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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Look like a lot of bruises are heading my way this weekend...

Some of has to do with the p-b tomorrow, the rest has to do with tonight. The way some of the guys have been going on lately I think I'm bailing someone out of a fight. Whether it's within the group or with an external party I don't know - all I do know is that the guys wouldn't fight with me, they learnt a long time ago that I use different rules altogether.

Then there's Elektra...more bruises on screen ::p:

Library's coming along nicely, Gary's putting in my counters for the computers and reading area - yippee! Now I just need to catalogue the couple hundred books into the collection - woohoo!

And I've finally got Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars...and a friend is converting the files to copy onto dvd and I'll be able to watch on my dvd player. SHINY!

Now I need to make it through the day without damaging a student...too much. Only thing of interest is me going to have a look at the theatre at S&M Studios...Simon and co spent last month building it.

Comment: theatrical flap (by d@vid on 2005-02-05 17:26:48)

the only things of interest to me are:
when issa next IllusionOfFreeWill?? {eek} submit damn zammow report
{eek} submit campaign classified {cool} ooh, send photos of theatre - are we talking LARP venue? :-D

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Page last modified on February 04, 2005, at 07:37 AM