From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AngelNotesArchivesSix

As always the same disclaimer as the original page applies :)

Well long time no update. Life has been pottering along at a pleasant pace. Stress levels have been varying and last week my track record of making it to varsity bright and early was sullied by a return of the killer 'I can't sleep and then battle to wake up' fairy. But this week has been a one day out of two success for getting in on time. I left it until the last possible moment to extricate myself from underneath my duvet and blanket - my limbs weren't pleased with the temperature every time I sent them out of the warmth on a recon mission.

Roleplaying on Monday has started up again with new characters and a new setting. Getting used to it, but so far so good. Thursday/Saturday D&D is still proving to be great !!!! Thanks to everyone in both of my groups - at least I have some things to look forward to when the rest of life is treating me badly. I love my cleric - she's great :) And Alex - I do not always get us into trouble ;)

Much with the video watching of late, but it's been so long that I can't remember what I've seen over the two weeks. Finally managed to watch Kung Pow in it's entirety (twice !!!) and ahost of other amusing and cool films.

Plans are afoot to watch Shrek 2 tonight :) But before then I must wish you my dear reader(s) a fond farewell before my DNA runs completely off the gel.


Had to drop my mom off at the airport on Friday :( It was cool to have her around. I am also the proud owner of two new plants - Spike and Geoffrey (Oh... Geoffrey!! - ShadowsLight ~channeling Jeff Murdock's mother?). They seem to be doing well at the moment - go me ! Parked off and watched mnet on Friday night - completely forgot about going out arrangements. Then SMS reminders arrived thick and fast at about midnight and I couldn't help but go partying. It was the first time I had ever set foot in Springboks and I was right amused. The dancefloor was packed, but some cool music was played before the commercial nonstop set began. Some real idiots on the dancefloor seemed to take an interest in Waynne (and not in a good, let me buy you a drink kind of way) and I ended up sidling between them betting that I could at least get a sucker punch in if they tried to lunge over me. I wasn't entirely surprised that it was all talk and no action on their part. Then it was off to Al and Julie's for some coffee and Grand West beckoned. So Al, Julie, Waynne, Sharpe and I piled into Julie's car and off we went, arriving at 3:55 am. First time I've ever been there and first time I've done more than put five bucks into a slot machine and get bored. Managed to get lucky and made R300 off my R50 that I started with (blackjack is such a fun game !!!!). Julie also fared well, so it would appear that it was an evening for the girls. The fun of the evening was diminished slightly by the fact that I lost my really cool blue fingerless gloves that my mom had bought for me for easter :( But these things happen I guess. Left at 6:30am and managed to get about an hour or so of sleep before 10am roleplaying on Saturday. Despite being really tired it was a fun session - thanks guys !!!! Then caught another hour of sleep in Al's spare room - inspite of Nemo's best attempts. He's such a cool cat ! Then fun evening at Michelle's.

I have managed to be up and at varsity on time so far without my mom kicking me out of bed (two days isn't bad). Although it's less fun without the tea. Had a very interesting meeting with a couple of doctors in town who run a hair transplant clinic (went with one of our post docs) to chat about some ideas for experiments. Very cool. Ducked off at 4:30 yesterday afternoon to catch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - I really enjoyed it. The Hippogryph was awesome !

Ok - work beckons once more. Catch ya on the flipside.


No recent update because not much that would be overly exciting to the general population has occurred of late. Al's D&D game (Rights Of Passage) is still proving to be amusing -> butt kicking for goodness !!!! (although some roleplaying would be good if it's going to develop into a campaign after "training" is up).

For those few who do bother to read this page you will be aware that my mom's been down for a week or so which has been awesome. I miss the general fandamily when I only get to see them about twice a year (if I'm lucky). So there has been a lot of going out for supper and tea and my flat has been organised slightly more. But she's leaving on Friday - so we'll just have to see how long her good influence lasts once she's gone.

Finally managed to pin Stu down for some coffee and had an amusing encounter with our local lab cockroach. Now, this is the one that fell out of the arm of my lab coat about three months ago (and my coat hasn't left the lab for over a year) and then scuttled off again before we could find it. There was a reported sighting last week of it skulking in the store room. Then the next day I'm striding down the corridor and spot it crawling along. Now most bugs will change course away from you when they see boots hoving into view..... not so much with this one. It turned around and charged at me. We managed to avoid each other and it hasn't been seen since. We're all pretty sure it's been mutated to hell and gone and I think it's probably lying low biding its time for a coup.

Also just got back from a very interesting seminar on the evolution of HIV - good presentation and great speaker, plus an interesting topic to boot. My last two experiments (I learned how to do something new grin bounce - I was very excited !!!) worked well - just a pity it was something I was doing to help out one of our post docs as opposed to my own thesis work. But hey - at least I got to do something cool that worked.

!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZenStar for last Sunday !!

That's all folks.


Just had to do some of the tests flying around at present.

I am also a Black Talon Werewolf You are a Black Talon, a breed of black werewolf that is usually seen in a pack or 2 or more
they have a muscular frame and are the largest breed of werewolf. You are normally quiet but if provoked will be tempted to bite rather than bark. You prefer the darkness and seclusion of
your den but will venture outside often...

I am Neutral


Only 23.8....% of me is a nerd - oh well, I'll just have to apply myself.

In other news my mom is down for a few days which is always awesome - except for the early morning wake up calls, although they're good for me (plus she brings tea grin ). Had a pretty relaxing weekend in general. Had to go into the lab on both days for a few hours, but that's the price one pays in the attempts to nudge the frontiers of science forward with a long stick. Friday was relaxing. Angel was pretty interesting - pity it's almost finished :( and Liberty Stands Still was a very enjoyable movie. Something a bit different (considering it was before Phonebooth) and pulled off well. Then start of D&D game with the Thursday roleplaying group was so much fun !!! Butt kicking for goodness ! And we managed to get some rooting out of the evil hordes (hey I'm a cleric I can't help it) in before I dashed off to the airport. Am pleasantly surprised at just how much I'm enjoying it - I guess it's the group and DM and not necessarliy the system that makes it fun.

Well that's all of my news - must crunch numbers from experiment tomorrow to see how much territory I've managed to loose or gain in the aforementioned frontier. Oh and Kingdom of Loathing is proving to be quite fun :)

System (including but not limited to 'the rules') is defined as the means by which the group agrees to imagine events during play. (Forge provisional glossary (long - see Part One); Vincent's Standard Rant: Power, Credibility and Assent (also long))
also, it's easy to think of rules that don't facilitate all forms of play, hence system certainly does matter
well, enough Gaming 101/Forge cultism :) - d@vid June 1 2004


Right - can't really remember anything earth shattering that occurred during the week since my last update (I really should update more frequently). Been marking (again) and that always leads to an interesting mixture of irritation, hilarity and sympathy. But it's all done, just in time for marking next week's prac exam. At least they pay me...

The weekend was awesome !!! Angel was so funny !!! Played in A Falling out (aka Bunker) on Friday night and had a great time. In an hour and a half of playing only two lucky people escaped with their lives. Was a bit of a suprise to be in it - but the desperate call for female's who hadn't played in it could not be ignored. Thanks to ZenStar for the loan of the funky military jacket. Starting to get suspicious of the female roles I keep getting cast in at LARPs - loud and obnoxious..... but then again, so much fun !!!!! So no real problem there. Chilled at The One Ring for a while and then slept sooooo well (sleepy panda). Managed to drag myself out of bed to go and shop for fun LARP props for IllusionOfFreeWill Part 1. Shopping ! Shiny jewellery ! Thanks to FirstFallen for helping me out with some of the appropriate clothing (much appreciated to my costume fairy godmother)!!! The LARP was lots of fun and shows much potential. Thanks to the marshalls and all of the players - respect !! Pity about the phones. Then off to The One Ring again in an attempt to cheer up those bereft of cellular communication devices. Then Phantom Of The Opera on Sunday. OMG What an experience - beautiful costumes, stage and the singing was out of this world. Also I'm a musical slut, so I was in heaven. And this despite the fact that I have contracted stomach flu and was feeling less than 100% that night. It was that good :)

Not much else to report. So I'll leave you there my reader(s).


Wow - reading up on people's weekends makes mine fade into insignificance on the general "stuff happening" front. Had a general lab get together at my supervisor's place on Friday night. It turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable and relaxing and last remaining of our number eventually wandered off at about 11pm. Her house is in Gardens and the views of the city and the mountain (they'd turned the lights on) were absolutely gorgeous. Plus she has cats :) Was wearing my shiny jewellery of cat attraction - well, according to some people - wasn't my fault that they were happy to come and talk to me and not them :) Then wasn't really in any mood to enjoy my own company, but circumstances played out that I ended up by myself at home anyhow, but ended up arbing on my PC (Need for Speed: Underground roXXors) and chatting to Campey until the wee hours of the morning. So slept late and then went to supper with Norm and Caroline - very relaxing. More with the going to be and sleeping late. Conversed briefly with my parental units and then watched Changing Lanes again on m-net. The weekend was over too fast.

Haven't been to movies for a while, so decided to skive off work yesterday afternoon and watched Van Helsing. I make no excuses for my movie tastes - I thought it was awesome !!!! I'd easily rate it a 7-8 movie. It also felt so good to be back in a cinema with a coke and some popcorn - sometimes it's the small things in life that make it worth while. So I'm now considering making a semi-regular movie excursion for myself to unwind. Then off to roleplaying - campaign has been put on hold and after exams new games will be played :)

Today's been a pretty good day all round - apart from brief moments of paranoia after supervising someone working with dangerous chemicals that I haven't used for a while, but that's passed. I am however highly amused. The faculty, in all it's wisdom, has decided to renumber the floors (and therefore the rooms as well) of our building to match the bright pink learning centre addition. So, because the learning centre opens to the street on level 2 (the downstairs computer lab is level 1.... don't ask me), old ground floor of our building is now level 2 as well. So subsequently we are now on level 6 rather than 4th floor (and the lifts still have the old numbers, so it will only be a matter of days before someone gets horribly confused). They've also made some cool signs for our labs with one notable exception. We apparently have a Microcopy and Imaging room as opposed to the MicroScopy and Imaging room - and here's me all this time not living cluelessly :) Guessing it's a pretty expensive fuck up.

* It seems that as opposed to being in a lab for viewing things that are small, you are in a lab for copying things that are really small. - InfernalRabbi

Oh - thanks to Stu for getting the lab PCs? that were giving grief sorted out..... it helps knowing someone on the inside :P Definitely owe you a cup of coffee !!

Thursday night roleplaying game is great - my stomach and face muscles were so sore from laughing last week !!! Read MoonFlake's account of what transpired at: AdventuresWithSpaceEntrepreneursWhoMayOrMayNotBePirates. Enjoy !!


Well a new Monday hoves into view as welcome as a doomed opera singer at a death metal concert. It's one of those stay under a duvet with a hot and tasty beverage close at hand with the radio or tv on days. Nothing bad with 'varsity - just no duvets and comfy beds here. Sigh.

The weekend was enjoyable. Arbed on Friday night and Angel was just awesome !! 51st State is such a funny movie :) Slept late on Saturday and then wombled off to a general gathering at Simon and Lucas's. That was cool - got to see people that I haven't in a while (and not because I don't want to). Ended up terrorising the neighbours and driving home in the wee hours of the morning. Thanks to Si and Lucas for a fun evening and the use of their abode ! Slept latish again on Sunday, chatted with the parental units and then carted myself (and my Edgars gift vouchers from my birthday) off shopping. Found some pretty cool pants - and now they're mine.... all mine. Also gave into the temptation of Exclusive Books (hehehehehehehe). Running Man on e-tv was entertaining. The book's really well written (Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman).

Well that's me - have managed to sort out the connection to wiki issues at 'varsity. Thanks d@vid.


Not being able to update from 'varsity is proving to be both a good thing and not-so-much. Various PC and access issues abound that limit my wiki usage. But enough of that... Archived March and April to make this page less huge for the meantime (soon my pretties....).

Stress and general angst have been abounding in the world of me so I've also been quite scarce as a result. But I don't feel the need to go into it here - basically if I've told you about it cool, otherwise it's not something I feel like discussing.

On the plus side after quite a few weeks of Monday night roleplaying drought we got a chance to finally make sure we were all in the same room at roughly the same time. Cool. The game this evening was also pretty cool. Thanks to all the people involved for playing a part in keeping me partly sane.

And the eclipse on Tuesday evening was tres beautiful. It's the first lunar eclipse that I conciously remember seeing - so that was pretty special.

Well - it's late and I need to go to beddy-byes. Just thought I'd update the world (of course I'm assuming that people actually read this.....).



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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM