MissedTheHolisticFairAgainYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. next time I'm aiming higher... so times things don't go as you planned...so times they do...I'm learning to take them as them come and not stress. Well I am! Last few days have been fun. Got to see my baby sister on friday telling me to come through to Peddlars on the Bend. So I headed through...and spent time with Danielle and her friends. Was fun, especially when the group moved to her friend's place. Spent the rest of the night talking crap, playing 30 seconds (I'm sure the one girl has studied the cards), diving in the pool (with scuba gear, something I haven't done for years) and generally waiting for sunrise. So really interesting and fun chats, although taking Simon's dogs for a walk to the dam at 5:30 in the morning was fun. Eventually got home at about 8am. And slept, which meant I got out of painting the house. That evening some friends, all of whom I had worked with at the bank, came around for a braai. I had found out that Thomas had gotten married on tuesday and so I got to meet his wife, very nice woman. Still surprised that he had gotten married so quickly...but hey, each to their own. So we spent the rest of the night drinking and braaiing...although I was supposed to link up with Danielle to do another all night after the braai. BUT when I phoned, she told me that everyone had bailed on her so she was spending the night at home. Sunday was spent recovering from the last two nights...and catching up on tv I haven't watched in the last two weeks. Only this morning did I found out that the Holistic Fair was on sunday...I honestly thought it was this coming weekend...again I miss out. Just my luck - maybe I'm not supposed to go there for a reason. Who knows...who cares I have 2 weeks before HC kicks off and I still have to feel the pressure...will keep you posted on that one Although it'll be a while before it kicks in anyway...maybe the wednesday of HC. now for something different: How D&D changed the world! Yes I know I'm a role-playing geek...although at the mo, I feel nothing inside like one...then again I feel nothing... Other bit of news - I fiddled around got MNSM working...you have no idea how much of a issue it was...but I'm not chatting to people...well one really cool lady. ah.... |