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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I've been a fan of animated art since forever, and a few years back I stumbled onto a furry pin-up page by Caliban. This guy's artwork is amazing and, while depicting nearly-nude women with animal bits, it's not skanky. The art is well-researched and beautifully rendered, either by hand or digitally, and I would seriously like to own a piece that I would put up on my wall. Pictures like this, even non-furry ones (gasp!), are what I consider "art" and not "porn".

This guy, on the other hand, is drawing blatant comic-pron. Warning, definitely not work-friendly. This is the logical conclusion of those spank-mags (like Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose, and Cavewoman) drawn by large, pimply, never-been-kissed men who live in their parents' basements. Well-known comic book women, with breasts larger than their heads, doing things that sad wankers dream of. I'm not a prude, but this is just gross. I like big breasts (and I cannot lie) but these look uncomfortable and I'm sure lead to slipped disks. And the men are just penises, there's not even a body shown in most of them. Cos I mean, really, I don't think the people looking at those care about the man or his penis, it's more what's being done to the penis.

Basically, my point is this: there is a definite line between "nude art" and "pr0n". Although, some people would look at Caliban and deem it "disgusting pornographic material", so I know it's kind of relative, but not that relative. I wouldn't consider Michaelangelo's David as pron, nor any of Boticelli's nudes, which are much more attractive than any of the "nudes" you get nowadays.

Ps: Caliban does commissions, if anybody wants to get me a Pandagirl for my next birthday ;-).

Comment: Art of Caliban... (by MyrdemInggala on 2004-11-11 17:10:24)

Rofl! The "guy" who draws the Art of Caliban pin-ups is Ursula Vernon, my very favourite internet artist. Metal and Magic is her main page.

She also has a webcomic called "Digger", and a very entertaining livejournal.

Comment: bits about bits (by Wither? on 2004-11-12 08:00:18)

interestingly (i think), the nude was traditionally a depiction of divinity - the logic being that we are created in god's image and thus nakedness is perfection. regular mortals were always depicted clothed. doing what they do best, however, the christians came along and ruined everything with their fig-leaf mentality. it's largely thanks to artists like botocelli (who 0wnz) and michaelangelo that the nude resurfaced and evolved to where it is today.

Comment: Re: Art of Caliban... (by FirstFallen? on 2004-11-12 08:44:02)

Ah, thanks, well now I know. Will check it out :-)

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Page last modified on November 11, 2004, at 11:47 AM