From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AgeOfArb

Hmmm...waiting - isn't it wonderful.

Here I am in Comlabs waiting for data sets to download. Thought i may as well update this page.

Don't know what to say really. My brain has been on autopilot all day. I've been saying things and 5 minutees afterwards going "why did I say that?" or "that's not quite what i had meant" or "that didn't make ANY sense whatsoever" or "why can't I just shut up today?" Every random half-assed thought seems to be making an escape.

Today is also one of those days that has a strangely surreal feel to it. There's no reason for it - it just doesn't quite feel real.

And I'm getting excited about September 17th for no reason whatsoever today. Ok, so its when Sims2 is shipping - but I've known that for a long time. Why am I getting excited about it today?

I just feel not quite here.

And finding a data set with a specific purpose in mind can be a real bitch. Everything wants you to register or pay a fee & I just want a data set for a damn tut.


That's all I can really say right now cos my brain is going neef.

19 August 2004 14:17

I think my computer is allergic to CLAWs.

Well, to let everybody know - the problem with it when doing CLAWmarks was that it spontaneously lost all of its graphic drivers in transit to Andy's house.

And at Dragonfire, Philip needed a dedicated computer for magic (entries would be too frequent to share the laptop with Tai). So hey, I live close by, Ian & I could quickly go fetch my computer.

So we did. And it was fine. Until we got up to Leslie Social. We set it up and ... she had spontaneously lost her graphics drivers again. WTF? CLAWs broke my baby again!

From now on, can we PLEASE use someone else's computer cos it only does this when CLAWs is involved.

10 August 2004 14:50

P.S. Dragonfire happened. It is over. Yay and not yay.

It's just one of those Mondays.

The printer at Hiddingh (which I have affectionately named Beelzebub) decided that its not going to work. At all. Have reset both the printer and server numerous times. Checked the cables. Everything is fine. Thanks Shaun for also having a look.

And the net went down for a little while to add to my panic. Not to mention waking up at 07:50 this morning after setting my alarm for 06:00 (I must have switched it off while still 90% asleep). It's crap when you know that no matter how quickly you get out of bed, no way are you going to make it to the first lecture. And to top it off, I woke up because of a car accident I heard.

And I'd actually started to feel a bit better today. At 3am.

I've been feeling really down and depressed for most of the weekend. Despite new boots, tracksuit and best of all Nick's party (no more wine for me) and the Larp Playtest which I thought was really cool - even though it does come with a warning for a reason. Thanks to dave and Tim. I had LOTS of fun this weekend - but...

At least i hope that i can look forward to having my baby (i.e. my computer) back and healthy today. I think my computers are allergic to CLAWmarks. This is the first time that this one was volunteered for CLAWmarks editing. And she broke. Just like the last one. But she went in to Java Cafe today (thanks to Ian for taking her - I would have never had the time).

Really funny thing was - I really had started feeling better this afternoon.

Maybe tommorrow could be better? Although things could always get worse - especially with a presentation involved.

26 July 2004 18:17

Congratulations Fred

This is just a quick announcement to congratulate Fred (my fish's pet snail) - who we now know is female (apologies for making gender assumptions) on the birth of a multitude of snail-lets. At least 15 little sprogs have now joined the home of the fish tank and are hopefully happy and healthy (exact number indeterminate as some the size of a pin's head). Unfortunately the father is unknown as Fred was single when the fish got her.

Now wasn't that arb?

I may be wrong, but I believe snails are hermaphrodites and can impregnate themselves. Suddenly masterbation is not as harmless as it seems ;-) - ShadowsLight
Aww, now you've gone and shattered the foundations of the cult of the "Daughters of Snaily of the Immaculate Conception" - TemporaryInsanity

31 May 2004 13:48

DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be taken seriously. Yes - the snail had little ones, but I'm in an arb mood (wrote an exam earlier) & am not intending to say things about snails genders, breeding habits, taste in music, whatever. Take with a pinch of salt (preferably not on the snails). 14:24

Long time since I've felt the need to rant... but I really feel that I need to share the lessons I have learnt from project group work this semester (proof that varsity does actually teach you SOMETHING about the real world)


Choose your group carefully. No matter how smart or nice the people in your group are, certain flaws will make life challenging. It is probably best not to be in a group with someone who is so overcommited their sleeping hours probably range in the negative (you can't give them much to do or they do it badly), a chinese person
who writes English exactly as he speaks it (you tend to have to rewrite it because of grammer) and an incredibly bright, but dyslexic, person (you also have to end up doing a lot of checking that they chose the right word from the list spell-chek threw up). This project group results in a large portion of your time spent on 'editing' - not ideal It can, however, end up working in the end.


One person who wants to do well, cannot make four people who just want to pass work (if said person does not have the time to do the project for them). These people can also not be trusted to do anything, from altering your previous project to fit the subject to spell-checking the report before handing it in to putting together a powerpoint presentation that consists of more than text. They will refuse to attend any group meetings until it is the day before its due. They will also forget to do sections (such as handing in the justification). This is especially bad in a communications course. They will also only give you the finished report the day before the presentation when you need it to write your speech. Murphey will then intervene & ensure that the previous group not only colour printed everything (which your cheap-ass group didn't) and had a stunning slideshow - but will present the markers with chocolates from 'their company'.

LESSON 3 (Group 3):

Never work with someone who has a social life twice as active as yours, or more. They will avoid the project meeting due to a hangover/sundowners at camps bay with friends. While they are competent enough for you to trust them to pick up your work and integrate it into the report - they will forget the plagiarism declaration, want you to do the bibliography (without any suggestions on how they're getting it to bind it since they decided not to come in at 10am when the hand-in is at 12) and will ask if a table of contents is 'really neccessary'. They will somehow blame you for their lack of sleep because they didn't do their tuts until last night too. Even though its not your fault that they decided to not start their section til they had yours (after sundowners). They will then procede to arrive AT 12 for the hand-in & seem moderately annoyed that you are making them run to get it in on time (even though you have moerse blisters on your feet) because they also have a tut that needs to be in at 12. And you will find that they altered your pretty front cover into a boring functional one that makes even less sense than yours did.

Thanks heavens that my next project is with Mike.

Also, many thanks to Ru for downloading the bane of my life on thurs. I now have the sims 2 bodyshop & am actually learning how to use photohop so I can make customized skins. I have already started on my Blink skin.

And everyone on Sat - it was great to relax for a while at The One Ring. Didn't end up dancing (as I'd wanted to earlier) but it was still great & I got to relax at least a little.

Hiddingh was also horrible this morning - printer ran out of ink & the guy we are supposed to get it from is on leave - so I had to wait for it to come down from upper campus. And I couldn't get on the computer cos Erica forgot to tell me that the password had changed (Ian - I owe you more airtime). I still don't have my cell-phone, I pulled a tendon slightly yesterday and my new shoes wore through my socks & the blisters they then created today.

Talk about a blue monday...

17 May 2004 15:28

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated. Possibly because nothing has happened (good or bad) which I've particularly felt the need to put up.

Until Thursday. Now I have one thing to say.


Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish - fish!

I am now the very proud owner of two delightful little fish! (And not the kind in the water yo-yo stress ball things that I love & seem to have a propensity for destroying)

I actually have pets - of my very own! Many, many, many, many, ..., many thanks to my wonderful boyfriend who got them for me.

My two lovely little guppies are not named cheese & jam (as I threatened on my page SkyLark) - but rather I have reverted to the two names I have always given fish since I was 5. The lovely bright yellow one is Goldilocks, while the dark silver one with the orange tail (with black spots) is Dracula. Their pet snail is Fred.

They are also the ultimate low-maintanance fish. Perfect.

I swear I will not attempt to see how mobile they are on carpets as I did with my more unfortunate goldfish in Sub A. I no longer feel the need to discover that. I proved that the books were right & that they were strictly aquatic a long time ago. What was proven with goldfish need not be reproven with guppies. I believe the books now.

Anywho, they are currently staying at Ian's mom's (with a teddy bear outside their tank to keep them company) and will be moving into my room tomorrow.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FISH!!!!!!! LITTLE FISH!!!!!!!!! MY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

13 April 2004 17:25

P.S. What is so wrong with me knowing most methods to kill / psychologically torture Sims. Why am I called evil for it?


Not too much to say today. Just a few short rants on numerous topics.

Firstly, the big rant that seems to be affecting everyone. I have no clue what's going on, so I really don't have much to say. I just want to voice my opinions on a couple of sub-issues that seem to be raised. If you think it's crap - hey, so be it, its just my point of view - doesn't mean its actually worth anything. Firstly there is a LOT of crap that goes on in CLAWs. You might be missing the undercurrents, but it is there - even if I don't know what it is most of the time. And remember, just because nobady is crying on the outside doesn't mean that they're not really badly hurt. CLAWs contains some of the best people when it comes to masking their emotions, so just because it's not OBVIOUSLY wrong, doesn't mean it isn't. Secondly - people tend not to respect other people's opinions. I know a few people (including myself) who have lost friends (or all but) due to saying what they really thought of the situation - even when asked their opinion outright. So I understand why people hold back. Not that that's any excuse why people should. Rather I think that people need to learn to respect other people's opinions and viewpoints. And if you disagree, so be it. Just respect the person enough not to let that ruin what friendship you have between you. Now that was my 2c worth. Take it or leave it.

Second topic. What is it with CLAWs and emailing??????????? I asked AGES ago for people to email me with what modules they wanted at the module day. NOT ONE SINGLE EMAIL REGARDING THE TOPIC HAS ARRIVED. Am I really suprized, no. But it would be nice. Now I have to make sure that there's a random selection of stuff (which I don't know if people will want or not) just in case people don't bring their own. And yes, I know I'm not one to talk when it comes to anything internet related - but it had to be said.

Thirdly, why are second hand furniture shops more expensive when it comes to computer stands than buying it new?????

And lastly, paintball. I hate jerks. Jerks who call you a bitch just because you managed to get a lucky shot which hit them (when you can't shoot and just got lucky cos they didn't see you for a while and you had time to aim). And most of all, jerks who shoot you three times in ONE ANKLE AFTER THE GAME HAS FINISHED. I actually like being able to walk without too many problems. Fighting the urge to cry when you've just had a great time is NOT COOL. I hope that next time we can get to book out the entire course and get to avoid JERKS.

That's all I wanted to say.

16 January 2004 16:08

Firstly, an apology. Apparently some people have misconstrued what I wrote in my last rant. In no way did I mean to make Ian's family look bad. I apologise if that is how you read it. They are really wonderful and I love spending time with them. Otherwise I would have been at home for Christmas. It's just that all of the extensions (for lack of a better word) to his family can get a bit bewildering, especially when all gathered at once or within a short space of time. After all, until varsity none of my friends' parents had been divorced & there were no complications like this before. Please don't confuse mild bewilderment (my 'too many people' response) with dislike.

As for New Years, after 2.5 glasses of coke the next morning I was perfectly fine. Great being able to laugh at everyone else before starting to sympathise.

But that is entirely besides the point of this rant. It is, as it will inevitably be, about my family.

Now, when I moved into res my mother had one of those moments of insight that mothers tend to have. It was very unlikely that I would move back home on a permanent basis. When I decided to move into digs, this suspition was confirmed. And, as she had assured me when I moved into res, even though she thought that I wouldn't really come back for more than a few days, my room would always be mine. It would always be my place and available and i would always be welcome.

But it seems that that does not neccessarily mean that I will always have a place to sleep.

I have a very nice bed. Very old, but I love it. It used to be my grandmother's bed when she was alive and even has a dent in the mattress where she used to sit. It is also 3/4 and very comfortable. Naturally, I want this bed with me wherever I'm going to be the most & it has been moved into digs. The plan was for my old room to get my brother's old single bed as he has recently aquired a double bed from my aunt who emmigrated. Good plan, right?

Wrong. You see, during the interval between my brother's room & mine, the bed was moved into the computer room along with the other spare bed. And somehow, my mother and brother managed to break the slats that support the mattress. Ok, so you'd think I'd get the other spare bed, right?

No, wrong again. I have to sleep in the computer room. Which (since it is adjoined to the living room) means that I have to wait for everyone to go to bed before I can go sleep & pretty much I have to wake up when the first person to wake up does. Sucks when my mom is watching the exorcist and I want to sleep since I've had very little over the past few days. I suppose it isn't that bad. Then my ill uncle was staying at home until he moved into his flat and I was unceremoniously given the couch (well, I couldn't ask him to give up the bed, could I?)

And my once nice bedroom has a gaping gap where a bed should be & I have no place for the blanket & my collection of favousite stuffed toys that used to be displayed on the bed while I wasn't sleeping on it. Heck, i'd be happy to get the broken bed, just so that I could make my room LOOK normal. Put the mattress on the floor. It's actually better for your back that way - ShadowsLight You have not seen the size of the cockroaches at my house. Last time I was at home I was choking on citrusy 'odourless' fumes after 'removing' a hand sized cockroach from under the spare-bed. No mattresses on floors there for me thanks! - SkyLark

But the dog uses that bed now. And my mother's suggestion (i.e. ORDER) is that I take my beloved toys (collected over many years), put them in a black bag & stuff them in a cupboard. (Yes, I really like them, enough to have them take up 1/2 my bed & to redisplay them each time I made my bed. Of course I'm going to love the idea to leave them in a bag in a cupboard for a few years. Yes. Of course. Because we all love the musty smell of old neglected plushies.)

But what can one do. Play Neopets until I pass out, I suppose.

4 January 2004 23:52

Christmas - time of annoying songs that get stuck in my head. And with me it has never been the Christmas carols (they appear in June). In 2001 it was Westlife's Uptown Girl (I worked in a shopping mall - it was played once every 2 hours), last year it was some arb pop song that incorporated the tango and this year it is blink 182. Life could be worse. But if the line 'It's Cristmas eve and I've only wrapped 2 f&*%ing presents.' plays through my head one more time, I think I'm going to have to shoot myself.

If there's one thing that I hate about Christmas, it's that it's like a birthday, but for everyone. So unlike when everyone else has a birthday and you only have to worry about buying one present, this time you have to worry about a number of them. After all, you have to get for all your family members and if you happen to have a lifelong friend or a current boyfriend/girlfiend (as the case may be), you have to get for them too. And I don't know about you, but those are the kind of people who I start to get paranoid about having to find a present that they will love. Sucks to be me.

Yes, I know that it isn't about the presents and that it's the thought that counts...but that angsty paranoia IS the thought. And when all you bought your brother was an (admittedly overpriced) funny pen and you find out that he's spent pretty much all of his pocket money (he's only 11) on your present from him (and 'borrowed' from your parents too) that makes it even worse. You feel compelled to go and track down the only shop in the neighbourhood that will have what he will like and spend a sizable portion of your previously well-budgeted funds on him. And then keep the arb pen out of "I can't let him know that I was going to give him that - what if he figures out that he was originally only going to get that".

Smile. Wrapping makes up for it. Yes, two layers of wrapping paper and nine of newspaper around a single item. There were 7 more. Then 2 layers of newspaper over the lot followed by a final layer of wrapping paper. I only wish i could have seen him unwrap it. Well, I had to tease him somehow - I wasn't at home on Christmas day.

No, this Christmas was more stressful than any other I have ever had. Up til 2001 we always had a huge family gathering where all the aunts and uncles (dad's side - he has 5 siblings; hence I have too many cousins) gathered in CT if they could to visit my gran. 2001 was more stressful - I worked a double shift. 2002 was a quiet day at home fighting with my brother for the computer. This year was spent with Ian's family.

Now don't get me wrong, they're all lovely people - but it is a little daunting when you're spending Christmas Eve at his mother's when his brother has just gotten back from overseas and her boyfriend's daughter has just gotten married. So besides his family that means having to deal with all of his brother's friends and all of the newlyweds' family. I don't like feeling like a third wheel...and as a result found helping Ian's mom prepare for the dinner much more relaxing and enjoyable than the evening itself. And you can only really get away with walking the dog once.

Christmas morning was a similar stressful event - breakfast at (deep breathe) Ian's mom's boyfriend's ex-wife's house (far too many apostrophes). And it was raining so no hiding outside. But just as I was starting to feel comfortable we left.

At least Ian's dad's place seemed like a breeze in comparison. And I got to feed ducks. :)

And when we finally got back to Ian's flat I was exhausted (and still am) - going from very stressed to not that stressed quite suddenly can do that to you. But the worst part was evryone hugging me! And kisses! Yuck! I hate it when strangers hug me or come near me! (Hence dislike of being cooped up inside with a lot of people I don't know) Yuck! Trust me - a hug from me means I quite like you and trust you to some extant - i.e. you are some form of friend. But strangers! Ick!!!!! I'm getting the creeps even thinking about it.

Yes this was arb, but isn't it all?

I'll stop before I get all philosophical.

27 December 2003 00:50

I cannot believe that I am going to say this. Nobody could believe that anybody could say this. But I have to.

Thank you God for UCT admin!!!!!!!!

Those sorry souls at UCT are completely forgiven for any past indiscretions (including delaying changing my degree from when I handed my syllabus change form in at the beginning of the semester to the day before my last exam when I stood outside the commerce faculty window refusing to move UNTIL they changed it).

I love them all, in that fuzzy, happy way that will last for a few days and more than makes up for me feeling under the weather.

I had to break the awful news to my parents (that would result in my imminent death) today that after checking my provisional results, all my marks were pretty damn good. Except MAM200W?. 48%. No sups. Oh shit.

But there was one consoling thought - I could always mention how my friend that beat me into the dust with Maths in Matric & even got an elusive 'A' for Ad. Maths had gotten 45%. And two of my Act. Sci friends who made me feel stupid last year had also failed.

So the parents were a problem, but could probably be at least partially appeased, to the point of me losing all perks and possibley being grounded until the aforementioned room is tidied - but not quite killed. (They still don't get that varsity is NOT high school - FAILING is a distinct possibility especially if you are struggling with a subject).

But they were not the worst prospect. Not by a long shot. Neither were the thoughts of facing SL, LA or RA again (as boring and sleep inducing as they may be). No. The worst was doing AC again. Not because of the subject material (which probably would have been fascinating had we gone through it slightly slower), but because of the lecturer.

Reynhoud (spelling?). AKA THAT bastard. The man was insufferable!!!!! He is the one lecturer that TO THIS DAY I maintain I would rather fail the subject than ask him for help.

THAT bastard would, even if someone asked an intelligent and relevant question in class make that person feel like a complete idiot, followed by making the entire class feel like imbesciles. He treated everyone like utter morons, but lectured at a level where you had to be somewhat competent and reasonably intelligent to follow. Even him being an engineer could not explain the depths he sank to. Also, if he learnt your name or surname, he would pick on you in class by asking you REALLY difficult questions at the beginning of a section on something you ad heard about for the first time that day.

Oddly enough, I was never picked on.

Well, that could be explained. He knew that I reallly disliked him. It was extremely obvious.

And the explanation also explains why he knew I didn't like him:

As if lectures alone weren't bad enough, he ws also in charge of my maths tut. :(
At the tut, he would walk around - looking over ppl's shoulder's at their work (which anyone who knows me KNOWS I can't work when ppl are looking over my shoulder) and passing helpful comments like, 'That's a really stupid thing to do.' attaching himself to you, and staying either until you got it right or he got bored. So I developed a habit of sitting against the wall, so he COULD NOT look over my shoulder.
Until that day. He came and stood looking at someone at the other side of the table's work. And then made the fatal mistake of trying to look over the table at mine. He started putting his hand accross the table to turn my exam pad around, when my arms clamp over it - covering my work. He says he only wants to see how I'm doing on the sum and asks why I won't let him look. His hand attempts to grab the edge of the exam pad. My arms adjust so that my fingers are curled over the top edge of the exam pad, rendering it immobile. All I said was, 'Go away.' Curtly and abruptly. No niceness in my tone of voice. And he left me alone ever since. According to some ppl I actually growled at him at some point too - but that would have been purely reflexive and not concious at all. Maybe you now have an idea of how much I despise the man?

And in 2004 he's in charge of MAM200W?. Just to make my life worse.

But then this afternoon, a few minutes after I arrive home (and am just waiting for Ian to leave before I break the news to my mom - if it got ugly, which it would have, I didn't want him caught in the cross-fire) the phone starts ringing. So I answer it, & oddly enough it's for me.

It was the UCT Mathematics department. They'd made a mistake with my marks & were just phoning to let me know that I actually got 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first thought that crossed my mind was ' I PASSED MATHS ' shortly followed by the repeating thought that brought the most joy of all and is still repeating in my mind I NEVER HAVE TO SEE RYNHOUD AGAIN....

Give me a few days for the seratonin to wear off. Oh, and the adrenalin - I felt the intense need to hop up and down for a few hours and the desire is still persisting although under control.


27 November 2003 01:03

I hate, I hate, I hate Nokia. The bastards!

About a week ago I went out to Late Ed. I spent the entire bloody evening SITTING DOWN AT A TABLE (except for getting up to greet ppl every now and again - about twice). At no point did I actually notice anything like a bump or a jolt, especially not on the side where my cellphone was in my pocket (otherwise I would have had a heart attack). But when I get back, I look at the screen of my NEW cellphone (less than 2 months old and a birthday present from my uncle) and the majority is covered by what appears to be a somewhat less than charming scorchmark. WTF???

But not to worry, the phone is still under warrentee. After all, if it broke without me even noticing or knowing why (and no, I was not drunk, not in the slightest - I didn't really feel like drinking) then something must have been wrong with it.

So on Sat Ian and I go on a goose chase to find Nokia. So we go to Roeland Str, but it's moved to Centuary Square. So we go to Centuary Square, who tell us that it's at not there, it's at Canal Walk. And there they tell us, that no, it's not there and they have no idea where it is...possibly in Greenpoint?

And so the frustration begins...

But Ian suggests trying the vodacom service centre place that they have there. And, suprize, no it does not matter that the phone was not bought there. So things were beginning to look up. Until they looked at the phone.

Apparently scorch marks can only be caused by pressure (from a bump or being jolted). Pressure can only be caused by accidents and accidents are not covered by the warentee. And the repairs will cost the equivalent of a month and a quarter's pocket money for me. Now isn't that great.

Let's ignore the fact that the screen was obviously prone to breaking (which would be a manufacturing defect) if it broke because of a bump so slight that I didn't even feel anything. After all I've seen phones the same as mine take a severe beating (being dropped down a flight of stairs, being - literally - hurled at the ground in anger such that the casing flew off, being dropped on a gravel playground, you name it) and NOTHING has happened to their screens. Just my luck to get the equivalent of a 4pound weakling in the phone world. I could have understood if something like that had happened. THAT is an accident. If something unusual like that happens, something that is at the very least slightly extreme, then yes, maybe the warentee shouldn't cover it.

But something that can easily occur in normal everyday usage? That's just being cowardly. It's not like you can't protect against it in manufacturing, just put a somewhat hard, clear plastic over the screen. Sorry, what, that's there already? Maybe it isn't hard enough? Or maybe (shock, horror), mine wasn't as strong as it should have been... is that so far fetched? Especially since it was only a little more than a month old.

I'm sorry, but if a slight bump, like brushing against a table or something, is enough to screw up the screen, why don't cellphones come with a warning?

But now, seeing as though I can't see my screen and that the soonest that I'll be able to afford fixing the damn thing is January (if at all), I'm going to have to start using the REAL piece of crap that I thought that I had finally gotten rid of. The DREADED cellphone. The one that my dreaded stalker ex gave to me and wouldn't take back when we broke up. The fact that he gave it to me is pretty much the biggest reason why I hate it. It is currently being held together by an elastic band. I didn't look after it NEARLY as much as my cherished NEW phone, after all I didn't really want it other than for the fact that it was useful. Actually wait, that implies that I looked after it...

Now that was a good phone. It is almost 3 yrs old. It got dropped down the stairs at Fuller last year and this year on a weekly basis. I fell ON it while ice skating. It regularly made escape attempts by jumping out of my pocket. It has been at the bottem of a suitcase that everyone swore was lead plated and thrown around. And it carries on going. The battery is just loose. And all that you need to do to get it to work (although somewhat erratically) is put an elastic band around a particular point on the battery, just so that you can constantly apply pressure.


24 November 2003 10:15

Well, seeing as though I have nothing better to do with this page now - and I put it up and I can't very well abandon it (I'd feel guilty - yes I'm strange, aren't we all?), I guess that I may as well turn it into a rant/diary thing (seeing as though everyone else is doing similar).

But before we get to that, considering what this page was, I'd like to say a very belated thanks to everyone who pitched up at my birthday for doing so - it made an otherwise depressing day enjoyable. And also a belated thanks to everyone who has borrowed my precious videos and returned them.

Right now, for the record, it is appallingly early in the morning (so if you are going to complain about spelling - I don't care) and I am sitting in front of the home computer, bored and bloody frustrated with mIRC...

Yes, I am very sad and have never used it before, other than pottering on other people's computers when it's already all set up. But I have just downloaded it. And after figuring out channels and servers and all that in under 10 minutes I can't work out how you register a nickname (I'm guessing that not everyone payed $20) and therefore cannot join #CLAWs. Just great.

And the great evil that is neopets is not working for some unknown reason. After letting my brother play for 3.5hrs, it is not letting me on. Where is my distraction when I need it?????? And damn Ryan anyway for introducing me to damn thing in the first place! It's addictive...far too addictive...far too many 7am bedtimes...

But why, if nothing is going right, am I still online? Because it's the one time in this house when I have time to myself. Hence introducing my brother to neopets - now he nags to go online, gets it, and then when it's bedtime I take over (got to love R7 call) without all the problems of my mom complaining that I'll raise the phone bill.

I cannot wait to get out of here. After a number of trial runs it has now been proven that my family (especially my mother) and I can only live with each other for 24hrs. It has been 3.5day (approx.) and i am almost ready to kill someone. So I'm snapping at my brother at the slightest provocation when he hasn't even done anything - as if sibling relationships needed any extra conflict.

Apparently I'm supposed to tidy my room. I'm wondering how I am supposed to achieve this. After 2 yrs in res I have accumulated enough stuff ( a lot with sentimental value ) to fill a room. This has now all been dumped into my room at home, which was comfortably cluttered before. I have so little space of any kind that I have to take two careful steps and jump over a box in the dark to get to my bed, which now has 2 sets of bedding (IN SUMMER) because I'm not allowed to have it anywhere other than my room. In order to tidy up one needs space to sort. Considering that all my stuff must stay in my room ("Don't bring it into my passage! I don't want you to mess up the entire house."), where am I supposed to find this space???? How am I supposed to tidy my room. Admittedly a lot of the stuff is crap - but I'm one of those people who keep stuff 'just in case' - and very often I have ended up using stuff in ways I could have never thought of at the time. And I always keep things with sentimental value (which items can accrue easily) such as my favourite toys from when I was little (amounting to about 4 big chip boxes - not counting stuffed toys, which can make me feel guilty). But that's what my old room is for. My res room was where I kept everything relevent and recent. It also doesn't help that I get sudden whims where I can't go to sleep until i find something first. Like last term, when I went home. I felt a sudden urge to find my collection of ornaments that I used to keep in a potters tray which I had to take off the wall when I was finally allowed to paint my room blue and wasn't allowed to put back up. This happened in grade 7. I eventually found the box at the top of the built in cupboard after piling half my clothes and a few boxes on a chair so that I could reach (damn, I hate being short).

Another thing that doesn't help is that half my cupboard space is being used to store the family's crap - like sandwhich toasters and foot spas (?!?!) that as far as I can remember NO LONGER WORK!!!!!!! But apparently this space (Which I need) will be cleared - when I've cleared up my room. Ggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am not a happy bunny.

Oh, and did I mention that my mom is a minimalist? That also helps...

Not to mention the constant jibes regarding other issues. I'm so glad that I'm leaving later today... :)

And many thanks to MoonFlake for explaining how to register a nick to me! It has saved a small portion of my so called sanity. Even if everyone is busy writing a LARP... oh well.

20 November 2003 02:16

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