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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. So, yeh, nothing much happening recently. Had a really cool lunch with Erica, Hila and Melanie on Thursday. I'd forgotten how much fun hanging out with girls can be. They're such cugels{cool}. Friday had Shelagh and Erica over for dinner and chat, was great. Mmmm, leet veggie chow mein. Mmmm, tofu and shiitake mushrooms. Erica stayed over, was cool. Saturday we went fabric shopping. I love fabric shopping. I just love the possibilities that spring to mind when looking at all that gorgeous cloth. This might be why I've got 2 boxes full of fabric that I'm "planning to do stuff with". Then we went to lunch, she went home, I went to Cara's party. It was so cool, really chilled and great company. I do so love to tease Stacey about her enormous boep:-p.

Sunday, slept late with Panda, much cuddling. Then went to watch Hellboy. It's sooo cool, and I'm glad I waited to see it big-screen. Damn worth it. The SFX are amazing, although they could've had more of the cool fishguy. Oh, and by the way, AVP!!!!111!!!! I can't wait. Not at all. I think I might explode before it comes on. I stood for 10 minutes looking at the posters making quiet alien noises. Drool. I can't wait! Also, the Village looks kickass. Like, M Night rocks. He does. He's just cool. And creepy. Sunday night was spent reading, after recovering from migraine brought on by faulty sound system in cinema. The shiny card is cool tho, gave mine to Ada, who's a frotho Helloboy fangirl.

Other than that, not much, looking forward to the EOY party on Wednesday. Hope the band is good. And now, I will munch my custard copenhagen...

Comment: Card? (by SynKronos? on 2004-10-12 16:20:52)

You get a shiny card for going to see it at the cinema? Cool. I must ask Ada to show me sometime.

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Page last modified on October 12, 2004, at 11:37 AM