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Logs for September 2003

right, so weekend in a nutshell:
friday = double booked - Supper with father, then on to jo's slammin' bday. Band roxx0red, boot fund is huge (and thanks to all who contributed, stay tuned for the shopping), G's afterward was fun. saturday = witchcraft madness + anal implants (being lead from a party by several muscled men, and then returning with a limp, complaining that your ass hurts...not good) + Kung Pow with alex and stu + more G's (and the dj has a new gf, this time a goth, so again with the invariant music. She looks like olive oyl, and dances as if she's doing the doggie paddle through treacle). Invited ppl over to my house for coffee...when will i ever learn?
sunday = family + Tomb Raider 2. Angelina...yummy (who needs continuity and plot? who?) again, invited ppl over for coffee...obviously still no learning. monday = monday night madness at roo's. no coffee. getting better.


this is a good date. this is the date i get paid.
well, showing my stoodents pretty pictures this and tomorrow morning, see some great stuff at slide shows are fun, and i feel so geeky operating the projector ^_^ in other news, markus is working at a 50 Cent concert tonight. Chris Rock : "that guy has taken more shots to the face than Jenna Jameson." nuff said.


hmm...public holiday, and i still went up to varsity to do some work. Odd, my first thought's a holiday, i can park in the lecturer bays right outside the entrance to RW James. And there was no-one on campus except for all but one of the astronomy students ^_^
had a great time yesterday. Adam came to visit on campus and we had coffee...very briefly. Then i went online and found that ArchAngel needed some transport logistics. Followed her to drop off rental car, then gave her a lift to panelbeaters to pick up much cheaper panelbeaters rental car, then home for tea and sympathy (not literally, that was by way of being a reference to an excellent novel, you uneducated cretins). My driving had ArchAngel in hysterics, and i will leave it up to her to describe the incident in her logs. i'm sure i don't know what she was laughing at ^_^ i will say one thing on the matter tho: fear my l33t skillz, taxi-monkey! oh yes, and markus's mom came over on monday night and spoiled me silly. very nice visit, we get along quite well, i must admit. Also, Adam popped by because he likes markus's family too, and we're going to visit them in Gordon's bay in 2 weekends' time. Road trip!


wow, what a weekend. Spent the entire night watching tv with ZenStar and ArchAngel on friday, went home at about 10am, only to be phoned by Ork_Khrist asking if we wanted to go watch Pirates of the Carribean since the game was cancelled (mutter mutter). Suffice to say, i chose Johnny Depp over sleep. Sushi for lunch at Cavendish, much pervage of Orlando Bloom and the afore-mentioned Mr Depp. Then a brief nap that turned into oversleeping, but that was okay, because ZenStar, who was supposed to give me a lift to Garrick's bday thang, overslept too and i had to call to wake him up ^_^ Cool Runnings was, in fact, cool, and Gandalfs was...odd. Bizarre house music being played upstairs, bizarre mixture being played downstairs, with occasional bursts of good music. At about 3pm the lamers and mingers left and there was a fantastic run of about 5 songs that i danced my ass off to. Then we left while the going was good.
Lunch at my family today as usual. My stepfather, who is a genius when it comes to all things practical, panel-beated the dent out of my car, and cleaned off the paint, and now it looks like nothing ever happened. Kudos. Anyway, i have tests to mark before tomorrow. Stop bothering me.


As usual, ThursdayNightMovies was great fun. Even Aliens: Director's Cut was not above being MST3Ked? occasionally ('those aren't really hands', 'was it good for you?', 'bing! first floor: kitchen appliances, women's lingerie and xenomorphs') but that's only to be expected. Sigourney is still the bomb, and Bill Paxton never really did grow out of playing the asshole.
On the MSc? front, my thesis is boring me silly. i'm waiting for other ppl to finish stuff they need to do before i can start what i need to do, and in the meantime i'm stuck doing things that i shouldn't really have to do. In fact, i'm stuck cleaning up after someone else who couldn't be bothered to do things the right way in the first place, and trying to work out how to reduce their data, which i shouldn't be having to reduce either. Because it's their data. Not mine. sigh Mmm...plans for far my only goal is to get through the next few hours until i can go watch Buffy. After that...who knows, the world is my mollusc of choice. Hopefully oysters...mmmm...oysters....


Equilibrium!!! What a great movie!
now, aside from the fact that i'm a blatant Christian Bale fangirl, that movie had some stunning fight-scenes. mm...and sweaty nekkid men...and guns...and swords.... sigh
right, still not dying, in fact i feel a lot better now that i'm on DRUGS. my little kiddies have a test today...i'm sure i'll have loads of fun doodling while the faint odour of burning grey matter fills the classroom. if i'm not out of there in two days, send in a rescue party.


yes, i went to the doctor today. may i say that pricing a consultation in this stupid town is madness. First off, student health gave me the second highest quote of the day. am i wrong in assuming that they are meant to be the first and best place to go if you're a student strapped for cash, who already forks out a hell of a lot of fees every year to this damn campus anyway?? wtf?
well, turns out i'm not least, that was the doctor's first offer of an opinion. i have some antibiotics and (more) cough mixture, this time with 18% alcohol by volume. we shall see... monday night tv at Roo' See all of you at Equilibrium tomorrow. Mmmmmm....Christian Bale....


game was maaaaaaad! we are in soooo much trouble. update to follow soonish.
went to jo's place afterward for tekken and squelch. Very good squelch. Tekken boring for me, i've never really been into console gaming. left to abuse alex's dstv and watch 'Not Another Teen Movie'. Which i must assert is one of the stupidest movies i've ever seen. Three Men and a Baby is still funny, even tho it's shamelessly 80's. Scream 2 is also still funny, even tho it's shamelessly...well, shameless. ah, 8 hours of sleep later i went to my mom's for my gran's bday. 3 different cakes. i feel sick.
speaking of which, my mother has ordered that i go to the doctor. we'll see...she's paranoid that i have pneumonia. i'm starting to suspect that she is right.


didn't realise that my page was so long it needed to be archived. blah, anyway, here is the update from the last few days:
yes, G's was fun(ny) on wednesday. DJ actually played some fan-fucking-tastic music, including Tool - Forty-Six & 2. When people started arriving after the concert, i left. Few things irritate me more than people standing around on the dancefloor with their beer in one hand and their dick metaphorically in the other, where i'm trying to dance. Last night was great fun. Went to see Bruce Almighty with ArchAngel and ZenStar. Rejoice, for it was indeed amusing and all who saw it laughed and said that it was good. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen. (anglican upbringing? me?)
Then it was on to GobLin's place so that he could show off his spanky new entertainment system. 51st State and Van Wilder: Party Liaison...both of which were fun, but not quite as funny as Prayer Post-Its (tm). Well, gotta get ready for my game. We are, as always, up to our eyeballs in it.


i hate this fucking planet.
yesterday some complete and utter asshole pulls out of a parking bay right into my lane. slamming of brakes, screeching of tyres, hooting of horn ensues. And then, haha, stupid me, i drive away because i don't think he actually hit me. Well, later i find a nice 4 inch white stripe down the side of my car, in front of the passenger door. Fucking great. If i'd felt him hit me i would have taken his details, but noooo, that would be too much to ask from this world. The cherry on top was that despite all the commotion, the traffic cop across the road carries on along his merry, oblivious way. i hope they both die in flaming wrecks, trapped in their cars as they writhe and burn, while people look on and stare without helping.
oh, and nice to see ColdChamber up again. Thanks to GloomiNati for putting so eloquently into words what so many of us have felt at some time or another. This is my favourite aspect of the wiki: where people get to vent as much as they like on a platform where (mostly) no one will judge them. Respect.
Right, i'm gonna go to the Sepultura Afterparty. After a week like this one (my god and it's only wednesday) i feel the need to thrash.


woohoo! great weekend so far! friday night briefly saw me at Norman and Caroline's housewarming. Then on to Cavendish to meet IllumiNati for sushi (mmmmmmm....sushi), then on to Gandalf's for a rocking good few hours. The night wound down when the dj started playing songs for his gf, which, frankly, no one else wanted to hear. And, yes, i got my ass groped by yet another complete stranger (It was an impressively dextrous grab tho. I wasn't 100% sure until after I asked you about it, else he might have had a bad evening -- SynKronos) . Post-midnight sushi snack when i got home .... mmmmmm.
Five hours of sleep later, i'm at Dave and Lara's for saturday WitchCraft. What a mad session! stay tuned for the update. After that i joined zen and stu for videos at zen's house. Now here's an odd thing: we can watch Resident Evil in complete seriousness, but The Sum of All Fears got royally MST3Ked? ('He was in charge of the package' ... 'keep the back channels open''s like sleeping with another man's wife). We are capable of watching the most god-awful trash and taking it seriously, and then watching a serious movie and reducing it to god-awful trash. i think this may be indicative of a much deeper problem. Anyway, after that (~1am) it was on to Gandalf's. ZenStar, ArchAngel and i were there until they closed. Then the two of them came back to my place for coffee (~5:30am). A mammoth staring-contest between myself and ZenStar ensued at about 8am. Shelagh eventually got bored and left at about 9. Zen left at 9:30, claiming that i really should get some sleep before going to see my folks today. Hah! Hiding behind chivalry! i could have won fair and square, i tell you! well, it's now about 2pm. i caught a few hours sleep. i'm sitting here drinking cold filter coffee and eating pita with home-made humus (thanks to my spanky new blender!).
Life is good. hiding behind chivalry??? hah! rematch is fine by me when you're not driving anywhere after not sleeping for 24 hours. - ZenStar


right, that's it. from recent updates of quotes etc, i can see that this worm thing is gonna degenerate into wailing and gnashing of teeth. Thus i remove my score from the board, removing along with it the tempation to participate. i have work to do, dammit. i cannot spend all my time playing that horrible game, trying to inch my score a little higher up the ranks, while my masters languishes in the background. no more, i tell you, no more.
other than that, last night was the first time in three weeks that i slept through an entire night without waking up once. Yay!


the world is a sick fucking place. this evening my car doesn't want to start after i come out of the Spar. So i walk over to the garage and ask for a hand. some really nice garage attendants and another guy with a beat-up old ford help to push-start my car, and when that doesn't work, the guy with the ford jumpstarts it. They were incredibly helpful, and none of them had anything to gain by doing it.
on the other hand were the absolute fucking unmitigated assholes in their expensive cars, who come squeazing past us in the parking lot at breakneck speed, causing us to have to stop pushing the car so that they could get past...and not one of the fuckers stopped to help. Not one. i hope their balls become infested with maggots, atrophy and drop off. may botfly larvae eat their eyes from within. may their intestines liquify and dribble from their rotting sphincters.
everyone else can go ahead and have a nice day. oh, yes, and R422 later for a new battery. One of the cells was actually bubbling. great.


cute date.
just to get it out of the way: damn you, BabyAcid. Damn you and the flying worm you rode in on. well, today i actually went and sat down in Cafe Nescafe and sampled the newClaws table. It was...interesting. There was cardgaming going on, which made it all seem kinda familiar. There was some decent verbal abuse and a healthy level of sexual innuendo. Not bad, not bad. Also, Steve's demo was the bomb-diggidy. All in all, not a bad way to spend a few free periods. It was definitely missing the couches, but the people were still...well, Claws. Under all the bright clothing.
Oh, and too many of them were actually going to their lectures.


blah, back to work. Holiday over. Not that it means i had a real holiday, it's that my students had one, so i could just get up later. Can't really do any constructive thesis work until tomorrow, when i have a meeting to learn how to use LabView?. Friday night was fun: ArchAngel, ZenStar and i played some pool then went to Gandalf's and found other likeminded clawpeeps. i got hit on by the skankiest selection of ppl, and a really cute girl with a great ass was following us (and 'gagging for it', yes i know, zen). Saturday night saw some of us at Dave and Philipa's new place in Parklands (yes, that's in the Northern Suburbs). Philipa also made cool pizza for lunch on Sunday. All in all, not a bad w/e, topped of with an insane #claws session on Sunday night, which saw me getting about 5 hours sleep.
/me shakes her fist at zenstar and Ork_Khrist?. oh, and my cough mixture says, under appearance, "a thick brown liquid with a characteristic smell of bananas and chloroform."
great. -she was gagging for it (as all wimmin are). and btw: /me dodges -ZenStar


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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM