From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AngelNotesArchivesThree

Here be the remainder of the AngelNotes entries for 2003. As always the same disclaimer as the original page applies :)

'Twas two nights before christmas and all through the Parry house everyone was still awake - hell, I've got to get my strange sleeping habits from somewhere. Have just returned from Durban where we watched the adult pantomime "Puss 'n Boots" complete with talking pussy, leather, transvestites and nekkid ass :) It was hysterical !!!! Man I love supper theatre - good food, good company and great shows.

Am having a marvelous holiday and even managed to survive a trip with my bro to the local shopping centre - hell, the vaalies are down and it's raining (why they choose to come to a summer rainfall destination every year is beyond me - apart from the fact that Natal rules of course). We not only survived, but we also successfully completed our christmas shopping for the parental units' pressies. All is going according to plan on the movie watching front as well. Nothing else to report, so am going to go and look at the stars (the beauty of living somewhere with very few streetlamps - there are SO MANY gorgeous stars to watch !!)

Oh - MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all !!!


Hello boys and girls. Greetings from the last outpost of the British Empire, yup, Natal (way beyond the boerewors curtain). Man it's great to be home again !!

Flight was delayed by an hour, but that only barely put a damper on my mood on Saturday (20/12). Deciding to see just how far I could push the boundaries I ended up getting out of bed at 12 and was packed (from scratch) and ready in 1 hour - in time for my lift. That was fun - but now that I've proved I can do it I think I may leave myself more time in the future ;) My plans to put my parents' new DVD player and movie contract to good use are well underway and I have now finally seen "Pitch Black" - I will concede to those that recommended it to me that it is in fact not that bad. Well, that is all of my news at present. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I can't play.....


How do I hate being sick - let me count the ways. Have been out of commission for the last four days. Once again my evil immune system is making a valiant attempt at world domination - and this time it seems to be winning.

Managed to get to roleplaying on Sunday morning (yes, you heard me correctly) although admittedly an hour late.... hell the fact that I was up at that time is good enough for me. Then more roleplaying on Monday (dedication). Thanks to the boys for a fun couple of sessions. LoTR?: RotK? was pretty cool last night - will not get into any of the post-watching what I would have done differently discussions. It's a pretty movie.

OK - brain not working. Virus in the driving seat, so I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, my PC died on me - man I love Windows......


Yay - varsity bandwidth is mine.... all mine MWAHAHAHAHA !! Oh, where was I ? Yes, a brief update. While I'm in the lab at 8:20pm I thought I might as well fill people in on what has been happening.

Went out with the newly graduated electrical engineers on Thursday night after TNM (cool movie btw - thanks MoonFlake and ZenStar) to Cool Runnings and then Stones. That was lots of fun - apart from the fact that I couldn't hit a straight shot if ownership of all of my major organs depended on it. Had breakfast with the rest of the lab rats and our supervisor on Friday morning (yesterday) and lo' was it good - mmmmmm bacon, eggs..... Juan's back in town for a few days, so popped past Barbara's to say hi. I was sooooo tired, so decided that the evening would be well spent visiting Antoine and parking off. Ended up watching very amusing pr0n on m-net called "Carnal Desires" about a very "talented" male masseuse - there were some scary, scary breasts and very bored looking women, not to mention that the lead actor ended up looking really tired by about the 9th sex scene. Then watched a surprisingly great movie called "What planet are you from ?" about an advanced race who are all male and decide that they must impregnate a human female so that they can conquer Earth. The only two problems are:(1) they have no sexual organs (have been genetically engineered out due to them having no use), so the "chosen one" is fitted with one that hums and vibrates when he is aroused, and (2) that they have no idea how to act with women. Here are just some of the funnier lines that I can remember:

And academy award winner Ben Kingsley as the leader of the planet......"I'll get on your penis immediately."

There are so many more, but that would make it less fun for you guys. Wow - only one week until I go home.

Okay, that's all folks. Ciao.


Right, seeing as I'm at varsity I might as well make use of their connection. It's time for "the updation" (TM). In no particular order....

The last episode of Buffy was really fun - Trogdor the Burninator made an appearance, so it had to be good :) It's just a pity that Spike had to die - man that boy has skillz. Had to sacrifice watching it for the Live concert, but I am pleased that I know resourceful people with video machines. Subjected poor old ZenStar to my company on Saturday (29/11) evening and caught up on my Buffy addiction (now the fools at m-net are making me wait for Angel.... don't they know that doing that can be hazardous to their health ?) and managed to catch the last little bit of a really sad porno on e-tv (belly button humping is all the rage it would appear) with an assistant wardrobe person with the name of: Som Ting Wong !!!!

The week was full of much work and even less sleep, but still managed to survive and get some roleplaying in (Dave's Cyberpunk mini-campaign - my character is so much fun) and make it to ThursdayNightMovies. "The Gamers" was definitely worth watching - well, I was amused anyway.

Friday (5/12) was all-we-could-eat (and you can be sure that we did) sushi goodness for MoonFlake's birthday. I successfully managed to satisfy my year long sushi craving and have a good time. Double bonus. Then SCHPATcon? IV managed to take up the rest of my weekend. And in between playing the modules there was always schpat's porn to fall back on for some general amusement ;) Plus schpat managed to acquire a cigarette monkey for himself. The afterparty was pretty cool - and I now have more chips and coke caps than one person really should, but all is well. And thanks to Dave Sharpe and Tai for each taking one for the team with double shots on my behalf (hehehehehehehehe). Dancing was had by some and then Michelle foolishly suggested that we go somewhere less cold (yup, it had ended up with us sitting and chatting outside - surprised ?) thus offering her flat by default. Seeing as our gracious hostess's car was being troublesome I got to use my tow rope (I must've been a boy scout in a previous life). Late to bed and even later to rise (headaches can be a bitch).

Oh yes, had to break into the anatomy building on Saturday night. Now that's a story for another day.

Well, that's the brief rundown of what's been happening that's news worthy. Damn, thought it would take a bit longer than that...... Back to work I guess.


w00t - we're back in action. Seeing as there is tons to update on and no time at the moment I will give you brief highlights of the past 12 hours. After roleplaying last night I walked out to discover that my radio and tapes had been liberated from my car (without the radio face ? - it makes no sense). And for those of you who know me you will realise that this is equivalent to ripping my spleen out (and more damaging to the Shelagh). I guess it could've been worse - at least my locks aren't completely fucked and my car is still mine. So it was off to the police station at 3am followed by restless sleep. So no 'varsity today for me - will take the heat tomorrow. But at least roleplaying was fun before the shit hit the fan.

Oh, and SCHPATcon? was very cool - thanks guys.


(far too early that morning)

Am exhausted, but I needed to say: the Live concert was awesome. Can't really describe it short of...bliss. Am about to pass out. Must make it to soft suface...........


Well, there's no time like the present for convincing oneself that there is no work to do - so I find myself updating this humble page.

The weekend was most satisfying. Had fantastic Chilli Con Carne (sp ?) on Friday night and caught up with more Zim - this makes me very very happy. Saturday was far too hot - at least 10 degrees out of my ideal comfort temperature range. So the day was spent doing as little as was humanly possible to avoid critical dehydration. But the sunset from Tableview was beautiful (ok, so we missed the sunset, but the afterglow was damn impressive). MoonFlake and I had walked to the road outside the complex we were having a party at and were presented with the Mac face (otherwise known as kissy face) by a very amusing passing motorist. The evening was made right then and there. It was great to catch up with people who have begun to emerge from hiding post thesis hand-in and exams ! I must confess to spending some time in the lab on Sunday - but it's worth it if I can get these experiments to work. I then sat back and enjoyed the Arnie fest on m-net. Managed to watch three movies I'd never seen before (not bad I thought) because we decided to follow up "Collateral Damage" and "Commando" with "Predator". The latter two were great !

Roleplaying last night was my refuge in the storm of my Monday. And yes InfernalRabbi you are (along with Dave and Tai) most definitely doing something right :) For while Tale of the EarthWard? may have been temporarily put on hold to play Cyberpunk it will live again ! And you can all stop giving me hell for going home for christmas - you'll cope ;)


Aah - another weekend well spent. And Monday roleplaying was great too :)

Friday lunchtime was right amusing though. Arrived at Cavendish. Drove up a parking level, then up again and finally found a spot on the top floor. My confusion about the cause of this influx of people was quite rapidly cleared up when the Barney posters hovered into view. And if there was ever any doubt, the hordes of small children and very patient looking parents confirmed my fears - I had entered enemy territory without a crossbow. After completing the small task that I had it took me close to 45 minutes from getting into my car to get to 'varsity. Resigned to the fact that I would be waiting I merely turned my radio up and settled down for an impromptu karaoke session. The woman behind me was less relaxed and by the end of it seemed to be having coniptions :). Buffy was cool as per usual. Only two episodes left - woah is me. Duncan's party was cool and much fun was had by all. In between ZenStar putting things for "safe keeping" down his pants and all of the MAD conversation - it was good. Went shopping on Saturday (and successfully braved Canal Walk) and had so much fun !! Then Gareth's 21st last night was lots of fun. We finally got kicked out at 3:30 am (so all was good).

My damn experiment from last week didn't work !!!! AAAARGGGH.


As I sit and contemplate whether 'tis more noble to situp and wait for the lunar eclipse or to retire to my comfy bed I will pass the time by wiki updation. Thursday movies was really fun - man I love FBDO. And Erica's comments of "I've only done it three times" followed very shortly by "But I've only faked it once" - all while talking to her boyfriend I must add - definitely suited the general hilarity. My crap week was brought to a close by watching Buffy (sniff only three episodes left) and playing pool with ZenStar, MoonFlake and Nic (friend of Alex's out from the UK). A brief sojourn to Gandalf's followed where I managed to damage one of my knees and was ass bumped by a very persistent blonde female (just my luck). Kait's farewell party this evening was enjoyable and many folk who have been scarce upon the social scene had crawled out of the woodwork for general socialising. Did manage in the process to damage the remaining knee, but hey, shit happens.

Oh, Monday night's Witchcraft game was lots of fun !!!! All shall be great. Will add page and character info when I have more info.

Well, it's about eclipse time, plus I have to be perky to be at the lab tomorrow, so that's all folks.


Last night was the absolute best ending to a crap day I could have reasonably hoped for. Got a letter from UCT informing me that my Masters proposal has been officially accepted !!! Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe this. The day was crap owing to the fact that on Monday all of the lab rats were sat down by our supervisor and informed that we were slacking off. Now I appreciate that (have known it from my side for a while), but it hasn't done much for the lab morale (except to maybe grind it sobbing into the dirt). So while I was in a good mood with people yesterday the lab was just a bit too tense for my liking. But it's all better now :)

If you have read MoonFlakeLogs and ZenStar you will be aware of the fact that Sunday was a truly fantastic day !! Thanks guys. And I fear that I may have leapt quite happily into the quagmire of InvaderZim fans - so funny !! And Lucas's new Witchcraft campaign is proving to be most amusing !! Will get around to creating a page for it soon. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks boys.

Well that's all of my write-worthy news, so I'll bid you all a fond adieu.

P.S. MoonFlake - I hope that the grammar contained on this humble page is acceptable ;)


Bonjour. Movie watching on Thursday (as per usual) was entertaining (see ThursdayNightMovies). 7:15am on Friday saw me at 'varsity (all those who know me - you're impressed aren't you ?) and on the way to an RNA interference seminar at Tygerberg. Despite only having about three and a half hours sleep the seminar was very interesting (plus there was free stuff and food :) ). Buffy was so much fun !!! They are in so much shit now ! "The Rock" was on TV and I just love that film !! I had the misfortune of catching the first part of a Jerry Springer episode entitled: "Freaky Fetishes II". Those people really need help !! Halloween Party at Gandalf's was great !! And that despite the interesting individual who accosted me on my way from my car and the fucknuts on the dance floor. Dude in the red cap was really close to meeting my vicious side. But the music was great (I am so tired and stiff !) and the company got better and better (especially as the ratio of fucknuts to everyone else improved). I slept SO well last night !! Have had a greatly relaxed day peppered by only mild cases of boredom, but "In & Out" was on TV and that movie cracks me up every time I see it. Here endeth the entry as I have finished my tea and must venture forth in search of more.


No reason for update other than: I'M SITTING IN MY COMFY CHAIR AT HOME !!!!! Yay for new modem and internet access. Thanks again to ShadowsLight for organising it and helping install stuff :) A minor problem with my soundcard when I got home, but my bro has l33t helping by remote skeelz. Thanks Eric (NogHumpty). Damn my spacebar key - damn it to hell. I am having so much fun designing my Witchcraft character :) Oh and joy at the fact that the dreaded begging for money from UCT form is finished and submitted. Ciao for now munchkins.


Having to remember how to navigate Windows 98 at 1:30 in the morning is, as far as I am concerned, going above and beyond the call of duty. But I'm a sucker for helping damsels in distress. So it was a pleasure sister mine. :-) - NogHumpty

Hello - today's transmission comes to you proudly sponsored by the sleep deprived, so if I make no sense (or less than usual) you can cope. Had a presentation for this morning - no problems in theory. Except when you rewake-up at 8:15am (alarm went off at 7:30 and I swear I was up) and have to be on campus by 8:45am. So in a flurry of duvet, pyjamas, cigarettes and jeans I was up, dressed and out the door in 10 minutes. The only bonus of the extra 45min of sleep being that I have now had close to 4 hours of sleep. But it was so worth it for roleplaying last night !!! To the boys: I bow down and flap my hands in your general direction for a great campaign. SO MUCH FUN !!! (not to mention a healthy dose of paranoia). In more out-of-date news, the weekend rocked. Saturday after lab stuff went with MoonFlake to Canal Walk to catch the late show of "American Pie: The Wedding". Very funny (although I will admit to needing to seriously supress my gag reflex at one point) and watching a film like that with the Northern Suburb people that we had sitting behind us always makes for an interesting (not to mention homicidal) experience. I even managed to get tea out of the deal at the end of the night. Sunday involved more general lab stuff and HILARITY on #CLAWs !!! Oh my god - I could bearly breathe I was laughing so much. Thanks guys. Oh - and once most of the raucous laughter had died down I was privileged enough to receive an invitation to have soup at MoonFlake's place (and I'm such a sucker for good homemade soup). Thanks Chelle :) Even managed to catch episode 1 of InvaderZim (I think I might be hooked...) Oh and in good news: ShadowsLight has been an angel and I may soon be able to access the web from the comfort of my own home (a few less corpses and much better music). YAY !!

Well, having missed breakfast and clearly not made food I am off to search for munchy goodness.


Greetings, salutations and sundry hellos to you all. Don't ask me what I'm doing in the lab at 2am on a Friday night - it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Week has been good. On Wednesday I caught up with some good friends that I haven't seen for a while. "Full Metal Jacket" at Roo's on Thursday night was so awesome. I love watching films I've never seen - especially when they're that damn good. Brilliant quotes from that film and I think an outstanding choice of soundtrack - I don't think that I'll ever hear the "Mickey Mouse" again without vivid mental images. And all I could think was "Suck that down Britney, Christina and Justin" (all Mickey Mouse club dancers and performers before they made it "big" if you didn't know). Buffy was cool - learned some interesting things about Spike... I will say no more as I am aware that certain people have the episodes taped in preparation for when exams are completed. Had supper with Kait and then watched "The Italian Job" - such a good film !!! Loved the car chases and Seth Green rocked (as per usual). Was going to watch "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman", but it's not showing at Ster'kinekor, and the thought did occur to me that death may come swiftly if I saw it without some people who are writing exams and were otherwise occupied. So I think it worked out quite well for my survival all-in-all. The remainder of the weekend strethces out before me like a vast stretched out before me blankness, but I'm sure that good things will happen to those who deserve it :)

grumble grumble! fsking exams! - ZenStar


I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would utter (or at least type) the following sentence: "You know, Green Man actually isn't that bad." For I must confess that R2 a pool game and decent retro 90 music and dancy stuff is my bag baby. Saturday evening was very cool - I refer you to MoonFlakeLogs for the edited version. So ended up going to sleep with the birds tweeting outside my window again that evening. But you only live once. Seize the day and ring the life out of it. Roleplaying last night was once again awesome. Of course, I shot our god and am typically now missing part of one leg and took a 50 cal machine gun bullet to the arm. -I should have shot him, I got three shots off. But nooo, someone had other ideas. Course I would have had more of a problem losing a leg. ~InfernalNic?- So Khara is not feeling so good. Thanks to my Monday night bitches for much fun. Tai never ceases to amaze me by upping the tension most unexpectedly. Next experiment started today - all good, but unfortunately means weekend in the lab again. But bonus, presentation for today cancelled, leaving me more time to prepare for next week's.


Oh, forgot to mention the other day that second phase of root canal is now complete and it only took 3 injections this time :) Well, Duncan's party was cool last night. It was good to see ZenStar emerge from his isolation chamber and I hope that MoonFlake feels better. In typical style Duncan only arrived at 2am, but I had had a great time dancing and chatting and continued to do so. Was supposed to leave at 4am because I needed to be up for lunch with family friends today, but we got chatting and met some cool new people, so ended up walking out at 6am (you know how it goes). Lunch was very cool - went to Heidi's in Cavendish and as a result my supper is all taken care of (hooray for huge portions that I can't finish). Am currently in the lab waiting "patiently" for something to cool down from 60 degrees (where someone else had set it, despite not really supposed to be using it for that) to 37 degrees, otherwise my reagents etc will get fried. When I checked 15 minutes ago it was only at 46 degrees, so I'll probably be about 4-5 hours late for a "24 hour" measurement. SIGH. GeekDotNeo is leaving us soon (very unhappy about this) so looking forward to doing something cool to bid him adieu.

Th th th th th th that's all folks .....


Ah, Thursday. The happy, yet arb day that heralds the promise of a weekend of fun, and sleep. Well, for some in any case. I will be popping into the labs on both days again and preparing a presentation for Monday - yet I'm still happy .... remind me to replace the departmental Prozac supply :) No, but seriously now children. Week has been pretty cool. Roleplaying on Monday night was lots o' fun. I recommend Lucas's DownAChopper page as very entertaining reading. Plus Dave got to show off his leet planning and tactical skeelz. Then had supper at Ocean Basket on Tuesday - my supervisor has been made full professor (very cool), so we went out to celebraˆe. Then managed to vaguely tutor with mediocre skills at pool later on Tuesday with Lucas and Tai. Haven't played pool in ages and had sooooooo much fun - and far too little sleep. Am contemplating rekindling a semi-regular pool playing expedition If you make it Wednesday Nights, you can count me in. The Green Man pub near Lizards/Stones is an excellent place to play. Fairly empty, good music, excellent tables and only R2 a game - ShadowsLight. And now tonight I is are be going to ThursdayNightMovies and will be most definitely watching something I've never seen :) Plus pizza = good.


Well Saturday finds me in the lab again - but it's really not as tragic as it sounds. Just finishing up the last two days (yes, so I'll be here tomorrow too) of an epic (in size anyway :) ) experiment. Man this week was so tiring, but pretty cool all-in-all.

Last night was very relaxing - caught the last half of Buffy and then proceeded to vegetate on a couch in Barbara's lounge. Even managed to finish crunching the first two sets of numbers from my experiment. This while also watching "Friday the 13th" (which I've been wanting to watch for ages, and in true Kevin Bacon style we got to see his nekkid ass before he was slashed) and "The Barefooted Kid" (very badly dubbed kung fu film, but some cool scenes).

So now I'm off to Barusso's to have supper with Kait, for 'tis her birthday. Yay italian food :) And may trundle off to Gandalf's afterwards (ok, who am I kidding, I'll be there) for some dancing action. So ciao all - I'll catch you on the flipside.


I am so tired ! Is it really only Wednesday ? Am just about the last person in the lab this evening. Was in the tissue culture room from 2 - 4:10 pm, so most people were gone by the time I emerged. On the plus side I have set up my next experiment - which looks like it may keep me quite busy. Yup, 144 little wells now have the appropriate number of cells and the right medium - not a small task I assure you. Am excited to find out the results !!! Oh, with regards to Monday's tooth incident: do the words "root canal" ring any bells? Yup, had the first bit done on Monday (following 5, yes count them, 5 ampules of local anaesthetic) and need to go back next week. But considering the 5 injections I couldn't really use the entire left side of my face - so despite the fact that I was smiling it looked as though I was this close to pulling out a set of brass knuckles and beating people to death. Once I realised this I had to explain to the cashier at Exclusive Books that I was by no means irritated, just experiencing limited facial control. Well I'm going home. So bye.


Long time no update - but that's how it goes. I'm sure you can all cope. Week was completely hectic !!! I got Gabriel back on Monday !!! Monday night roleplaying proved to be fun - with tentacled encounters of the deep (or not so deep) and so on. Then I joined FirstFallen, MoonFlake, Si and Ada at the last minute to watch "Sinbad" - yes, I am a self-confessed animated junkie. It was so much fun !!! Then MST3King? the credits proved entertaining as well. Wednesday I left the lab at 9pm, but experiments were had and all about were pleased. Then Thursday night movies was great. Really enjoyed "Hudson Hawk" (as Roo has already mentioned) and had almost too much fun playing a thief in the epic Munchkin match that followed. Buffy on Friday was interesting and the first bit of "Airheads" on SABC3? was funnier than I remember it being (although that was ages ago in primary school - or there abouts) and it stars Brendan Fraser (blatant fangirl here - much pervage). Then it was off to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Kait - always an entertaining experience when you have Kait attached to your arm mid action sequence. Rest of the weekend was cool and relaxing.

Almost forgot to mention - was calmly watching Idols on Sunday evening (screw you for judging me hippy) and a preview of Carte Blanche comes on. They mention that they're going to be discussing bondage and S&M, so I thought it would be interesting to watch if I had m-net because we all know someone who finds that interesting. And who do I see being interviewed ? None other than our own Richard Hensman. I nearly fell of the couch and my flatmate and her boyfriend thought it was hysterical because I was so excited. Well I immediately dashed off to Barbara's to watch and he interviews quite well actually. So that's a bit of FYI for you people.

Now it's Monday and all is good except one thing. I was calmly minding my own business chewing some gum when I was struck down with heinous and painful toothache. So it's off to the dentist for me at 4:30pm. Don't mind dentists, just that my roots and nerves seem to have developed an immunity to local anaesthetic. I can't feel my entire face, but it still hurts where it counts !! So watch this space.

never underestimate chewing gum. I broke a tooth on some last year... dang that was a surprise! - YetiBe



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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM