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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well, I've finally had enough gumption to type something - and all the students flock in to demand my attention. I would like a cattle prod...actually it's not that bad. Helps make the day go by faster.

So the weekend was interesting. Spent friday sorting things out at home and watching movies. Did get an invite to go out, but I directed him to the Porno Party at One ring. Don't know if he went though.

Saturday, got a late start and went shopping for parts of a present for Hendri. Got them and headed to WORG which was kinda fun. Turns out that the teacher heading up the society attends my church and we had a chat about people not talking to each other. After that and a very long game of munchkin fu, which I bowed out of, headed to Ian's, courtesy of Sheelagh, and chilled until Michelle's party.

The party...yes...could say much about that, won't. Although I'm sure we disturbed her friends from her childhood years. shiny! Had a fun time though. Enjoyed myself though.

Sunday went home and spent the day cleaning under my bed. This is a big thing for me 'cos my room is always in a mess. Was supposed to meet with some teens to discuss Vampire game but decided that sleep was more important. Slept early. :-) hm...sleep

This morning started with a bang - find out that my friend Matthew, over in the UK, went and posted a pick of me on his blog. Damn bastard! If I find a picture of him I'll return the favour. However you can read about his mediocre life at http://stoneheadtalks.blogspot.com

Also AcidBaby? posted the HUSH picture (which I really like) on at his deviantart site. Go see it at: babyacid.deviantart.com

decided to eat lots of food with seratonin in it...cheaper than taking happy drugs.

Also ran into a friend today during lunch. It was a good thing talking to Thomas, helped me put my feet back on the ground. And I helped him so yippee for us.

Okay I'm going now. gotta chase the students out so that I can go to Chrysalis meeting.

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Page last modified on October 18, 2004, at 02:21 PM