage and rolls past the operation\\
<moonflake> especialy when the patient isn't struggling\\
<Zenstar> whoaaaaaaaaaaa '''off into distance''' '''crash'''\\
<moonflake> damn those clumsy interns\\
* Zenstar wonders back looking like a mummy\\
* ork_khrist chases the nurse around the corpse... patent\\
<Zenstar> '''mmmfffmmfmmffmfmmmmfff'''\\
* moonflake smacks the doctor over the head with a bedpan\\
* Shrike comes back to find some kind of corpse spread out over the floor....eew\\
* Zenstar steals some teeth\\
<moonflake> how'd he get onto the floor?\\
<moonflake> Zenstar!!!\\
* Zenstar looks up\\
<ork_khrist> right now lets try again.\\
<Shrike> better check for stains\\
<moonflake> those weren't even gold!\\
<Zenstar> i didn't dop it!\\
<ork_khrist> we need a lightning conductor\\
<Zenstar> aaahhhh\\
<ork_khrist> and a tank of eels\\
* Zenstar pours in some jelly mix and hot water\\
* moonflake looks around for something metallic\\
* Zenstar mixes vult's insides with a spoon\\
<ork_khrist> and what are we to use as presevative\\
<moonflake> hmmm...toxic sludge\\
<ork_khrist> drink that\\
* Zenstar adds a little vodka\\
* moonflake gets the sodium benzoate\\
<Shrike> you know, in most countries this would get you placed in a federal pound me in the ass facility\\
<ork_khrist> cant drink that\\
* Zenstar starts ladeling out refreshments from the abdomen\\
* Zenstar hands the doc a paper cup\\
* moonflake watches as the paper cup begins to melt\\
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could process the preservative first\\
* Zenstar hands shrike a paper cup\\
<moonflake> dude, you got some of the acid blood in there!\\
* Zenstar hands moonflake a paper cup\\
<Zenstar> it's for the flavour\\
<moonflake> uhuh\\
* Shrike gingerly holds up the cup\\
* Zenstar starts wheeling the body off to the bathroom while everyone's drinking\\
<moonflake> oh no you don't!\\
<Zenstar> awwww\\
<ork_khrist> hey come back!\\
* Zenstar runs\\
* Zenstar locks the door behind him\\
<Zenstar> how YOU doing ?\\
* ork_khrist lasoos the corpse with the guts\\
<Zenstar> '''squidy sounds from bathroom'''\\
<moonflake> aaaaaaaaaarg!\\
<Zenstar> '''more squidy sounds from bathroom'''\\
<moonflake> well, those two always were close\\
* Zenstar unlocks the door and wheels the body back out\\
<ork_khrist> where my patient\\
* moonflake raises an eyebrow\\
<ork_khrist> oh there it is\\
<Zenstar> erm... over there\\
* Zenstar grinz\\
<moonflake> i'm sure there were fewer holes in it when he left\\
<Zenstar> erm.... he fell... on a knife\\
<Zenstar> yeah\\
<ork_khrist> 17 times\\
<moonflake> right, the lesser known '''rounded''' knife\\
<ork_khrist> in the head?\\
<Zenstar> it's been a while since my body met a body while people were passing out on rye\\
<moonflake> ooh, in the back of the head? between the lobes?\\
<ork_khrist> wow look at this sediment\\
<Vultar> '''bleh'''\\
<ork_khrist> it lives!\\
<Zenstar> i have given him the gift of life\\
<ork_khrist> genius!\\
<moonflake> hallelujah!\\
<ork_khrist> say something buddy!\\
<ork_khrist> poke!\\
<Vultar> When I go to hell I'm getting a day pass, then I'm going to go to heaven and kick the s#1+ out of god...\\
<ork_khrist> where you been?\\
* Zenstar hides the kidneys and teeth\\
* ork_khrist pushes vults eye back into its socket\\
* moonflake removes the ribspreaders\\
<Vultar> phwenemffmffmfmf\\
<moonflake> right, going now\\
<moonflake> fun over\\
<moonflake> patient responsive...sort of\\
<ork_khrist> awww\\
<Vultar> mwy phwides hurp...wherf my kidneef?!?!?!\\
* Zenstar wonders if he should get the vase back ?\\
<moonflake> was it expensive?\\
<Zenstar> wasn't mine\\
<moonflake> then who cares?\\
<Zenstar> i could have sold it\\
<moonflake> '''shrug'''\\
<ork_khrist> with or without the guts\\
<moonflake> not my problem, i'm outa here\\
<ork_khrist> noo\\
<Vultar> Wha! I have more holes that the plot for tomb raider 2!!!!\\
<moonflake> oh, coptic jars fetch much more '''with''' the guts\\
<Zenstar> wasn't me\\
<ork_khrist> stay with us nurse\\
* Zenstar denies all knowledge of said holes\\
<Vultar> hehe...coptic...that sounds naughty....\\
<Vultar> "I coptic'd a feel"\\
<moonflake> rofl\\
<moonflake> and on that note...\\
* moonflake pokes Vultar...quit camping
<moonflake> you missed your cue
* Zenstar gets a stick and pokes vultar with it
<Zenstar> i think he's dead
<ork_khrist> vultar??
<ork_khrist> buddy?
* ork_khrist preforms cpr
<Zenstar> stop kissing the corpse
<moonflake> lol
<ork_khrist> stick his fingers in a plug socket
<ork_khrist> CLEAR!
<moonflake> still flatlined, doctor!
<moonflake> '''charging'''
<ork_khrist> Clear!
<ork_khrist> hehehe
* moonflake checks the monitors again
<moonflake> still flatlined!
<moonflake> '''charging'''
<ork_khrist> get me tha monkey heart
* moonflake takes the monkey heart off ice
<moonflake> there you go, doctor
<ork_khrist> julie left a butchers kife some here
<ork_khrist> hehehe stand aside frankinstien!
<moonflake> and frankenstein too!
<ork_khrist> hmmm yaw
<ork_khrist> looky here a unused brain!
<ork_khrist> save that for later!
* Zenstar steals an organ while no-one is looking
* moonflake slices down the chest and inserts the ribspreader
<Zenstar> black market goods
<moonflake> '''crank'''
<moonflake> '''crank'''
<moonflake> '''crank'''
<Zenstar> '''snap'''
<ork_khrist> as we thought no organs at all
<moonflake> oi, no unprofessional help!
<Zenstar> i didn't touch him
<moonflake> you're just making a mess!
* Zenstar sidles away
<moonflake> he's all yours, doc
<ork_khrist> stick it back with glue
<moonflake> don't just stick it...
* Zenstar accidently spills some coke in there
<ork_khrist> staples
<Zenstar> oops
* moonflake watches as the coke begins to boil and spit
<ork_khrist> hmmm nurse mop the brow
* moonflake mops the doc's brow
* Zenstar gets a dishcloth and starts rubbing vult's lungs
<Zenstar> damn...gonna stain
<moonflake> '''squeak'''
* ork_khrist steals the lungs
* Zenstar hides the dishcloth under the liver
<ork_khrist> I will need thouse
<moonflake> yes, you will
* Zenstar nicks the spleen
<ork_khrist> and the liver you think
<moonflake> oh my god!
<moonflake> doctor!
<moonflake> this is unprecedented!
<ork_khrist> what?
<moonflake> there are...
<moonflake> '''gasp'''
<ork_khrist> ok wash my hands before....
<moonflake> '''hushed tones''' female parts
<moonflake> dum dum DUM!
<ork_khrist> wow havent seen thouse in a while
* Zenstar wonders if he can wear stu like a monkey suit ?
<moonflake> we knew it! all this time!
<ork_khrist> keep zen away
<Zenstar> don't close the wound... just put a zip there
<ork_khrist> never know what he will do
<moonflake> that long hair, those slim hips,....should have been a dead giveaway
* Zenstar ashes into the chest cavity
<ork_khrist> ugly for a girl though
* ork_khrist lights up 2
* Zenstar steals a kidney
<ork_khrist> how many asses does the monkey have
* Zenstar steals another kidney
* moonflake pads the hole with cotton wool..he'll never notice
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could splic ethem to stu
* Zenstar reads the future in vult's intestines
<Zenstar> '''poke'''
<ork_khrist> lean years ahead
<Zenstar> '''squidge'''
<Zenstar> '''shuffle'''
<moonflake> wow, i see a long dark tunnel.. and much pain and suffering
* Zenstar makes a lasso with the kidneys and tries to catch the doc
<ork_khrist> lets see how long his entrails are!
<Zenstar> intestines even
<moonflake> but we don't have a tennis court!
* ork_khrist dodges
* Zenstar catches a vase
<moonflake> how can we use the standard measure for intestine length if we don't have a tennis court?
<ork_khrist> no molesting the doctor
* Zenstar jams the vase and intestines back into the body
<ork_khrist> hmmm
<moonflake> yes, but intestines in vase first, or he'll never be allowed into the afterlife
* moonflake gets some straw and stuffs that in too
<ork_khrist> and the brain!
<Zenstar> heh... i got him by the long and squidgys
* moonflake gets the rusty coathanger
<moonflake> there you go, doctor!
* Zenstar gets the bandages
<ork_khrist> bwahhahahaha
<ork_khrist> mad doctoring is fun!
* Zenstar trips on some bandage and rolls past the operation
<moonflake> especialy when the patient isn't struggling
<Zenstar> whoaaaaaaaaaaa '''off into distance''' '''crash'''
<moonflake> damn those clumsy interns
* Zenstar wonders back looking like a mummy
* ork_khrist chases the nurse around the corpse... patent
<Zenstar> '''mmmfffmmfmmffmfmmmmfff'''
* moonflake smacks the doctor over the head with a bedpan
* Shrike comes back to find some kind of corpse spread out over the floor....eew
* Zenstar steals some teeth
<moonflake> how'd he get onto the floor?
<moonflake> Zenstar!!!
* Zenstar looks up
<ork_khrist> right now lets try again.
<Shrike> better check for stains
<moonflake> those weren't even gold!
<Zenstar> i didn't dop it!
<ork_khrist> we need a lightning conductor
<Zenstar> aaahhhh
<ork_khrist> and a tank of eels
* Zenstar pours in some jelly mix and hot water
* moonflake looks around for something metallic
* Zenstar mixes vult's insides with a spoon
<ork_khrist> and what are we to use as presevative
<moonflake> hmmm...toxic sludge
<ork_khrist> drink that
* Zenstar adds a little vodka
* moonflake gets the sodium benzoate
<Shrike> you know, in most countries this would get you placed in a federal pound me in the ass facility
<ork_khrist> cant drink that
* Zenstar starts ladeling out refreshments from the abdomen
* Zenstar hands the doc a paper cup
* moonflake watches as the paper cup begins to melt
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could process the preservative first
* Zenstar hands shrike a paper cup
<moonflake> dude, you got some of the acid blood in there!
* Zenstar hands moonflake a paper cup
<Zenstar> it's for the flavour
<moonflake> uhuh
* Shrike gingerly holds up the cup
* Zenstar starts wheeling the body off to the bathroom while everyone's drinking
<moonflake> oh no you don't!
<Zenstar> awwww
<ork_khrist> hey come back!
* Zenstar runs
* Zenstar locks the door behind him
<Zenstar> how YOU doing ?
* ork_khrist lasoos the corpse with the guts
<Zenstar> '''squidy sounds from bathroom'''
<moonflake> aaaaaaaaaarg!
<Zenstar> '''more squidy sounds from bathroom'''
<moonflake> well, those two always were close
* Zenstar unlocks the door and wheels the body back out
<ork_khrist> where my patient
* moonflake raises an eyebrow
<ork_khrist> oh there it is
<Zenstar> erm... over there
* Zenstar grinz
<moonflake> i'm sure there were fewer holes in it when he left
<Zenstar> erm.... he fell... on a knife
<Zenstar> yeah
<ork_khrist> 17 times
<moonflake> right, the lesser known '''rounded''' knife
<ork_khrist> in the head?
<Zenstar> it's been a while since my body met a body while people were passing out on rye
<moonflake> ooh, in the back of the head? between the lobes?
<ork_khrist> wow look at this sediment
<Vultar> '''bleh'''
<ork_khrist> it lives!
<Zenstar> i have given him the gift of life
<ork_khrist> genius!
<moonflake> hallelujah!
<ork_khrist> say something buddy!
<ork_khrist> poke!
<Vultar> When I go to hell I'm getting a day pass, then I'm going to go to heaven and kick the s#1+ out of god...
<ork_khrist> where you been?
* Zenstar hides the kidneys and teeth
* ork_khrist pushes vults eye back into its socket
* moonflake removes the ribspreaders
<Vultar> phwenemffmffmfmf
<moonflake> right, going now
<moonflake> fun over
<moonflake> patient responsive...sort of
<ork_khrist> awww
<Vultar> mwy phwides hurp...wherf my kidneef?!?!?!
* Zenstar wonders if he should get the vase back ?
<moonflake> was it expensive?
<Zenstar> wasn't mine
<moonflake> then who cares?
<Zenstar> i could have sold it
<moonflake> '''shrug'''
<ork_khrist> with or without the guts
<moonflake> not my problem, i'm outa here
<ork_khrist> noo
<Vultar> Wha! I have more holes that the plot for tomb raider 2!!!!
<moonflake> oh, coptic jars fetch much more '''with''' the guts
<Zenstar> wasn't me
<ork_khrist> stay with us nurse
* Zenstar denies all knowledge of said holes
<Vultar> hehe...coptic...that sounds naughty....
<Vultar> "I coptic'd a feel"
<moonflake> rofl
<moonflake> and on that note...
Changed line 214 from:
Changed line 3 from:
Changed line 214 from:
Added line 3:
Added line 214:
Changed lines 3-6 from:
* moonflake pokes Vultar...quit camping
<moonflake> you missed your cue
* Zenstar gets a stick and pokes vultar with it
* moonflake pokes Vultar...quit camping\\
<moonflake> you missed your cue\\
* Zenstar gets a stick and pokes vultar with it\\
Changed lines 7-9 from:
<ork_khrist> vultar??
<ork_khrist> buddy?
* ork_khrist preforms cpr
<ork_khrist> vultar??\\
<ork_khrist> buddy?\\
* ork_khrist preforms cpr\\
Changed line 11 from:
<moonflake> lol
<moonflake> lol\\
Changed line 13 from:
<ork_khrist> CLEAR!
<ork_khrist> CLEAR!\\
Changed line 15 from:
<moonflake> '''charging'''
<moonflake> '''charging'''\\
Changed lines 17-18 from:
<ork_khrist> hehehe
* moonflake checks the monitors again
<ork_khrist> hehehe\\
* moonflake checks the monitors again\\
Changed lines 20-22 from:
<moonflake> '''charging'''
<ork_khrist> get me tha monkey heart
* moonflake takes the monkey heart off ice
<moonflake> '''charging'''\\
<ork_khrist> get me tha monkey heart\\
* moonflake takes the monkey heart off ice\\
Changed line 24 from:
<ork_khrist> julie left a butchers kife some here
<ork_khrist> julie left a butchers kife some here\\
Changed line 26 from:
<moonflake> and frankenstein too!
<moonflake> and frankenstein too!\\
Changed lines 28-31 from:
<ork_khrist> looky here a unused brain!
<ork_khrist> save that for later!
* Zenstar steals an organ while no-one is looking
* moonflake slices down the chest and inserts the ribspreader
<ork_khrist> looky here a unused brain!\\
<ork_khrist> save that for later!\\
* Zenstar steals an organ while no-one is looking\\
* moonflake slices down the chest and inserts the ribspreader\\
Deleted line 32:
<moonflake> '''crank'''
Changed lines 34-35 from:
<moonflake> '''crank'''
<moonflake> '''crank'''\\
<moonflake> '''crank'''\\
Changed line 37 from:
<ork_khrist> as we thought no organs at all
<ork_khrist> as we thought no organs at all\\
Changed lines 39-41 from:
<Zenstar> i didn't touch him
<moonflake> you're just making a mess!
* Zenstar sidles away
<Zenstar> i didn't touch him\\
<moonflake> you're just making a mess!\\
* Zenstar sidles away\\
Changed lines 43-45 from:
<ork_khrist> stick it back with glue
<moonflake> don't just stick it...
* Zenstar accidently spills some coke in there
<ork_khrist> stick it back with glue\\
<moonflake> don't just stick it...\\
* Zenstar accidently spills some coke in there\\
Changed lines 47-51 from:
<Zenstar> oops
* moonflake watches as the coke begins to boil and spit
<ork_khrist> hmmm nurse mop the brow
* moonflake mops the doc's brow
* Zenstar gets a dishcloth and starts rubbing vult's lungs
<Zenstar> oops\\
* moonflake watches as the coke begins to boil and spit\\
<ork_khrist> hmmm nurse mop the brow\\
* moonflake mops the doc's brow\\
* Zenstar gets a dishcloth and starts rubbing vult's lungs\\
Changed lines 53-55 from:
<moonflake> '''squeak'''
* ork_khrist steals the lungs
* Zenstar hides the dishcloth under the liver
<moonflake> '''squeak'''\\
* ork_khrist steals the lungs\\
* Zenstar hides the dishcloth under the liver\\
Changed lines 57-58 from:
<moonflake> yes, you will
* Zenstar nicks the spleen
<moonflake> yes, you will\\
* Zenstar nicks the spleen\\
Changed line 60 from:
<moonflake> oh my god!
<moonflake> oh my god!\\
Changed line 62 from:
<moonflake> this is unprecedented!
<moonflake> this is unprecedented!\\
Changed line 64 from:
<moonflake> there are...
<moonflake> there are...\\
Changed line 66 from:
<ork_khrist> ok wash my hands before....
<ork_khrist> ok wash my hands before....\\
Changed lines 68-70 from:
<moonflake> dum dum DUM!
<ork_khrist> wow havent seen thouse in a while
* Zenstar wonders if he can wear stu like a monkey suit ?
<moonflake> dum dum DUM!\\
<ork_khrist> wow havent seen thouse in a while\\
* Zenstar wonders if he can wear stu like a monkey suit ?\\
Changed line 72 from:
<ork_khrist> keep zen away
<ork_khrist> keep zen away\\
Changed lines 74-84 from:
<ork_khrist> never know what he will do
<moonflake> that long hair, those slim hips,....should have been a dead giveaway
* Zenstar ashes into the chest cavity
<ork_khrist> ugly for a girl though
* ork_khrist lights up 2
* Zenstar steals a kidney
<ork_khrist> how many asses does the monkey have
* Zenstar steals another kidney
* moonflake pads the hole with cotton wool..he'll never notice
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could splic ethem to stu
* Zenstar reads the future in vult's intestines
<ork_khrist> never know what he will do\\
<moonflake> that long hair, those slim hips,....should have been a dead giveaway\\
* Zenstar ashes into the chest cavity\\
<ork_khrist> ugly for a girl though\\
* ork_khrist lights up 2\\
* Zenstar steals a kidney\\
<ork_khrist> how many asses does the monkey have\\
* Zenstar steals another kidney\\
* moonflake pads the hole with cotton wool..he'll never notice\\
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could splic ethem to stu\\
* Zenstar reads the future in vult's intestines\\
Changed line 86 from:
<ork_khrist> lean years ahead
<ork_khrist> lean years ahead\\
Changed lines 88-90 from:
<Zenstar> '''shuffle'''
<moonflake> wow, i see a long dark tunnel.. and much pain and suffering
* Zenstar makes a lasso with the kidneys and tries to catch the doc
<Zenstar> '''shuffle'''\\
<moonflake> wow, i see a long dark tunnel.. and much pain and suffering\\
* Zenstar makes a lasso with the kidneys and tries to catch the doc\\
Changed lines 92-95 from:
<Zenstar> intestines even
<moonflake> but we don't have a tennis court!
* ork_khrist dodges
* Zenstar catches a vase
<Zenstar> intestines even\\
<moonflake> but we don't have a tennis court!\\
* ork_khrist dodges\\
* Zenstar catches a vase\\
Changed lines 97-98 from:
<ork_khrist> no molesting the doctor
* Zenstar jams the vase and intestines back into the body
<ork_khrist> no molesting the doctor\\
* Zenstar jams the vase and intestines back into the body\\
Changed lines 100-101 from:
<moonflake> yes, but intestines in vase first, or he'll never be allowed into the afterlife
* moonflake gets some straw and stuffs that in too
<moonflake> yes, but intestines in vase first, or he'll never be allowed into the afterlife\\
* moonflake gets some straw and stuffs that in too\\
Changed lines 103-106 from:
<Zenstar> heh... i got him by the long and squidgys
* moonflake gets the rusty coathanger
<moonflake> there you go, doctor!
* Zenstar gets the bandages
<Zenstar> heh... i got him by the long and squidgys\\
* moonflake gets the rusty coathanger\\
<moonflake> there you go, doctor!\\
* Zenstar gets the bandages\\
Changed lines 108-109 from:
<ork_khrist> mad doctoring is fun!
* Zenstar trips on some bandage and rolls past the operation
<ork_khrist> mad doctoring is fun!\\
* Zenstar trips on some bandage and rolls past the operation\\
Changed lines 111-118 from:
<Zenstar> whoaaaaaaaaaaa '''off into distance''' '''crash'''
<moonflake> damn those clumsy interns
* Zenstar wonders back looking like a mummy
* ork_khrist chases the nurse around the corpse... patent
<Zenstar> '''mmmfffmmfmmffmfmmmmfff'''
* moonflake smacks the doctor over the head with a bedpan
* Shrike comes back to find some kind of corpse spread out over the floor....eew
* Zenstar steals some teeth
<Zenstar> whoaaaaaaaaaaa '''off into distance''' '''crash'''\\
<moonflake> damn those clumsy interns\\
* Zenstar wonders back looking like a mummy\\
* ork_khrist chases the nurse around the corpse... patent\\
<Zenstar> '''mmmfffmmfmmffmfmmmmfff'''\\
* moonflake smacks the doctor over the head with a bedpan\\
* Shrike comes back to find some kind of corpse spread out over the floor....eew\\
* Zenstar steals some teeth\\
Changed lines 120-121 from:
<moonflake> Zenstar!!!
* Zenstar looks up
<moonflake> Zenstar!!!\\
* Zenstar looks up\\
Changed line 123 from:
<Shrike> better check for stains
<Shrike> better check for stains\\
Changed line 125 from:
<Zenstar> i didn't dop it!
<Zenstar> i didn't dop it!\\
Changed lines 127-131 from:
<Zenstar> aaahhhh
<ork_khrist> and a tank of eels
* Zenstar pours in some jelly mix and hot water
* moonflake looks around for something metallic
* Zenstar mixes vult's insides with a spoon
<Zenstar> aaahhhh\\
<ork_khrist> and a tank of eels\\
* Zenstar pours in some jelly mix and hot water\\
* moonflake looks around for something metallic\\
* Zenstar mixes vult's insides with a spoon\\
Changed lines 133-136 from:
<moonflake> hmmm...toxic sludge
<ork_khrist> drink that
* Zenstar adds a little vodka
* moonflake gets the sodium benzoate
<moonflake> hmmm...toxic sludge\\
<ork_khrist> drink that\\
* Zenstar adds a little vodka\\
* moonflake gets the sodium benzoate\\
Changed lines 138-145 from:
<ork_khrist> cant drink that
* Zenstar starts ladeling out refreshments from the abdomen
* Zenstar hands the doc a paper cup
* moonflake watches as the paper cup begins to melt
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could process the preservative first
* Zenstar hands shrike a paper cup
<moonflake> dude, you got some of the acid blood in there!
* Zenstar hands moonflake a paper cup
<ork_khrist> cant drink that\\
* Zenstar starts ladeling out refreshments from the abdomen\\
* Zenstar hands the doc a paper cup\\
* moonflake watches as the paper cup begins to melt\\
<ork_khrist> perhaps we could process the preservative first\\
* Zenstar hands shrike a paper cup\\
<moonflake> dude, you got some of the acid blood in there!\\
* Zenstar hands moonflake a paper cup\\
Changed lines 147-149 from:
<moonflake> uhuh
* Shrike gingerly holds up the cup
* Zenstar starts wheeling the body off to the bathroom while everyone's drinking
<moonflake> uhuh\\
* Shrike gingerly holds up the cup\\
* Zenstar starts wheeling the body off to the bathroom while everyone's drinking\\
Changed lines 151-156 from:
<Zenstar> awwww
<ork_khrist> hey come back!
* Zenstar runs
* Zenstar locks the door behind him
<Zenstar> how YOU doing ?
* ork_khrist lasoos the corpse with the guts
<Zenstar> awwww\\
<ork_khrist> hey come back!\\
* Zenstar runs\\
* Zenstar locks the door behind him\\
<Zenstar> how YOU doing ?\\
* ork_khrist lasoos the corpse with the guts\\
Changed line 158 from:
<moonflake> aaaaaaaaaarg!
<moonflake> aaaaaaaaaarg!\\
Changed lines 160-163 from:
<moonflake> well, those two always were close
* Zenstar unlocks the door and wheels the body back out
<ork_khrist> where my patient
* moonflake raises an eyebrow
<moonflake> well, those two always were close\\
* Zenstar unlocks the door and wheels the body back out\\
<ork_khrist> where my patient\\
* moonflake raises an eyebrow\\
Changed lines 165-166 from:
<Zenstar> erm... over there
* Zenstar grinz
<Zenstar> erm... over there\\
* Zenstar grinz\\
Changed line 168 from:
<Zenstar> erm.... he fell... on a knife
<Zenstar> erm.... he fell... on a knife\\
Changed line 170 from:
<ork_khrist> 17 times
<ork_khrist> 17 times\\
Changed line 172 from:
<ork_khrist> in the head?
<ork_khrist> in the head?\\
Changed line 174 from:
<moonflake> ooh, in the back of the head? between the lobes?
<moonflake> ooh, in the back of the head? between the lobes?\\
Changed line 176 from:
<Vultar> '''bleh'''
<Vultar> '''bleh'''\\
Changed line 178 from:
<Zenstar> i have given him the gift of life
<Zenstar> i have given him the gift of life\\
Changed line 180 from:
<moonflake> hallelujah!
<moonflake> hallelujah!\\
Changed line 182 from:
<ork_khrist> poke!
<ork_khrist> poke!\\
Changed lines 184-187 from:
<ork_khrist> where you been?
* Zenstar hides the kidneys and teeth
* ork_khrist pushes vults eye back into its socket
* moonflake removes the ribspreaders
<ork_khrist> where you been?\\
* Zenstar hides the kidneys and teeth\\
* ork_khrist pushes vults eye back into its socket\\
* moonflake removes the ribspreaders\\
Changed line 189 from:
<moonflake> right, going now
<moonflake> right, going now\\
Changed line 191 from:
<moonflake> patient responsive...sort of
<moonflake> patient responsive...sort of\\
Changed lines 193-194 from:
<Vultar> mwy phwides hurp...wherf my kidneef?!?!?!
* Zenstar wonders if he should get the vase back ?
<Vultar> mwy phwides hurp...wherf my kidneef?!?!?!\\
* Zenstar wonders if he should get the vase back ?\\
Changed line 196 from:
<Zenstar> wasn't mine
<Zenstar> wasn't mine\\
Changed line 198 from:
<Zenstar> i could have sold it
<Zenstar> i could have sold it\\
Changed line 200 from:
<ork_khrist> with or without the guts
<ork_khrist> with or without the guts\\
Changed line 202 from:
<ork_khrist> noo
<ork_khrist> noo\\
Changed line 204 from:
<moonflake> oh, coptic jars fetch much more '''with''' the guts
<moonflake> oh, coptic jars fetch much more '''with''' the guts\\
Changed lines 206-207 from:
<ork_khrist> stay with us nurse
* Zenstar denies all knowledge of said holes
<ork_khrist> stay with us nurse\\
* Zenstar denies all knowledge of said holes\\
Changed line 209 from:
<Vultar> "I coptic'd a feel"
<Vultar> "I coptic'd a feel"\\
Changed lines 211-213 from:
<moonflake> and on that note...
<ork_khrist> pop corn and coke?\\
<moonflake> and on that note...\\
<ork_khrist> pop corn and coke?
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Page last modified on February 11, 2009, at 02:47 PM