From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AngelNotesArchivesFive

As always the same disclaimer as the original page applies :)

Hadn't realised how long it has been since I got a chance to jot down some thoughts and general goings on for my loyal readers.

In brief the major events are as follows:
Since I've been so tired and bordering on having insomnia (some days) to boot I decided to shuffle myself off to the doctor for a blood test. The results have ruled out any physiological problems, so my next theory is that my sleep patterns are just completely loopy and that I'm not getting as much good sleep as one should. So have started to take steps towards dealing with that. Pancho's on Wednesday (21/04) with Robyn and an assorted group was cool. Very amusing food ordering - six of a kind ;) Then pool was fun - was having a good pool mojo day. Sad to see Robyn going off to the UK, but I wish her all of the best in this new venture.
Roleplaying on Thursday was pretty fun (none on Monday :( ) what with alien eggs, pirates and general paranoia and plot thickening. Thanks guys - oh and MoonFlake thanks for the awesome food.... again !! Sed's birthday on Friday (23/04) was pretty cool. Had been in bed all day with a very insistent headache, but made it to Banana Jam and had a chilled time chatting. Oh, and Angel was cool, but a bit cut short - possibly because they're having to reshuffle owing to the cancelling of the show after this season (aaargh). Then two myprodols solved the headache problem and I had a great time at Stones in town with everyone (playing really bad pool, but fun none-the-less).
Al and Julie's housewarming on Saturday was very cool. Much kitten cuddling was to be had !! Nemo is sooooo cute and tiny. Awesome to see people I haven't for a while and generally chill out. Great food - thanks Julie !!!

The rest of the time has been pretty quiet, but I have finally been to Primi Piatti (yummy pasta) - had a meeting with someone from Stellenbosch there. Then joined her to go through to her lab, so I could give some advice. Got to be driven about in a BMW Z3 again :) !!! Pretty cool day really.

Have marking and various things to do tomorrow (i.e. when I wake up), so must dash. Ciao.


Weekend was more with the relaxing and weird sleeping, but all in all a good time was had by me. Angel on Friday was pretty intense - missed the first 30 minutes, but fortunately I'd forseen this possibly happening and it was taped for me :) Then ended up visiting Antoine again and Roo joined us for an evening of pool and good music (plus general chatting). Saturday is a bit of a blur and I was most displeased when we couldn't get onto the dance floor at Mordor's to release some pent up stress, but the time will come. Despite this minor set back Alex, 'Chelle and I managed to save the evening thanks to our resourceful ways - Cool Runnings and the munchy snackage at Alex's :) Sunday came around all too quickly, but I did manage to successfully acquire some Phantom of the Opera tickets (they're like gold and unfortunately none of the cheap tickets were left, but I'm still going YAY !!!!). Also couldn't walk past my favourite silver shop in Canal Walk without purchasing a ring :) Then settled down to watch m-net's Sunday offerings and bam my weekend was over all too quickly.

No roleplaying tonight :( But Schpat's back from Korea, so Al's game is on :)


My brain is so confused. The long weekend and so far only two day week has left my brain convinced that it has been on holiday and that it's not time to get into a regular routine again yet. Mainly due to the fact that it only realised it was on a break some time on Sunday evening.... But we press on regardless and hope that the culture shock eventually jolts me into work mode by next week (tomorrow would be far too much to hope for).

Well TNM last week turned out to be a two person affair with one of them already living there (yup - only I turned up), but that has never been a problem and I got to watch Legend with a really baby Tom Cruise before the eyebrow plucking and dental work. But it was pretty cool and I'm glad I've seen it. Then ended up chatting with Roo until all hours of the morning and my weekend had a really great start. I don't care what other people thought - last week's episode of Angel was hysterical (with a capital haha) !! Then ended up watching Family Man with Nicholas Cage (seen it before, but still pretty good) followed by the tail end of a really crap 80s movie on e-tv called The eye of the Widow (or something equally dramatic) that was fun to MST3K? (think we made it a better movie really). Then came the coups de grace of the evening: Maniac Cop 2 (yes, they had indeed made one before). So much cheesy acting - I could feel my mental arteries closing up. But very cool. Then Saturday was Jason's party and that was fun - Stu and Al shaking their money makers.... Then I wandered off to Mordor and Gandalf's with a small contingent and had a fun end to the evening. Sunday and Monday were spent visiting Antoine and sorting my PC out - has been formatted and XP has now been installed. Hopefully this will solve some of her problems and I must say she seems to be less petulant than she was before (you never know - she could be lulling me into a false sense of security). But apart from all of this fun - my sleeping patterns are completely unhinged. Have gone to sleep no earlier than 4am for the last 4 days or so and therefore only get up in the afternoon. Would be considered a vampire except for my then unhealthy fascination for garlic. 24 started on Tuesday and I'm already hooked - what a fabulous programme !! No roleplaying at all this week :( Ho hum. But did get to have tasty cottage pie with Alex and Chelle last night :) Yummy delicious ! Oh and Slap her, she's french was really funny !!

Well - that's all of my news for now. Catch you all on the flip side.


Right - so apart from the wiki being out for the count for the last week or so my lack of blogging has been due to my immune system's most recent full scale attack on my body. Yup with the change in weather came a very sick me - last week on a day where the temperature was apparently 32 degrees I was curled up under my duvet and blanket alternately freezing and dying of heat. But I'm all better now....

Dave Sharpe's party (Saturday 3 April) was a good time to be had by all. A few moments stand out - most of them involving Patrick and/or a very abused vibrating tigger and Priscilla (Ross's blow up pig). But if your mind could survive Patrick's repeated attempts at getting people to "Just try the pig" with the claim that he was surprised how life-like it felt all was well. And at times we wondered where the actually people who lived in the place were - but that didn't trouble us for long.... Saw people I haven't seen in absolute ages and had a jolly good time. The rest of the weekend was good, but nothing much newsworthy occurred.

Roleplaying this week (Monday and Wednesday) has been fun. And HUGE experiment finished on Tuesday (lots of work in one day and me here for quite a number of hours) and results need to be discussed. I choose to leave it there.

Well, now that we once again have access to our little patch of the web (thanks to our resident techies no doubt) updates should be more regular :) Mmmmmm - lunch !!!


I need a weekend from my weekend.

Arrived late for "Angel" on Friday afternoon (what was supposed to take 20 min at varsity went over time - not entirely suprising really...) and burst through the door just as the crucial last fight scene was happening, but fortunately in my infinite wisdom of how meetings work at varsity I had asked for it to be taped, so immediately settled down to watch it from the beginning to quench my "what the hell ?" curiosity that was overflowing my poor little cranium. Was a cool episode. Then it was into costume and off to pre-LARP briefing. While hanging around waiting for everyone to arrive etc. (like you do) I was asked by a very confused female in the bathroom (I don't really blame her I was in full caped and frilly shirted glory at the time) what was happening. To save myself the explanation and her the confusion or horror I informed her that we were doing a sort of play upstairs. To which she then asked if it was for the church. Must admit I wasn't expecting that one !! We all arrived expecting to be silly and the humour to be dodgy, but by the time the LARP started we had definitely gone a wandering in the sewers of our wit. Had so much fun !!! Was in serious risk of loosing my voice after all the bellowing I was up to and the riding crop was too much fun :) Then it was off out to The One Ring, Mordor and finally Cornerhouse with a mixed group of reprabates and dancing was had :) Unfortunately the almost mandatory experience of lecherous dodgy guys at night clubs was unavoidable. So I only got to sleep at 6:30am Saturday morning.

Then I woke up at about 9 in response to my phone and then again at 10:30 and finally out of bed by 11:20. Then managed to make my groggy way to fetch people and end up at Roo's for "Firefly" viewing. Absolutely fantastic show and a good time was had by me :) Roo's house was most definitely thoroughly warmed by the time we left. My body finally convinced me that it was time to go home by about 5:15am and I slept the sleep of the gratefully comfortable for a decent amount of time. Chatted to the parental units and then it was off to watch "Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the clones" on m-net. Just to remind me how much Anakin Skywalker pisses me off !!!! Caught up on more sleep this morning, then had remote issues trying to get out of my complex parking. Finally some kind souls pushed the appropriate button (I suspet my remote is giving up - and yes I have changed the battery) and freedom was mine !!! Need to go and check on my cells, so that's all for now.


Experiment completed. Results interesting. Meeting with supervisor on Thursday good. Hehehehe - also got lost on the way to Tygerberg on Wednesday afternoon for a Experimental Biology Group meeting there. We ended up way past the boerewors curtain and I have now seen the Belville CBD in slightly more detail than I ever expected. We had fun :) Only 15min late (and we had the chairman with us so all was well - the reason we were late, she was on automatic pilot to Stellenbosch) and the subsequent talk on cloning and stem cell research was cool. Nice to know I still remember stuff from honours when I did research and a literature review on them. Was very surprised that some people got really riled up about it - female sitting next to me was close to slapping the speaker (in her words).

Wednesday night roleplaying was cool - alien goodness, interesting "drugs" and san loss :) Has real potential now that we've all settled down, just need to get a bit more used to Raynne and then fun shall be had by all (or at least me). TNM was fun - have watched "Gingersnaps II" (and enjoyed it) and now need to go back and watch the first. Have realised that I'm seriously behind in the watching of cool vampire and werewolf flicks. Will have to rectify the problem soon. Then watched "Wet, Hot American Summer" with Roo and Garrick. Was fun.

LARP tonight looks like it should be entertaining :) And I'm relatively tired, so may prove to be very wacky from my side of the world. And of course there's always "Angel" :) Must go - cheers.


No roleplaying last Monday :( Tuesday night m-net was awesome as per usual - I'll be sad when Nip/Tuck stops. Wednesday roleplaying was great - thanks for the food MoonFlake :) So much fun - and new system, shit load of drugs and shiny ship have all the makings of a fun time to be had by all. New character is proving to be entertaining and the rest are finding it awfully convenient to blame stuff on their now dead crew members. Apple pie and ice creamy goodness was also to be had.

Weekend was cool - my below mentioned loopy sleeping habits are still reversed. Asleep at 6am and waking up at about 4pm to go to varsity and then start the next endeavour to keep me up late. Thanks to InfernalRabbi and ElfBoy for the use of their abode on Saturday night. Oh, and thanks to their neighbours for not yelling at us. Was an entertaining evening all round. My experiment is working better than last time, but not perfectly. Meeting with the big boss (i.e. my supervisor) on Thursday, so watch this space. Brief roleplaying goodness last night - Tai as per usual has thrown us all by coming up with new and exciting plot twists.... oh, sorry Mike for shooting you.

That's the news in brief - have an experiment to complete, so must dash. Ciao.


Roleplaying on Wednesday was fun - Leigh was my first character ever to die in a campaign. But she died because she just couldn't damn well dodge in those boots and overalls :) Great time to fail a dodge roll.... My new character Raynne has great potential and I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next week.

TNM was pretty cool - "Gothika" had great potential and atmosphere to start off with, but the last 30min of the movie descended rapidly downhill, following the character's footsteps down the trapdoor at breakneck speed. "Shaolin Soccer" was just awesome. From ZenStar's comments I would also like to see the subbed version at some point, but I thought it was delightful all the same :)

Week was going pretty well up until Friday (despite lack of sleep and messed up sleeping patterns). And it's really not that huge a catastrophe, but all of the experiments up until this semi-critical one have worked well this year and as Murphy would have it my experiment has failed. So I was less than charmed by the time I left 'varsity (in time for "Angel" of course). "Angel" was pretty interesting, if somewhat messed up in parts (trippy dream sequences anyone ?). And I really need to watch the earlier seasons (only came in on about season 4) because I get the feeling I should know who the hell Doyle is and what he's up to. But makes for more tension for me, so not all bad. Was at Antoine's place and after watching the highlights of the Sharks vs. Highlanders game (we won !!!!!!) settled down to watch "Kill Bill Vol 1". I really liked the overall effect of the movie and am really looking forward to Vol 2. Then watched "Treasure Planet" again - always a classic :) And by the time I went home I was feeling much better.

I'm currently typing this update from the lab where I have officially abandoned the above mentioned experiment. And I intend to spend a nice peaceful evening at home and rectify my loopy sleeping patterns. Until we meet again.... ciao.


You know, students ask the most fascinating questions in tuts. Firstly I was asked yesterday if I could dispense some free medical advice (to a medic.... the irony) and she seemed disappointed when I declined. Hey - if science ever fails me maybe I can become one of those people who declares that everyone is suffering from whatever new disease they've read about in the You magazine that week. Potential....

Then today I was asked what would happen if you drank one of the enzyme mixtures that we use in the lab (it breaks down proteins... brief explanation). (Okay, because I'm curious and stupid, what would happen? - SunChaser) Why they would even consider it is beyond me, but I love getting asked things like that because it makes me think about things and keeps the mind active. And hopefully if I'm any good it'll keep my students alive as well :)

Finally managed to get enough time in between tutoring to set up a relatively important experiment today - so by Sunday I'll know if it worked. Here's hoping. Roleplaying again tonight - great stuff.


*Brief explanation for SunChaser:* Well - as with most things it would depend on how much you injested and at what concentration. At the concentration that we use your stomach acid would most likely denature/break down the enzyme before it could do any damage. In an extreme case I would imagine that you might develop some internal bleeding etc. as the cells making up the lining of your gastrointestinal tract are damaged and the bonds holding them together are destroyed. Not much fun I'm sure.... - ArchAngel (11/03/2004)

Only a brief post-roleplaying update. SO MUCH FUN !!!!! Despite starting out the evening in a sleep-deprived haze I was soon very much wide awake and really enjoying myself. Thanks to the boyz for an awesome session !!!!!! Oh, and I finally got the t-shirt too :) More tutoring for me today, so must be off...


Wednesday night roleplaying in Al's new space-pirate campaign was fun - always cool to get a chance to roleplay with different people. I think that once the game gets going that the apparent kinks will get ironed out. TNM was cool. Pleasantly amusing 80's romcom starring a great cast and some awesome lines: "His chakras are blocked so he can't breathe out of one eyelid" being one of my favourites. Then made the mistake of staying around after Munchkin Fu to chat and made the further mistake of asking how the Ninja Burger card game was. Roo made the mistakes of offering to play a "quick game" and suggesting that we play two characters each. The rest was, as we say, sleep deprived. Went through to "The One Ring" on Friday night for the ongoing LARP meeting and had a pretty cool evening playing pool (not all of it bad on my part :) ) and discussing "Angel" (fun episode on Fri) and world politics. Then caught up on sleep on Saturday and hauled myself out of bed for Roo's all night movie marathon. I made it - and was still relatively bouncy at about 10am when Garrick and I left, but that didn't last long after I had a bath and hit the comfort of my bed. Sunday (when I eventually clawed my way out of bed... not quite that bad) was relaxing. Watched "K19: The Widowmaker" on m-net and it was considerably better than I expected. Dragged myself out of bed far too early this morning to stand in for someone facilitating at Old Groote Schuur for the medics - traffic was a complete nightmare and I ended up running up to the lab to fetch the relevant stuff and then hot footing it up the hill to GSH. But all's well that ends well and my prac this afternoon seemed to go well. Needless to say, I haven't had much of a chance to do any lab work, but I'm far too tired for that now, so will start tomorrow. Roleplaying tonight :) w00t.


I am pleased to report that roleplaying on Monday night was awesome (it would appear that my dice have returned to a more random pattern of rolling - YAY !!!) Thanks to the boyz for keeping me entertained - I basically forgot that the Oscars were happening once we got started. Dave, I hope you're feeling better... after his up-close and personal encounter with some stairs and a 15kg magnetic vibrator (I kid you not ;) !) Sax Appeal on Tuesday had the bonus of producing a what seems to be relatively amusing RAG mag and freeing up loads of parking on campus (what is this 'varsity holiday of which you speak ?) Second BSR session also happened - I feel loads better (so does my back...).

Today I spent the whole day in Stellenbosch helping someone with a protocol - met some relatively cool people and had a great day, although it does mean that I have got none of my own work done today.... but this was more fun. Enjoyed seeing how other labs work and managed to acquire a very cool sandwich at the student union. Also got to ride in a BMW Z3 - so much fun !!!!! * bounce * Just a few things left to sort out - then it's off to yet more roleplaying.



Archived Jan & Feb to keep this a bit more manageable.

Weekend was great !! Nothing terribly exciting on the news front, but I had a great time. The thot most definitely plickened in "Angel" on Friday and the m-net movie ("The Hole") was surprisingly interesting and well written. The rest of the weekend flowed afterwards very nicely and involved seeing friends, reading and a smidgen of TV watching.

Roleplaying tonight should be fun - the only drawback being that I miss the Oscars :( Plus I know a couple of the winners because I woke up to the news on the radio, but I still would've loved to watch it - I mean Billy Crystal's presenting again and that can only be a good thing. Gotta go. Things to do.....



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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM