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TheTome: MoonFlakeLogsArchiveFour

MoonFlakeLogs archive for Dec 03 and Jan 04

i'm back.
tuesday was made perfect by an enthusiastic welcome home and a great roleplaying session. wednesday was also nice and relaxed (couldn't bear the thought of going in to varsity cos i'd spent the last 8 days working without a break). then wednesday night saw me in wynburg hospital, pissing razor blades and lots of blood, and in enough pain that i felt like i was going to throw up. but the nice doctor man (diagnosis - nonspecific UTI, which means they know what it is, they just have no idea how it's contracted) gave me some drugs. i spent the rest of the night wide awake, finally fell asleep around 8am. blah. By thursday night i felt okay enough to go to TNM. which was totally worth it. Also, i is all better now, and i'd like to say that antibiotics are the path of the righteous, my son.
Well, back at work today.


i'm leaving at 9:30 tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!
okay, so, i was meant to go at 2, but one of the techs' kids is starting school soon, and he wants to go into ct to get supplies. however, he knows if he goes on his own, he'll get the wrong stuff, so his wife is coming with. they want to leave early, so now instead of leaving at 2, i'm arriving at 2!!!!!!!! stops to breathe...
okay, slept thru lunch again. For dinner, see last monday (oh yes, it repeats itself every week).

only 17 and a half hours until i see ZenStar again!


two sleeps!!!!!
did a lot of work on my paper today. should finish it (second draft) tonight. both my parents have woken me up during the day this week, having completely forgotten that i was in sutherland and observing all night. wtf? and they're supposed to be my loving family? they don't even remember that i'm not in the province? i chose sleep over lunch again today. somehow i think i made the right choice.

dinner: left-over roast lamb from monday (i'm not friggin kidding), potatoes (okay), brussel sprouts (actually, i like brussel sprouts, so that was okay) and glazed carrots. Now, this last dish has to be described: thin slices of overcooked carrot in a sickly sweet, yellowish syrup with bits of cinnamon floating in it. it had the appearance and texture of vomit. i kid you not. the carrot fairy would have been proud. dessert was more canned fruit and horrible nepolitan ice cream. god damn it, give me another flavour!


just finished reading T2:Rising Storm, part of a series based in the world created in terminator2, following up on the mission of John and Sarah Connor. Fun stuff, co-written by James Cameron so very true to the whole story.
three more sleeps, dammit! three more!

lunch: missed due to oversleeping. mmmm, had nice dream about angelina jolie...

dinner: pork chops (my jaw still hurts from chewing), stir-friend veggies (from a packet, overdone and oily) and potatoes (boiled, hard to screw that up). dessert was another wobbly thing i couldn't face.

24/01/04 try their Pirate Personality Profile Test. it's the funniest thing. my profile is The Cap'n.
also, check out for some really funny stories of what people believed when they were kids. Actually, now that i think about it, we should have a page of our own. okay, i will be the first to admit silly things i believed when i was a kid. add your own to IusedToBelieve.
yeah, more clouds. lots of rain, hail, some thunder. grrrr. if all i'm going to do is work on my paper, i could be doing it at home.

lunch: fish fingers and salad (both soggy)

dinner: braised chicken (oily), rice (overcooked, needed salt) and squash (overcooked). dessert was a nice slice of melon. not bad.


day four.
well, last night wasn't a total bust, the weather cleared up around 1am and we got about 2-3 hrs okay data, with steve running out into the dome every few mins to move it. I did my second CLAWmarks article and submitted it. There you go, you people can leave me alone now.

lunch: macaroni cheese (the consistency of mashed potatoes. how is this possible?)

later that day

oh yeah, happy new year to all my fellow monkeys out there.
well, my supervisor has subtly suggested that i don't have to wait for the weather to clear up to work on my paper, so i've actually been doing some work this afternoon. blergh. The students attempted to launch a rocket this evening, but a fin was wonky, so it did a sort of aerial ballet before crashing to earth and making one final pirouette and dying. very funny.

dinner: spicy meatballs in gravy, frozen mixed veg and mash (all quite good). made up for by dessert - nepolitan icecream and some wobbly thing which tasted vaguely of fruit. i'm not sure which one(s).


day three.
i want to come home. yet another cloudy day. it may or may not clear up, but hell, the sunset was fantastic. also, enormous black and white caterpillar, i have a pic to prove it. huge.
reading 'Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman', which is hilarious. I suggest everyone read it, you wouldn't believe some of the things he's got up to.

lunch: fish (dry) and chips (oily, pale and limp).

dinner: chops (leather), salad (okay) and potatoes (nice). dessert was some wobbly ginger and pineapple fridge tart i didn't have the heart to face. i've eaten it before. it's bad.


so, the weather clears up a bit, and we come up to the dome. now we find out the the dome auto-rotation isn't working, and the dome opening won't stay aligned with the telescope. a brief call to the techie establishes that yes, they know it isn't working; no, they didn't think to tell us; no, they haven't ordered the replacement part yet, even tho it's been broken for three weeks; can't we just manually adjust the dome every few minutes?
omg well, as i type this, a particularly irritating raincloud is hovering just to the east of us. we haven't decided if it's worth staying up here yet. blah.


day two.
the internet is painfully slow during the day here. apparently the problem is being caused by the observatory summer school students in ct, who annually discover the wonders of internet access and pron d/ling. it is so slow, in fact, that netscape routinely crashes while trying to find the observatory home page. but it gets back to normal around five, when they all go home, so i'll live. in case you don't believe me about the food here, i'm going to keep a daily log of what they serve us, to give you some idea.

Monday dinner: roast lamb (nicely done), roast potatoes (a little dry), boiled frozen carrots (ok), boiled cauliflower (soggy and soft). dessert was tinned peaches and pears, and nepolitan ice-cream so frozen you needed to chip at it to get it out of the tub.

Tuesday lunch: boiled boerewors (oily) and mashed potatoes (lumpy).

later that day:

it's cloudy, which means insane sunset, but everyone cooped up in the hostel waiting for it to clear. the place is flooded with students. had to beat them down (and not off) to get to the pc.

dinner: tomato bredie (fatty) and rice (overdone and in need of salt). dessert was watermelon pieces (floury).


well, i'm in sutherland again. yay.
also in today's news: ArchAngel has returned! Woohoo! Saturday's game was insane...Al has really turned the danger up a notch. However, now that we know he sells XP for hugs, there's no stopping us. Jim's thang at Cool Runnings was awesome. Everyone was on top form as far as witty comments and retorts went. I have one thing to say to Waynne: SOLDIER BOY. Ada's party was kewl, just sorry i couldn't stay longer. The new place looks great, guys! Really a few steps up from Firleigh (and can we believe that not a single CLAWmember inhabits that den of iniquity?). Oh yes, and my sister will be moving into my spare room, thanks to my dad deciding that 'maintainence' can be re-interpretted as 'rent'. And i get my new office when i get back. Things are looking up.
Nice to see that Plosi has restrained himself from making any new pages today. Also, if you do decide to log the game, Plosi, please be a doll and follow the existing structure...else it's just messy :) And, finally, i cannot resist commenting on The Rant(tm). This is all i have to say on the issue:


(falls over, clutches sides, rolls around a bit, eventually gets up, wiping tears from eyes.)


got my article in on time! go me!
arg, way too much stuff to do before i leave for sutherland on monday. spending eight days in the middle of nowhere really makes my life hell. My student is writing a sup while i'm away, and i have two ads up for my spare room (speaking of which, if you know anyone looking, please send them my way, it's furnished and handy for varsity and public transport and shops). i hate being away from home.
k, well, enough moaning. with a nice bed, mosquito coils and open windows, i'm finally getting good sleep. when i get back from sutherland i'll have my own office, and i have a computer on my desk. i'm online from varsity, and i get coffee three times a day for free. i get all the tlc i want and i have great friends. who needs more?


yay! back online! o how i've missed you!
right, well, best thing about being back at UCT is that i have a pc in my office now. which means i don't have to spend time at the observatory anymore (where you have to get into your car just to get a coke, for pete's sake), and can now enjoy the convenience of !McHarry?'s and Super Sandwich just across the way. also, i can IRC. life is good. i got back to discover that all our offices were broken into, but only Claire's laptop was taken. damn shame. i guess it was the most valuable thing they could easily carry out of here. all the desktops were left alone. i have absolutely nothing to say about this, because it's all been said before.
sigh, sup exam to set before i leave for sutherland on monday. yes, you heard me right, i'm on my way back to the land of meat, meat, meat for another week. grrr. if it weren't for irc, i wouldn't survive. oh, and i stupidly suggested that i might write a clawmarks article. which i haven't started. shhhh....don't tell the committee :) oh yes, and it's shelagh's birthday today. Happy birthday!!


well, just finished housesitting for my mom. it was like a free holiday. we lounged by the pool, watched all the dstv we wanted, and ransacked the fridge and video contract. sigh. but all good things must come to an end, and tomorrow i go back to work.
i got my bed today! woohoo! brand new double comfy...mmm... ahem!
oh well, year so far has been great. building up my stock of asian ingredients, inventing new recipes, roleplaying, watching movies, generally just being disgustingly happy. no need to say that i don't want to go back to working on my MSc?, but the other option is to get a real job. at least i'll be on campus again this year. and - fingers crossed - so will ZenStar :)


ah, now you all see why i put the year in my dates :)
well, new years was great. went to helen&richard's thing at waynne&jean's with al&julie. saw colleen&jason and jim&dave. braai was great, apart from big gay jim burning my buns. he would have more respect for them if he weren't gay, and don't say you aren't, jim, we all saw the streamers and al coming on to you. two words: tea bag. then went to conrads and saw loads more ppl. i don't think i need to say much about that party: most of the ppl reading this were there. except for shelagh. and adam. both missed greatly :( fuzzy feeling new year hug -GeekDotNeo ditto - ArchAngel
well, it's a new year, and things are a little different in my life. and i'm happy. as claire noted, i can't stop smiling. have a great year, people. i know i will.


ok, so my updating is sketchy at the mo. i'm without a pc at home and i'm on holiday from work. what do you want from me? stop looking at me like that!!
but seriously, life is good. spent christmas with my family, which was nice because i've only done it once in the last four years. the usual organised chaos ensued, i spent about 5 hours in the kitchen, and had a great time. went to al's that evening to watch movies, but fell asleep on al's couch instead. present wise: tooooo much chocolate, a couple of great books from alex, and most of my family clubbing together to help me out with restocking my flat, including putting money towards a new bed. which i have now bought, and will be expecting delivery of some time in jan. w00t! went to family on friday night again, sleeping over because of an early (6h30!!) morning wake-up call for saturday. no-one felt like cooking, and no-one felt like leftovers, so my mom got pizza. i love my mom. saturday morning saw us driving bleary-eyed to the Berg River Resort, to spend a day sunning ourselves by the river, braaiing (sp?) and bitching. my stepfather took a 'short-cut' home, and we got lost in some suburb, the name of which i still do not know. go figure :) all in all it was a great day, and i thoroughly enjoyed myself.
um, tongue is doing much better. roo's bday was kewl, more star trek than you can shake a stick at.
i'm having a great holiday season, and feeling really happy. only one thing is missing:

what's happening for new year's, people????



my tongue hurts.
i guess it's entirely my fault, seeing as i let jo pay the nice lady to stick a needle through it. but i always wanted a tongue piercing, and i'm not going to say no to a birthday pressie. thanks, jo :) well, my parents were unimpressed. after a short period of adjustment, they decided it was much more fun to mock my lisp, seeing as my tongue is currently four times it's normal size.
oh well, busy restocking the flat. sooo much to beg/borrow/steal including bed, bedding, pots, pans and kitchenware. family is being really sweet and giving me loads of stuff. guess no matter how much they tease and disapprove, they're always there when you need them. blah, everyone going to movies tonight. i have no money and way too much to do around the bed is arriving this evening. ooh, and i will be putting up my christmas tree! yay! i like little flashy lights! weeee!


long time no update...grrrr. well, plenty of news, anyway. here are the highlights, starting last week:

tuesday: back in ct at 6:30ish. went to witchcraft game an hour later. what an awesome game. i totally kicked ass with a twenty-one foot tornado and six 150-gallon depth charges. go me.
friday: sushi! birthday celebrationy stuff! pressies! did i say sushi? oh yes, and good coffee and company. saturday: it's my birthday! * makes circular motions with arms * i am officially 23 now...spent the day helping out at Schpatcon...stood behind the snack table making sausage rolls, dressed as a zombie nurse. a few people completely failed to recognise me...hehe. it was great. ooooh, and dodgy pr0n on patrick's laptop...thanks, schpat.
sunday: went to get markus at the airport. had good talk, formally went our separate ways. no surprises there. Helped out some more at Schpatcon, got roped into doing the certificates because of my (allegedly) neat handwriting. Had to fill out my own certificate. lol. Afterparty was hella cool. car broke down on the way home...thanks to shelagh and her tight, mad, towing skeelz. still, more good coffee and company, and got to meet (the infamous) Mr Snowball. thursday: stepfather finally had time to come over and check out the car...took 2 secs to find the problem, some fidly bit of loose shit under the spark plug cap. i love that his 'fix michelle's car' roll every time. bumped into Dylan at exclusive books * winks *. TNM was great...funny movie.
arg, back to work tomorrow. no more 'car trouble' excuse. blah. oh yes, and more from our friend amos, wondering about the provisional results, and where they will be posted in the RW James building:

hi Michelle
I was wondering when are the results be out for provincial and where will be posted on the RW James.


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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM