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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. The Mother City, home to CapeTonians, a few of whom were born in Cape Town.


Behold, places of interest and delight:



UniversityOfCapeTown, which some of us can refer to as our alma mater. Back in the mists of time a bunch of students' signatures were gathered and CLAWs was born.

Kuzmas: The Legend, an extremely dodgy restaraunt. The coffee was the safest item on the menu, and it wasn't that safe. The store was shut down "for renovations" (some wag inserted "millennial"), gutted, and then partitioned in two. Neither half was greasy enough to be Kuzmas: the Requiem, and instead became Urban Connection and (?). Kuzmas featured in the Dragonfire 1997? Call of Cthulhu? module Brooding Spirit.

Rondebosch Library, past Kuzmas, under the bridge.

Rondebosch Cafe & Video Store - Let me speak plainly: R4 video hire, R5 DVD hire. Take your ID along to open an account (weekdays only). Res students should also take their student card and the phone number of their res.

Heading towards town...


Mowbray Library, has a large science fiction and fantasy selection.


The Observatory (duh)

Walking down Lower Main Road...

  • Sushi Zone
  • Obz Cafe
  • ObzBooks, secondhand and collectable bookstore
  • Stones, pool tables
  • The One Ring, no-one ever really dances downstairs, most retreat to the pool tables or the chill cave
  • Gandalf's/Mordor, fill in description here


OuterLimits, roleplaying bookstore

St George's Cathedral, attached to The Crypt, currently the venue for the IllusionOfFreeWill LARP campaign

someone else can list all the clubs and stuff

Heading towards Muizenburg...


Stardust, formerly various Italian names, formerly the Dros, now a very purple restaurant.

Newlands Stadium, they play a wimpy live-action version of BloodBowl here.

Springbok Pub, fresher dive. Confirmed (June 2004) not as much of a dive as when it was South Park/Springfields/II/The Stoker's Arms - but still cheesy. Giant gorgonzola cheesy.


Stadium On Main shopping centre

  • Wizard's Bookstore, esoteric & roleplaying books. Also carries wargaming stock.
  • Reader's Den, comics shop.

Cavendish Square shopping centre

  • Ster Kinekor, where to watch movies if you have a movie or Discovery card. Unless you choose to hire videos (see Rondebosch Cafe), watch TV or read a book instead.


If you want to go there, stand on Main Road for a couple seconds and your chariot will holler anon. (we need an audio clip here, someone)

Avoiding speed traps

Permanent speed traps (reported by SynKronos):

  • On the N1 heading out of Town towards the M5 /Paarden Island off ramps just before the foot bridge situated barely visible behind the pillar covers all three lanes. Speed limit is 80kph.
  • The second one is also well hidden on the N2/De Waal Drive heading into Town in the vicinity of the Walmer/University estate offramp. Speed limit is 80kph.
  • The 3rd one is also well hidden on the De Waal Drive/N2 heading out of town at Hospital Bend as you pass under the bridge. Speed limit is 80kph.

see also: UCT, the rest of South Africa?

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM