NeverPlay30SecondsWhenTiredYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. weekends are for relaxing...catching up sleep...why the hell am I so exhausted - ACTUALLY I know why, just feeling sorry of myself. Past week was quiet...mostly spent looking at Jeremiah core rules, I arrived wednesday and I've been reading through it since - nice ideas. Friday Danielle and I had a chat at Oblivion about the storm, we both agree that it was freaking wierd and should not have happened...mind you neither of us are climatologists. Then her friends showed up and cos Tarryn's boyfriend was there all intelligent conversation went out the window...long story. Almost went clubbing with Marilyn...can't remember why I didn't. Saturday was spent at the library then had friends over for a braai...was fun, just a late night 4 larps in 6 weeks(starting from this coming weekend) with a 5th one on the way...damn. At though the only one I'm actually worried about it the one I'm running for the guys from my parent's church - yes, a bunch of christians planning people who aren't nice. Should be interesting - still struggling to decide who to cast as the prostitute. And I got the last fax I need for the visa application... |