PageListTemplatesYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. WhoCanISellMyFirstbornToZomg! This is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Like, ever. My birthday is next month, I will most likely be doing something, and this would be a perfect present. Just putting it out there... Now, really, isn't that shit sweet? edit: RoboRaptor? in SA in September!! Comment: It's odd (by WombatBoy? on 2005-08-19 00:43:35)I actually saw one of those for sale in a toy shop the other day. I want to make toys when (and if) I grow up. :-D Comment: I can get them... (by BlueHands on 2005-08-19 10:40:25)they're going for about £90 over here... you should rather just get another tattoo. ICanTBelieveIForgotAboutTheBirdsThe ad that sparked off that last post: The new Mentos one. With the birds, and the 2Unlimited song. Ok, seriously, I love that ad. I don't know if it's the nostalgia of Std 5 that that song brings back to me, or the really cute birds singing the tune. Oh, the penguins!! Love the penguins. It is a great ad. In other random news: Bardic Event on Saturday was cool, despite presence of less-than-welcome people. My song with Phleep and Vera was cool, or so they tell me. Got lots of gold chocolate coins for it. The recorder ensemble was a bit asploded, due to poor lighting. Sigh. Next time: miners' helmets! Belladonna was ok, despite some people's inability to sing the correct note (which later, at Mike's Karaoke of Doom, was again the cause of Jessica and I trying to climb the wall :P). There is not enough free beer in the world to make some of the songs sung sound good. I have come to a realisation, though, that Karaoke is not the place to show or be appreciated for musical talent. It's all about the drunken bawling and cricket-stadium singalongs. Off to Icon on Wednesday. Hope it doesn't suck. I'm running a module (which I haven't been credited for, grr). Hope ppl like it. Perhaps I should actually sign up for some modules and Larps. Hmm. Two-day Pirate larp! Arrr! Must buy lots of pot-noodle beforehand. HilarityInAdvertisingAfter reading a recent rant on the stupidity in advertising, it occurred to me last night that there are a few ads that I really like, either I think they are good at advertising their product or they are funny. Herewith, a list: 1) That Peugeot ad where the Indian dude gets an elephant to sit on his car and smashes it into the wall to transform it. I first saw it in a cinema in London, and I've loved it ever since. I honestly couldn't tell you why. It might be the mack face he gives the girl at the end, it's like he's thinking "Yeh, I'm hot, even though my car is all beat up". Maybe it's the music. Although, I think my inner Ranjit has something to do with it :P. 2) The Citroen C4 ad. I just love the whole Transformer vibe. And the music is cool. And the dancing is cool. And the car is really cute too. I want one. 3) The Netstar ad with the sock. Man, what an awesome ad. I nearly wet myself when I first saw it. Just the idea of one sock of a pair escaping off to a fantasy sock-paradise island somewhere is really funny. 4) The Momentum ads. There's one with a black dude buying a Merc, and he gets in the back and opens a newspaper when the salesman says "well, try it out". It's so cool, I love that idea of dreaming big. The other one, with the white guy who goes to the top floor of his bldg every day and chats to the secretaries before going downstairs again is less cool, but still inspiring. 5) All the Kulula ads. Ever. 6) The Polka ads. Issit? Yaw. :) These are just what spring to mind immediately. I'll no doubt think of more. Perhaps I should have an "ad of the week"? I know it's considered uncool to be all capitalist and marketing-orientated, but I really appreciate people's creativity when it comes to adverts. There are so many ways to sell a product, and the innovative ones stand out to me. Perhaps I'm the John Q they're aiming for? I don't consider myself an average South African, it's not like the ads make me go "ooh! I have to go get me one of those right now!!". I just appreciate that the makers took time and effort to do research and come up with cool ideas. That's about it. Next episode: my theory on why America is behind the London bombings and 9/11. Comment: Advertising! (by LothrielPixie? on 2005-07-08 14:01:41)It's what I'd like to be in... Damn you Mr. Moore. Interestingly the Citroen ad you mention is identical in the UK - except, that the music used is even better! Much better! (And yes, I've hear mention of the 'The CIA did it" theory - which while a little paranoid is plausable since I can't think of any action that could boost Bush's stupid War-on-Terror more!) Comment: Bush (by FirstFallen? on 2005-07-08 15:58:14)Yep, that's exactly my theory, that he's made all these things for people to be afraid of so that he can get more power to his totalitarian ideas. It's so "The Village". CIA dudes in turbans :P. TheSoundOfMusicIt's been a while since I posted. Nothing really interesting to report, actually. My spare time has been mostly music-focussed recently. Practicing with Belladonna (singing group), practicing recorder (with Tracy and Jess) and practicing a song (with Phleep and Vera), all for Bardic event on 9 July. It's going to be cool. Note to self: write poem. Cannot let rep as leet poet slide :P. Will have to find new venue to practice recorder, as upstairs evil landlady has complained about noise. On a Sunday afternoon at 1! So I guess all the other times over the past 2 weeks when I've been practising at 9pm didn't bother her? I'm seriously considering gassing her. Make it look like an accident. Grrr evil. Did some babysitting. Emma is beautiful and lovely and sweet. Even when she's horrible and crying. Screaming babies do nothing to quell my broodiness. I'm a very calm person in times of crisis. Must remember to buy some smaller knitting needles so I can finally knit all those baby clothes I've promised people. Melanie was horrified to hear that baby wool does not come in black. I have promised not to dress baby Pieterkosky-Moore? in pink. Hehehe. Organised a really cool Birthday Conspiracy for Jessica: black 17" LCD for her PC. She was very very surprised and I think totally overwhelmed. Mwahahahahaha! I am the Queen of Birthday Conspiracies. Went to a Christmas dinner on Saturday. It was awesome! Turkey, a marvelous fillet-stuffed-with-mushrooms-in-blue-cheese-sauce, Christmas pudding and mince pies with brandy butter. It's allll good. Mmmm. Only drawback was that I missed Phleep's gig (apparently a very good one). Played the SCA present game (lots of stealing involved) and came out with a wierd coaster from Bright House that Michael assures me is the height of trendy fashion. I'll take his Yuppie-loft-living word for it. Cutest moment of the evening: 2 Jack Russell puppies fighting over a Santa hat. Really cute, even though they were smelly puppies. Hoping to go see Batman Begins this week. It looks very cool. Mmmm, Christian Bale / Katie Holmes action. TheseBootsAreMadeForAssKickingWhooo hoooooo!!!!!! :-D Guess what. No, really, guess. I found boots!! That I like!! That fit!!!!11!! Went to Canala Walk with mommy this morning, after going to the doc to get what I thought were warts burnt off. Turns out they weren't warts and had to be cut out. So, some local anaesthetic and a sharp scalpel later (+1 stitch to tummy), I'm a little sore. Round the corner to Canal Walk, and the first place we went was Stuttafords, cos we happened to come in at that entrance. Having a big sale, 25% off, which, on the only pair of boots I liked (R800), didn't really help much. Had a good breakfast at the coffee shop there. Mmmm, eggs Benedict (no, not Darth Pope). Was on the way to Woolies when mom goes "Oh, look, there's a shoe shop". Called Next Step. Millions of boots in the window. We go in, and there it is, the exact boot I want. Fake leather, looks like a normal round-toed shoe in front, but goes up to the calf. Flat (well, curved really) rubber sole. R170!! Also got a pair of stretchy black pleather knee-highs, very smart, small heel like riding boots. R210!! So, ultimate scorage. Also, ultimate pwnage on that damn game Kings of Chaos. Some dude just attacked me and stole 53000 gold! {angry} Despite my ork beserker army and rabid pitbulls. I'm off to teach him a lesson. Stupid MMORPGs?. Grr.