From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: TheosThree

Name - Tim Lawrance

Contact Details - email: & phone: 072 2621147


I stay at 20 Culemborg Court, 15 Ednam Road Newlands. To get there turn left at Stardust on Main Road (heading from Rondebosch to Claremont), then right into Ednam Road. Culemborg Court is on your left just past the five-way intersection.


A list of LARPs that I have written or co-written is available on Tims LARPs. I'm particularly keen on re-running Sign of the Star this year (tentatively in September).

Dragonfire 2005 (Carnival)

Finally I got to play some of the Dragonfire? modules at the con itself. Two of my D&D players (Nick and Tyson) plus Rolf and (for the first module) Colin joined me to form Team Ultimate Destroyers. We played the Saturday modules, CarnEvil? (Cthulu) and Cirque des Enfants Oubliettes (UA), and generally enjoyed ourselves though these two modules were scarily similar to each other.

On Saturday evening I ran the LARP Titanica 2 (with d@vid's GMing? assistance). Besides the fact that we were short one player and another had to be gender-changed, it ran very well but late into the night. With our player-base now fully exploited, I don't foresee running this again for a good few years.

Currently busy with...

MSc? thesis (please can it just be over!). The LARP campaign Flower War. The collaborative LARP writing project. Writing a new LARP - still not sure which idea to pursue, though I'm liking the simplicity of Bloodline; on hold until the collaborative LARP writing project is done. DMing? a D&D mini-campaign series The Lord Admirals. Playing a 7th Sea campaign run by Yancke - my character is a dispossessed Castillan (Spanish) noble's son on the run from the Church.

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM