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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. yes I made fudge last night. Haven't made it for a long long time. Damn, at least 10 years - my sister used to make it and I'd steal it. With her out I've had to come up with other plans. Only problem is...I can't eat it.

So what can I regale you with today? I'm changing. Things that held true last year, month, week, day even 10 minutes ago don't hold true any more. So...where does that leave me? Other than having a box of fudge? ;-)

what I find interesting is that as my perception changes so does my contact with people around me. For instance tonight is the party at One Ring. At the same time is a get together at Coffee Bean for a birthday tomorrow. Ordinarily I'd have gone to CB, but I'm not 'cos I feel it's irrelevant or simply not necessary.

No...I not going to turn into a new-age-hippy-pseudochristian-pagan-atheist-thingie. Then again I have nooooo idea of where I'm going. And for once I kind of like the ideal of letting go of the steering wheel.

oh and 191 days before the BDM comes out in the US. Not a clue if and when it'll make it here...yes I know, I'm such a sad fanboy.

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Page last modified on October 13, 2004, at 08:20 AM