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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. wielding a flaming sword is a lot of fun - next time I'll see if I can set the whole blade on fire, not just the tip.

Weekend was full of laughing and shouts of rage...most of them on saturday evening.

The Con X game for friday was put on hold so I spent the evening watching dvds - even saw Love Actually, and saw something Hila had once asked me about.
Saturday was a rush: volunteer work as Wynbery Library, like normal and then off to Fuzzy's studio to get stuff ready for the larp. One of the more funny incidents there was me going "ARGGGGGHHHHH!" everything Fuzzy said "auspex" while we were writing up the ability - I had to keep printing the same sheet over for auspexy characters. UM...doesn't seem funny reading it - was one of those "you had to be there moments" The evening went down pretty smoothly - except for a couple of incidents like the church door keys not being where they were supposed to be - we did the larp inside the church itself rather than the halls...made for an interesting setting. And everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves - especially some of the newbies. And I felt sorry for Dave42, but it was his own fault.
And I had fun running through with a flaming sword... ...followed by howls of frustration when it was announced that was it - larp was finished for the night. EVERYONE wanted one action, but us marshalls being bastards said no.
Must be in first larp to end with a cliff hanger :-p Then it was off for drinks at One Ring and Gotham

Sunday was spent shopping with my mom for M's-day and after that went to watch some blue's band in Tableview with Antz and her friends...even ran into the guy who was the barman at the larp - Karel was doing live sound for the band. All in all a quite entertaining weekend.

Now I need to sort out the next larp and also get the photos up.

Comment: don't feel sorry for me (by DaveFortyTwo? on 2005-05-09 13:10:39)

Whoever feels sorry for me really doesn't get it - I had so much fun. I was a bit surprised to still be alive 30 minutes into the LARP - immobilisation was too good for my character, IMHO :-D

Comment: blues band? (by FirstFallen? on 2005-05-09 13:36:26)

was it at Guzzler's, by any chance? you might have spotted white a lot of my family there :P.

Comment: Re: don't feel sorry for me (by BlueHands on 2005-05-09 14:46:27)

Well...someone felt sorry enough for you to give your eyesight back

But you had fun..so that's the important thing

Comment: Re: blues band? (by BlueHands on 2005-05-09 14:49:38)

actually - yes it was at Guzzler's. Considering I've never met anyone from your family and the place was pre-ety full I could have looked right at them and not realised it at all {eek} Mind you I wasn't out looking for people who looked like you either.

Comment: subconcious freudian-esque slips (by FirstFallen? on 2005-05-09 16:14:16)

i just realised that i'd typed "white" instead of "quite". damn, that's really funny, considering that my parents are extremely northern suburbs. my dad is a huge afrikaner with a _snor_of note. rofl. :-D

Comment: Re: subconcious freudian-esque slips (by BlueHands on 2005-05-09 16:20:53)

there were quite a few snors there {eek}

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Page last modified on May 09, 2005, at 07:49 AM