From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: IllumiNati

Who am I?

This should give you a really big clue...

(Cue evil laughter) ! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!
So, do you match up to my EVIL (and wither's)? Something tells me that it won't be that way for long, considering who my friends are...
Take the test...

You? know you want to, deep down, deep inside that little, cold, black, forlorn heart of yours... |

But,] what would you expect from a cosmically powerful deity, currently in his mortal avatar form, prone to bouts of depression and angst, and then suddenly ready to conquer/destroy/enslave/have fun with the world (or just my social clique, or tutlings) : P

PS: These guys are the best band in the world! And I am using the heartagram for Cass' 21st party!

And just in case, it's Brendan... : P

Go To TestOfBoredom... Now. Share the boredom.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM